Mar 29, 2023Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

Excellent work OMG!👍🙏🇺🇸

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Oh no, wouldn't want to get to the bottom of anything.

I wonder if the IRS knows (NOT).

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No, they're busy this week harassing gun stores with impeccable records that have the misfortune to be located in Tennessee.

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Margot Kidder described a related money-laundering scheme by Democrats in Montana in which "donations went back and forth between the state and federal Dem committees to evade maximum contribution laws.

George Webb also described a money-stealing scheme by which money donated for Bernie Sanders wound up in the coffers of other Dem candidates.

And then there is the question of how this money gets used. Where does it eventually end up? Where does it really come from? And how are the big donors paid back after their candidates win?

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Gee, more corruption from the fasco-Marxist left water shock ...not

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"State Election Administrator Linda Lamone, said her office 'doesn’t know anything about that' and declined to comment further."

Sounds like she needs to be removed from that position immediately.

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Does this now mean they will not kill the elderly with vaccines because they need their money still?

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Can dead people give as well as vote? Inquiring minds wanna know!

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Dr Lyons I follow you for your magnificent scientific contributions and now that you are reporting on other more cultural or political topics I’m saddened. Let others do that. You have an amazing respected voice and it’s being diluted by these new topics. Please educate us with your scientific knowledge. Dr. Gayln Perry.

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Dr. Jack seldom strays into the overtly political, from my observation; I just don’t see enough points on the graph to constitute a trend. Maybe (thoughtfully) changing things up occasionally can stimulate reader engagement - here I am commenting, after all - and may provide valuable insights, such as his foray into ChatGPT interactions. I wouldn’t dismay too much; I think the author’s demonstrated discipline in choosing and communicating on sometimes controversial subject matter instills confidence that he can avoid any potential rabbit holes.

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I switched my monthly donation from Veritas to OMG :))

He's the only sane and ethical journalist to come along in decades! He's doing God's work and helping to salvage our Republic!

And I follow your work very closely, as well as share it. Please continue! :))

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023

Thanks for the OMG share.

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The new ACORN. $10 says the Obamas are behind it.

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Well, it took much more than that to buy that politician!

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Democrats at it again! Stealing elections is their thang!

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I think Matthew Crawford in an interview exposed grifting from America's Frontline Doctors. I donated to them thinking they were helping people find online doctors willing to meet and treat people who couldn't find doctors willing to treat unvaccinated people or prescribe Ivermectin, etc. Nope. They embezzled the money, didn't provide the treatments or drugs that people ordered, used their data to sell to other organizations who wanted names of anti-vax people, and also got some doctors to lose their license when people helpfully sent in the names of doctors who were willing to avoid vaccines. Sorry I looked for the link on his substack, but couldn't find it. However, beware trustfully donating to sites or giving out your private information thinking you are supporting an organization that will help you.

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This is totally off-topic (sorry!), but do you remember your erstwhile nemesis -- Dr Christopher Hickie, the pediatrician who never saw a kid he didn't want to stab with endless jabs? Well, look what's happening in his (immediate) neck of the woods: https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/3-children-reported-dead-in-phoenix-in-one-morning-police-say

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