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Dec 6, 2023
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They have to put a toxin in ALL "vaccines" or it will simply pass right through a healthy body in a few days. They can't market a shot that just passes through the body in a few days. So "vaccines are inherently toxic" from the get go. There are no safe "vaccines". That simply is not how it works. Sometimes they put heavy metals such as aluminum, sometimes mercury, sometimes anti-freeze.. whatever..

Think if you ate an organic apple. Has no chemicals in it. Your body uses the nutrients and passes the rest of the apple out of your body in a few days. So why would a shot stay in your body longer than a few days?

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Here's the URL for anyone interested: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0946672X21000523

The source article does not mention it, unfortunately.

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Thank you. That's what I was looking for.

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That old, non money making way was [once] "First do no harm" BUT now with forced aluminum mercury & squalene tainted/ vaccines, it's now, "First Do harm, then treat with over priced drugs." How else could you get childhood disorders to rise exponentially, with the expositional rise in toxic jabs? I know, Saint Karl Pearson told suckers, "Correlation is not causation." Maybe pharma can get the [once] 1 in 10000+ ASD etc. etc. kids, (now 1 in 6) to 1 in 1 ? What do you want from a 5 Billion in fruad fines pharma cartel, healthy, doctor/ drug free kids & adults?

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Unless biologically secreted, please use the term "toxicant" for poisons, and suggest it to Dr. David Brownstein and Newsmax as well.

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didn't newsmax mandate covid experimental injection for it's employees?

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Interesting cultural difference between Australia and America.

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) adopted Aluminium as the standard international name for the element in 1990, but three years later recognized aluminum as an acceptable variant. Hence their periodic table includes both, but places aluminium first.


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nothing surprises us. Earth shattering asteroids need to hit the earth for any change in the evil that has been dominating for decades.

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