HepB shot is contaminated with yeast proteins and will cause allergy to yeast. Have not heard of milk protein contamination until now. How is that related to SIDS?
Aluminum adjuvant. Had to revive my adopted son several times until we made a no milk formula. Hospital gave him milk-based formula same day as Hep-B shot.
I don't believe studies anyhow; personal observation takes precedence.
My understanding is that the Military let contracts with the vaccine makers for Gene Therapy Drivers and they paid about 18 million Dollars to get that ball rolling.
The purpose of the drivers was to depopulate, once those vaccines, as they were called, were delivered and a point in that, the BionTech top dog refuses to take his vaccines because he knows they injure and kill, as was their purpose and he wants to be on hand to make more, which he won't be able to do if he is dead.
I read that the vaccines had nothing to do with Covid, they were to target the Dentifrice Cells in the Lymph Nodes, but I don't understand the purpose of that, but perhaps you do.
Brownstone have published that the Covid vaccines scare was a Military operation, one that was successful to a degree, the deaths and injuries they achieved, so I'm sure with Bird Flu vaccines they will achieve even more.
Bill Rice, on his substack, recently published how much each American politician has been paid by Big Pharma, over and above the payments by Government for the positions they got through the vote of we the people and the large incomes they were paid ,with lurks and perks to keep them honest (ha ha) and they don't want those numbers to come out or be held accountable for being bribed by Big Pharma to do Big Pharma's wishes, do they, but as an example, Harris has been paid 11.5 million and Biden just under 10 million - so to whom does their loyalty lie now?
It is the same with all politicians everywhere - "he who pays the piper, calls the tune"
Citations are for "qualified statements", but when everyone has been paid off by Big Pharma, that's not going to happen is it - and this substack has little clout outside of it, because the majority of people don't know it exists or they have been told its anti vaccines - try posting this stuff on Quora and see how long you last there, by way of example.
Anyway, Trump is cleaning all of the Government records and soon the only information you will get is what Trump and Big Pharma wants you to read and that's that
however, for all viruses I suggest you do this: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm water. Go into your bathroom and swallow two mouthfuls to sort out anything which has got down there, then cup a hand, pour some of the mix into your cupped hand and sniff or snort the remaining mugful up your nose, in stages until all is gone.
If you have a burning sensation you have a virus and the salt water is killing the virus infection in your head.
It will burn for a few minutes (but won't hurt you otherwise) and then the pain will go away, so when it does, take some toilet paper off the toilet roll and blow your nose out in it, then flush that away, washing your hands afterwards.
Do this simple cure 3 times a day, or more often for a quicker result, until when you flush, it feels like you are flushing with plain water and no pain is felt - job done.
I have been doing this simple cure for over 35 years and in that time I have never been ill from any virus or more lately, being shedded on by the vaccinated who now make up 97% of the population here, so we are told.
The salt water goes throughout your nasal passages, behind your eyes, ears, brain bulb brain stem - where for my money, Long Covid likes to stay and when you get an infection in your head, there is nothing to stop it becoming, for the sake of example, Covid, the disease, which flows down into your body in the one liter of snot or mucus our head produces daily, the engine oil of your body - if flows down the back of your neck unnoticed because it is and always has been a lifetime thing - the top of your throat is at a point half way up your ears and not at mouth level, as you will quickly discover with my free salt water cure.
I've never had a vaccine because I've never needed one, in other words, why reinvent the wheel when you have an unbeatable wheel to run with, in the first place?
