The imbeciles of the VSC should take Oliver Wendell Holmes' admonition in Buck to heart.

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And not pass Go, not receive $200, but report directly to jail!

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This is the clearest argument for the necessity for homeschooling! Increasing numbers of public schools have medical clinics on school grounds. This "mistake" (criminal atrocity) was deemed covered by the Prep Act, and since the Prep Act can be invoked whenever a "pandemic" (scamdemic) requiring a countermeasure is declared, children are NOT physically safe at school. Even if parents give explicit instructions not to vaccinate beforehand a "mistake" could once again be made. HOMESCHOOL even if you have to move to a state that allows groups of families to homeschool together. In NY State the law states the child has to be homeschooled in their own home.

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It's almost like the PREP act has made the Constitution and its Amendments irrelevant. If states now have the unfettered authority to give schools the unfettered right to assault protesting children with forced invasive potentially lethal medical treatment that doesn't even work as claimed, could it be argued via the PREP act that any made-up "public health" risk justifies any response with zero liability for the perpetrators? Do schools automatically have the legal right to act in loco parentis regardless of their actual qualifications to be substitute parents the moment a child steps on to the property?

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Thank you for writing this. I’ll just be wearing my Ban Assault Vaccines shirt and purchasing my advanced ticket to Vaxxed III: Authorized to Kill film.

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Ban the Vermont judiciary!

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Read David A. Hughes and Patrick Wood (Technocracy). We are not in Kansas anymore.

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Does not obviate Exodus 23:2, etc.

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Funny a biblical verse is brought up when churches are involved in the sex trafficking going on at the border according to JJ Carrell, ex-border agent. No matter how many times I bring that up, I am shut down as though I never even said it…and I work at a church. So I can only gather that there is something very very wrong with “the church” at this point. Perhaps signing a deal with the proverbial devil to be 501c3s was not the best idea.

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What have churches to do with it? The word "church" usually implies a Christian group. Yet Christians "swear not at all". I'm not entirely certain about application for 501(c)(3) status, but generally the IRS does not accept filings unless the filer is a multiple perjurer (false swearer). Swearing oaths obligates the oath-taker to follow after a multitude to do evil.

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Really, since I am on court record in 2018 testifying about sex and drug trafficking by some very prominent people, thereby placing my own life in jeopardy, I do not appreciate the cowardice of “the church” to fail to address such matters. I also spoke about bio weaponry that we all paid for and literally stated, “I guess the NIH got bigger lab rats” yet when the scamdemic came upon us, mostly the church was silent so spare me the verses, please. It is important to put money where one’s mouth is.

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Where can I buy that t-shirt?

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Five Times August (the musician) under Apparel. It is on the third page.

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Liberty Maniacs sells an “I’m Already Naturally Immune To BS” t-shirt. I wear that one when I am feeling extra feisty. I even wear it to church.

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The Vermont legislature needs to impeach and jail these injustices of their Supreme Court, and Windham Superior Court Judge Michael Kainen as well, for both accessory to battery, and treason!

CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF VERMONT Article 1: "That all persons are born equally free and independent, and have certain natural, inherent, and unalienable rights, amongst which are the enjoying and defending life and liberty... Article 4. Every person within this state ought to find a certain remedy, by having recourse to the laws, for all injuries or wrongs which one may receive in person, property or character; every person ought to obtain right and justice, freely, and without being obliged to purchase it; completely and without any denial; promptly and without delay; comformably to the laws." etc. https://legislature.vermont.gov/statutes/constitution-of-the-state-of-vermont/

The unalienable rights of the one outweigh the imaginary "needs" of the many! Exodus 23:2. They also need to be permanently disbarred. They concluded, "defendants are immune from suit under the Federal Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act)? And how did they get away with publishing this "opinion" anonymously under a single, anonymous, "Associate Justice"? https://www.vermontjudiciary.org/sites/default/files/documents/op23-237.pdf How was this ethically justified and appropriate as the article also suggests? Jail all 5 of them! Until they do, and jail the forced vaccinators as well, Vermont constituents need to put their state taxes in trust rather than paying them over to these war criminals and batterers. Parental rights and informed consent were not rigorously upheld! And how was the student receiving a Covid-19 vaccine against the wishes of the Vermont Supreme Court? Yet they assented anyhow? May as well have been a bullet!

Why do you say "legislated authority exists for the implemention of public health mandates"? Vaccination mandates may be permissible, but do not supersede consent. The battery was not "accidental"! Mandates are disingenuous doublespeak - just written requests for things you don't have to do: https://americasbestpics.com/picture/mandate-legal-definition-blacks-law-dictionary-11th-ed-mandate-4-vOWnF1KB9

Vermont's judiciary seems stuck in the throes of Buck v. Bell.

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The covid19 jabs were marketed as vaccines fraudulently. they were gene therapy and serious negative side effects were deliberately suppressed. The emergency use authorization was also fraudulent becouse of a deliberate suppression of effective off label medicines. It is a completely different legal environment mandating a real vaccine such as small pox with the threat of a disease that kills indiscriminately., as opposed to a gene therapy shot that posed more risk than benefit, especially for the young. I find it thoroughly perplexing that the legal system cannot differentiate between the two. Particularly now that the release of the Pfizer data exposes the depth of manipulation and deciet in their falsified phase three trial.

Dick Minnis


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On what planet is it OK for kids to choose their own gender and have schools keep this secret from parents, while at the SAME time not allowing body autonomy over vaccines? Kids under 18 are forced to wear undergo chemo against their wishes and their parent’s wishes, but need to show birth certificates in some states to get body piercings or tattoos.

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If “Saving the Children from pHARMa, politicians and propaganda” is not a unifying concept ….. 😱😤😡🤬

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