More centralization with the GOP plan = more power to the bureaucratic overseers. Plan B's decentralization makes a lot more sense.

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Oct 5Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

excellent, Dr Jack! while ANY reforms are better than none, the GOP proposal sounds like a sprinkle of 'reforms' in the same flavor. your plan is on the right path; a vision of what health care should be, as opposed to 'sick' care.

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Oct 5Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

One of the most important changes needed is the closure of the revolving door between the regulators and the regulated!

No agency employee except perhaps, the janitor, should be allowed to work for any regulated company for an extended period of time. The same restrictions should apply to the regulated company employees wanting to work for the regulatory agency.

You can’t serve two masters and that is exactly what these people are doing!

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Did you forget allergies? They're right there in NIAID's name! Aluminum adjuvants are put into vaccines specifically to induce allergies (as well as autoimmune diseases, autism, etc.).

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I think allergies come under autoimmune diseases, which can be because of adjuvants in the totally unnecessary injections!

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A needed addition to any plan (that is not total dismantlement) is consequences.

There needs to be ironclad consequences for intentional/willful deception, lack of transparency, and the lack of reporting these infractions, when one knew of them - further allowing harm to the public.

Had laws like this been in place decades ago, fauci and many more would have still been jailed today, for their AZT experimentation and murders. All who came after him would have thought 5 times, before following in his footsteps - because they'd know a jail cell awaited them, for the same types of infractions.

People - on the whole - have a penchant to do the wrong thing for the wrong reasons (profit, power, malice, ease, convenience, pathologic gratification and more), unless there's a consequence for that wrong action. While a smaller subset might still misbehave in the face of a harsh consequence, the majority will pause, weigh the costs and usually chose a different path.

However, when they know there's no real possibility they'll have to pay for their crimes, there is nothing to stop them from maniacally plowing ahead. We see this play out in the flash-mob thefts pf gas stations and convenience shops.

Bureaucrats with power, money and protection have little to no reason, to personally and administratively behave, or consider the peoples' welfare above and beyond their own gains.

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What is required is a results oriented framework. That is these agencies get increases in budgets only if the health of the nation within their specialty improves and continues to do so. No more symptom treatments, we want cures and prevention.

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NIH, NIAID, CDC all need to be gutted. The reform starts by removing the revolving door of employment between pHARMa and employees of these agencies. The cronyism needs to be legislated against as well. Only then will we see some sort of change short of just evil POS working for these agencies.

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