NanoGraphi produce the nanotubes which make up the Moderna Covid-19 patented 2013 virus, vaccines and without the nanotubes neither Moderna or Pfizer or anyone else would have been able to make them - Google NanoGraphi. Everyone vaccinated, now has that nanotechnology injected into them and they now emit a signal to the cell towers like a mobile phone without a speaker or hearing device - it was possible to pick up those signals from your mobile phone, but latest mobile phones probably don't have that capability any more. Apparently, the dead in the ground still emit their signals, when scanned, though obviously, if incinerated, that won't happen. Why - Don't know, but this whole vaccines thing was a Military incentive and the Military don't do these things for no reason, so your guess is as good as mine - let me put that another way, why spend trillions of Dollars to achieve a predetermined goal and then having successfully achieved it, do nothing afterwards? A case in question was this, which the vaccinated now are: https://madisonarealymesupportgroup.com/2021/12/14/german-chemist-dr-andreas-noack-found-dead-after-exposing-presence-of-graphene-hydroxide-in-covid-vaccines-not-the-first-time-a-doctor-has-been-persecuted-or-eliminated-also-free-resources/
Even better if Health Freedom warriors explained mRNA TRANSFECTIONS were never vaccines they are decades old bench tool for ALL virology & vaccine design using CRISPR clones of consensus sequences grown in E.coli w purity and uniformity NEVER possible in Nature that never has identical anything.
Calling mRNA TRANSFECTIONS vaccines is perpetuating fraud & lobotomy level criminal malpractice known to be impossible since 1999 death of Jesse Gelsinger that proved human bodies NEVER tolerate foreign/non-self proteins even if that repairs genetic flaw causing disease. Lies start to finish.
People blaming DoD forget Commander in Chief has ultimate authority.. they have no grasp of Federal structure & mistake deployment with direct the op that fell under HHS.. the bigger fraud is that RNA can NEVER pandemic GoF is basic virology using synthetic clones grown in E.coli so it is possible to have model to design vaccines.
The PCR used as diagnostic cannot identify specific virus but do collect DNA to feed AI for human genome project.. pandemic potential is biologically impossible.
Agreed - I've refused them all - I used my free salt water cure and for those vaccinated who shed on me from time to time, it works perfectly - confirmed by Alberta University as working 100% according to Steve Kirsch - I would suggest the advantages of this substack are to give you an alternative picture of what is really going on behind the scenes and if you are wise, you will look to the future with my free virus cure and your ongoing safety and have vaccines as a very, very last resort, if you really have no other choice.
Bill Gates may fund the CDC Foundation (I don't know for certain). The US taxpayer funds the CDC. Why does the American taxpayer not speak up so that the CDC listens?
Bill Gates funds the CDC and back in 2019/20 Pfizer for BionTech paid the CDC 3,5 million Dollars to release their vaccines first, before Moderna and 9 weeks before the CDC approved Pfizer's vaccines (which BionTech said were Gene Therapy Injections in a book they published recently) Bill bought 50 million Dollars worth of Pfizer vaccines which he sold last year for 450 million Dollars, making a cool 400 million profit and I bet Bill did not pay income tax on it either - This is the Bill Gates who is a computer nerd and who invented Windows, an operating system I use, as it happens - Bill is not medically technically savvy and he wants to depopulate the world of us, his Human Rubbish and King Charles 3rd apparently coined that phrase and this is the Great Reset, which means precisely what, do you think, if not depopulation?
Where are you getting the information that Bill Gates directly funds the actual CDC? Please speak verified facts as muddying the water with non-facts makes it difficult for people to understand. Congress has power of the purse. Government agencies have very specific rules about accepting gifts. The CDC is separate and distinct from the CDC Foundation; Congress currently permits funds from the foundation to go to the CDC for mission work. This is not the same thing as the CDC accepting funds from anyone. I’m personally not at all interested in Bill Gates. It's clear he is not a person of integrity.
Fun fact.. CDC has Atlanta HQ not DC because it is rebranded data collection unit for Rockefeller Eugenics project tracking Tuskegee syphilis experiment. History!!
After some 33 years of deep reading on the vax industry, I've come to the only logical conclusion, that no vaccine has ever prevented any disease or infection ever....and that their sole purposes are to sicken, sterilize, mame, and kill to serve both the pharma-profiting from human ailments and also the population control agenda widely spoken about at the United Nations. The "science" has only been focused on how to control public perceptions....certainly not usefulness, public health, or safety.
