In other words, they are doubling down on STUPID instead of making NEEDED corrections!! How in the world were they hired in the first place??? 🤷🏾‍♀️

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sorry rochelle, it can't be fixed; it's a useless money pit. shut it down and get a real job

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Shut it down and go to prison, along with all your toxic colleagues.

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Former CDC Director Robert Redfield went on Fox News and actually said the CDC was underfunded.

Because if we throw more money at the problem, it will go away! Our public school system proves this.

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Are we really recovering? Or are we passing through a fake mea culpa designed to quell discontent?

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It's like believing your abusive partner will change because they were caught cheating...doesn't happen...cut your loses.....toss his stuff on the lawn, change your locks and don't look back.......

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Love the Jeff Goldblum meme.

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I am writing a letter of complaint to a clinic that won't take me because I am unvaccinated. Before I do so, can someone tell me why a negative rapid antigen test the day of visit is not enough according to mainstream logic? I can't find any. Seriously, I need to know what mindf***ery they are likely to reply with so I can preempt it.

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Reforming CDC is rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

As Dr. Paul Alexander likes to say, strip it to the studs, fumigate and then check if there is anything that can be salvaged ...

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A little rope goes a long way.

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Re #2, “We can’t make mistakes - in public”, which is your interpretation of “To be frank, we are responsible for some pretty dramatic, pretty public mistakes, from testing to data to communications”.

A further interpretation might be "We'll only own up to mistakes that were made in public. The rest shall remain secret, and unaddressed."

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This 'overhaul' is purely cosmetic, self-congratulatory, and political. It's a joke that it was conducted by only two people: an HHS administrator, and CDC Chief of Staff. Talk about the foxes guarding the henhouse.

Nothing I have read about the "overhaul" addresses the elephant in the room, regulatory capture by financial interests, especially the pharmaceutical industry.

Nothing I have read addresses the rampant conflicts of interest. Nothing addresses the reported morale problems among agency employees because of the misuse and abuse of the scientific method and undue political influence, which was even the subject of a GAO report.

Nothing addresses what I view as the biggest problem of all: suppression, demonization, and outright censorship of dissenting scientific opinion.

Nothing addresses the suppression of treatment or even research using existing (non-profitable) medicines, in favor of lucrative novel experimental vaccines and novel pharmaceuticals.

Nothing addresses the failure of the CDC to regularly monitor VAERS, as required in its actual remit.

I could go on but I won't. At a certain point a house isn't worth saving and needs to be razed and completely rebuilt. Should we hold our breath?

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