My reading has found some vaccines to have efficacy for their stated purpose, but considerable evidence indicating the risks exceed the benefits for any and all of them. But none fully PREVENT the diseases.
The polio vaccine even evidently even CAUSES the paralytic illness formerly known as poliomyelitis, but now variously renamed; the vaccine having been misdirected at a virus that has evidently been framed for a condition caused by poisoning, and now paralyzing tens of thousands per year in India.
There is no need to exaggerate the point to make a straw man argument, which is what vax believers do. Let's leave the logical fallacies to the apologists, and point out the fallacies.
Very well stated. One aspect that has not be addressed is the use of the Brighton Collaboration from the WHO for causality assessment of adverse events from vaccines. Long term effects are not measured, multiple doses are not measured etc. The causality assessment does not use a probability approach as is done for drugs.. etc
Likewise, as noted in this article, indirect effects are totally ignored, such as cencer rates, cardivascular issues, autoimmune conditions, and even suicide rates, accidents, criminal acts, and other issues that mental impairment due to poisoning might affect. These can only be assessed by controlled population-wide comparisons between the unvaccinated and vaccinated.
Very well stated. This is the way forward, to point out the deeply entrenched corruption, so as to inform, rather than attack, opening the door for people to see the light that has been blocked out.
check out and rerad carefully a petition at cieizengo.org.. say no to the who,s health dictatorship-reject the pandemic treaty..be aware its a qworldwide petition it cabn be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours..also be aware citizengo are an independent organisation which simply means that no government can interfere with censor or suppress this petition FACT..it currently has 132,747, signatures
Thanks for your above two replies - I am, quite obviously not qualified in any way to be able to discuss biology as both of you have done.
I think the biggest problem with our society is that the majority of us have been taught to do what we are told and to not question anything.
I remember as a trainee teacher, many years ago, we taught kids to "think outside the box", but it seems to me now and for the past 20 years or so, that thinking has changed to not thinking outside the box and doing what you are told - always take the path of least resistance, which is why it was so easy to "nudge" the multitude into getting their vaccines shots - shots which the majority still regard as having saved their lives - my Doctor being one of those, although, obviously, he is paid to be thinking that way, otherwise he would lose his medical accreditation and have to find some other work for a living.
The contents of the vaccines are taken up into the DNA and Human Genome of each of the people injected, changing their Genetic Identity - and just like any other GMO product and therein is my greatest concern, especially as this was a Military operation whose purpose is yet to be revealed, at least for the vaccinated and it is an irreversible condition.
'I think the biggest problem with our society is that the majority of us have been taught to do what we are told and to not question anything.'
That was the main point of this article.
As for your final paragraph, I think you're talking about the mRNA vaccines, and it might not apply to all of the classic vaccines. They have their own problems.
Hep b at birth is clearly serious safety concern. But it its defense, my impression is that before 1991 when hep b was made univseral, we had some kind of targeted hep b vaccination but it did not seem to reduce hep b rates until switching to universal vax. Though not all hep b will lead to cancer. Also, it seems that if someone in the home has hep b, the chance of picking it up is extremely high and does not require blood contact, etc. So a targeted approach would need to do more than jsut test the mom but also the family and close contacts. It would be important to look at if the previous targeted program failed to do that. "Ring testing" as opposed to ring vaccination I suppose it could be termed.
The Hepatitis B Shot for Newborns causes milk allergy, and thus SIDS.
Any shots, any time, with aluminum, mercury, or PEG is too many. The goal is depopulation.
“causes milk allergy, and thus SIDS”
You have links to the studies?
HepB shot is contaminated with yeast proteins and will cause allergy to yeast. Have not heard of milk protein contamination until now. How is that related to SIDS?
Aluminum adjuvant. Had to revive my adopted son several times until we made a no milk formula. Hospital gave him milk-based formula same day as Hep-B shot.
I don't believe studies anyhow; personal observation takes precedence.
My favorite parts of Covid:
People really do have a Panic Button.
It's useless to me without citations
Not useless, because I know that information is available, but citations are always helpful.
My understanding is that the Military let contracts with the vaccine makers for Gene Therapy Drivers and they paid about 18 million Dollars to get that ball rolling.
The purpose of the drivers was to depopulate, once those vaccines, as they were called, were delivered and a point in that, the BionTech top dog refuses to take his vaccines because he knows they injure and kill, as was their purpose and he wants to be on hand to make more, which he won't be able to do if he is dead.
I read that the vaccines had nothing to do with Covid, they were to target the Dentifrice Cells in the Lymph Nodes, but I don't understand the purpose of that, but perhaps you do.
Brownstone have published that the Covid vaccines scare was a Military operation, one that was successful to a degree, the deaths and injuries they achieved, so I'm sure with Bird Flu vaccines they will achieve even more.
Bill Rice, on his substack, recently published how much each American politician has been paid by Big Pharma, over and above the payments by Government for the positions they got through the vote of we the people and the large incomes they were paid ,with lurks and perks to keep them honest (ha ha) and they don't want those numbers to come out or be held accountable for being bribed by Big Pharma to do Big Pharma's wishes, do they, but as an example, Harris has been paid 11.5 million and Biden just under 10 million - so to whom does their loyalty lie now?
It is the same with all politicians everywhere - "he who pays the piper, calls the tune"
Citations are for "qualified statements", but when everyone has been paid off by Big Pharma, that's not going to happen is it - and this substack has little clout outside of it, because the majority of people don't know it exists or they have been told its anti vaccines - try posting this stuff on Quora and see how long you last there, by way of example.
Anyway, Trump is cleaning all of the Government records and soon the only information you will get is what Trump and Big Pharma wants you to read and that's that
however, for all viruses I suggest you do this: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm water. Go into your bathroom and swallow two mouthfuls to sort out anything which has got down there, then cup a hand, pour some of the mix into your cupped hand and sniff or snort the remaining mugful up your nose, in stages until all is gone.
If you have a burning sensation you have a virus and the salt water is killing the virus infection in your head.
It will burn for a few minutes (but won't hurt you otherwise) and then the pain will go away, so when it does, take some toilet paper off the toilet roll and blow your nose out in it, then flush that away, washing your hands afterwards.
Do this simple cure 3 times a day, or more often for a quicker result, until when you flush, it feels like you are flushing with plain water and no pain is felt - job done.
I have been doing this simple cure for over 35 years and in that time I have never been ill from any virus or more lately, being shedded on by the vaccinated who now make up 97% of the population here, so we are told.
The salt water goes throughout your nasal passages, behind your eyes, ears, brain bulb brain stem - where for my money, Long Covid likes to stay and when you get an infection in your head, there is nothing to stop it becoming, for the sake of example, Covid, the disease, which flows down into your body in the one liter of snot or mucus our head produces daily, the engine oil of your body - if flows down the back of your neck unnoticed because it is and always has been a lifetime thing - the top of your throat is at a point half way up your ears and not at mouth level, as you will quickly discover with my free salt water cure.
I've never had a vaccine because I've never needed one, in other words, why reinvent the wheel when you have an unbeatable wheel to run with, in the first place?
NanoGraphi produce the nanotubes which make up the Moderna Covid-19 patented 2013 virus, vaccines and without the nanotubes neither Moderna or Pfizer or anyone else would have been able to make them - Google NanoGraphi. Everyone vaccinated, now has that nanotechnology injected into them and they now emit a signal to the cell towers like a mobile phone without a speaker or hearing device - it was possible to pick up those signals from your mobile phone, but latest mobile phones probably don't have that capability any more. Apparently, the dead in the ground still emit their signals, when scanned, though obviously, if incinerated, that won't happen. Why - Don't know, but this whole vaccines thing was a Military incentive and the Military don't do these things for no reason, so your guess is as good as mine - let me put that another way, why spend trillions of Dollars to achieve a predetermined goal and then having successfully achieved it, do nothing afterwards? A case in question was this, which the vaccinated now are: https://madisonarealymesupportgroup.com/2021/12/14/german-chemist-dr-andreas-noack-found-dead-after-exposing-presence-of-graphene-hydroxide-in-covid-vaccines-not-the-first-time-a-doctor-has-been-persecuted-or-eliminated-also-free-resources/
Even better if Health Freedom warriors explained mRNA TRANSFECTIONS were never vaccines they are decades old bench tool for ALL virology & vaccine design using CRISPR clones of consensus sequences grown in E.coli w purity and uniformity NEVER possible in Nature that never has identical anything.
Calling mRNA TRANSFECTIONS vaccines is perpetuating fraud & lobotomy level criminal malpractice known to be impossible since 1999 death of Jesse Gelsinger that proved human bodies NEVER tolerate foreign/non-self proteins even if that repairs genetic flaw causing disease. Lies start to finish.
People blaming DoD forget Commander in Chief has ultimate authority.. they have no grasp of Federal structure & mistake deployment with direct the op that fell under HHS.. the bigger fraud is that RNA can NEVER pandemic GoF is basic virology using synthetic clones grown in E.coli so it is possible to have model to design vaccines.
The PCR used as diagnostic cannot identify specific virus but do collect DNA to feed AI for human genome project.. pandemic potential is biologically impossible.
Fab overview of the myths & myth makers
NIH funded 2016 GoF review.. bogus vaccine stockpile models nothing more.
How about to saying a big fat NO to these insane vaccine regimens?
Agreed - I've refused them all - I used my free salt water cure and for those vaccinated who shed on me from time to time, it works perfectly - confirmed by Alberta University as working 100% according to Steve Kirsch - I would suggest the advantages of this substack are to give you an alternative picture of what is really going on behind the scenes and if you are wise, you will look to the future with my free virus cure and your ongoing safety and have vaccines as a very, very last resort, if you really have no other choice.
Bill Gates funds the CDC, so who do you think they listen to?
Bill Gates may fund the CDC Foundation (I don't know for certain). The US taxpayer funds the CDC. Why does the American taxpayer not speak up so that the CDC listens?
Bill Gates funds the CDC and back in 2019/20 Pfizer for BionTech paid the CDC 3,5 million Dollars to release their vaccines first, before Moderna and 9 weeks before the CDC approved Pfizer's vaccines (which BionTech said were Gene Therapy Injections in a book they published recently) Bill bought 50 million Dollars worth of Pfizer vaccines which he sold last year for 450 million Dollars, making a cool 400 million profit and I bet Bill did not pay income tax on it either - This is the Bill Gates who is a computer nerd and who invented Windows, an operating system I use, as it happens - Bill is not medically technically savvy and he wants to depopulate the world of us, his Human Rubbish and King Charles 3rd apparently coined that phrase and this is the Great Reset, which means precisely what, do you think, if not depopulation?
As if Winblows has virus free code so humans should be easier to protect.
Where are you getting the information that Bill Gates directly funds the actual CDC? Please speak verified facts as muddying the water with non-facts makes it difficult for people to understand. Congress has power of the purse. Government agencies have very specific rules about accepting gifts. The CDC is separate and distinct from the CDC Foundation; Congress currently permits funds from the foundation to go to the CDC for mission work. This is not the same thing as the CDC accepting funds from anyone. I’m personally not at all interested in Bill Gates. It's clear he is not a person of integrity.
Fun fact.. CDC has Atlanta HQ not DC because it is rebranded data collection unit for Rockefeller Eugenics project tracking Tuskegee syphilis experiment. History!!
Are you a doctor of Medicine or a doctor of theology or something else?
Dr. Jack, I found this paper some while back: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/365417868_Health_versus_Disorder_Disease_and_Death_Unvaccinated_Persons_Are_Incommensurably_Healthier_than_Vaccinated
Any thoughts? Thanks!
Unfortunately it can be dismissed as a survey. Maybe under the new department, a deep dive into the actual data will be done.
cf. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
After some 33 years of deep reading on the vax industry, I've come to the only logical conclusion, that no vaccine has ever prevented any disease or infection ever....and that their sole purposes are to sicken, sterilize, mame, and kill to serve both the pharma-profiting from human ailments and also the population control agenda widely spoken about at the United Nations. The "science" has only been focused on how to control public perceptions....certainly not usefulness, public health, or safety.
My reading has found some vaccines to have efficacy for their stated purpose, but considerable evidence indicating the risks exceed the benefits for any and all of them. But none fully PREVENT the diseases.
The polio vaccine even evidently even CAUSES the paralytic illness formerly known as poliomyelitis, but now variously renamed; the vaccine having been misdirected at a virus that has evidently been framed for a condition caused by poisoning, and now paralyzing tens of thousands per year in India.
There is no need to exaggerate the point to make a straw man argument, which is what vax believers do. Let's leave the logical fallacies to the apologists, and point out the fallacies.
Very well stated. One aspect that has not be addressed is the use of the Brighton Collaboration from the WHO for causality assessment of adverse events from vaccines. Long term effects are not measured, multiple doses are not measured etc. The causality assessment does not use a probability approach as is done for drugs.. etc
Likewise, as noted in this article, indirect effects are totally ignored, such as cencer rates, cardivascular issues, autoimmune conditions, and even suicide rates, accidents, criminal acts, and other issues that mental impairment due to poisoning might affect. These can only be assessed by controlled population-wide comparisons between the unvaccinated and vaccinated.
Yes, exactly. Because the Brighton Collaboration causality assessment doesn’t allow for determination of non immunological effects
Very well stated. This is the way forward, to point out the deeply entrenched corruption, so as to inform, rather than attack, opening the door for people to see the light that has been blocked out.
check out and rerad carefully a petition at cieizengo.org.. say no to the who,s health dictatorship-reject the pandemic treaty..be aware its a qworldwide petition it cabn be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours..also be aware citizengo are an independent organisation which simply means that no government can interfere with censor or suppress this petition FACT..it currently has 132,747, signatures
Thanks for your above two replies - I am, quite obviously not qualified in any way to be able to discuss biology as both of you have done.
I think the biggest problem with our society is that the majority of us have been taught to do what we are told and to not question anything.
I remember as a trainee teacher, many years ago, we taught kids to "think outside the box", but it seems to me now and for the past 20 years or so, that thinking has changed to not thinking outside the box and doing what you are told - always take the path of least resistance, which is why it was so easy to "nudge" the multitude into getting their vaccines shots - shots which the majority still regard as having saved their lives - my Doctor being one of those, although, obviously, he is paid to be thinking that way, otherwise he would lose his medical accreditation and have to find some other work for a living.
The contents of the vaccines are taken up into the DNA and Human Genome of each of the people injected, changing their Genetic Identity - and just like any other GMO product and therein is my greatest concern, especially as this was a Military operation whose purpose is yet to be revealed, at least for the vaccinated and it is an irreversible condition.
'I think the biggest problem with our society is that the majority of us have been taught to do what we are told and to not question anything.'
That was the main point of this article.
As for your final paragraph, I think you're talking about the mRNA vaccines, and it might not apply to all of the classic vaccines. They have their own problems.
Hep b at birth is clearly serious safety concern. But it its defense, my impression is that before 1991 when hep b was made univseral, we had some kind of targeted hep b vaccination but it did not seem to reduce hep b rates until switching to universal vax. Though not all hep b will lead to cancer. Also, it seems that if someone in the home has hep b, the chance of picking it up is extremely high and does not require blood contact, etc. So a targeted approach would need to do more than jsut test the mom but also the family and close contacts. It would be important to look at if the previous targeted program failed to do that. "Ring testing" as opposed to ring vaccination I suppose it could be termed.
Another more viable target overlooked by Luigi