With Kennedy as potential HHS your contributions are so important. We need people like you to keep pushing. I’m just a rapper😵‍💫

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First you prove that Natural Immunity is superior to any of the fucking crap people put inside themselves.

That establishes that there’s no need for Vaccines.

With no need for vaccines, you have, ipso facto, demonstrated that there’s no need for gain of function research.

I will leave it to you to understand the logic of that.

Finally, you demonstrate that gain of function research to date has failed to produce an airborne pathogen, capable of poisoning an entire human population.

I intend to prove these points and more.

Beyond that, Natural Immunity is a misnomer. It’s actually Natural Resolve.

The flu symptoms people are so mesmerized by are actually the toxins coming out of their body. Not a response to toxins coming in.

It’s all Sepsis.

The one thing all organs of the body share is that blood circulates through them.

Proteins and Toxins that are not properly evacuated from someone’s body pass to the blood. Or if you’re a complete fucking moron, you inject those very same toxins into your blood.

The vaccines are essentially Turbo Sepsis.

I intend to prove these points and more.

This is so simple, that I can do it while I’m changing the oil in my car.

As can most of my friends that were too cool to go to medical school.

Thank God for them.

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It's time we stopped saying "safety profile" and replaced it with "risk profile."

The words safety and vaccines do not belong in the same sentence.

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Aptly stated. Safe & “miracle”(repeated by our leaders) with Op Warp Speed, never belong with the word vaccine. Unless you are speaking of a “miracle” that one could survive a vax.

I went against my better instincts & received 1 covid shot & almost died. I had a friend whose brother was a mucky-muck, high ranking scientist working with those around the world in our national lab researching covid & he was “in the know.” He worked tirelessly & was genuine in wanting to help mankind (as are, many of the scientists, experts & puppets).

My friend over & over & over again kept insisting I get the vaccine to protect against covid. I asked a million questions & so many answers were not forthcoming. And so many red flags.

“What are the ingredients?” Answer: “Proprietary.”

Here we find ourselves during a world wide shut down, a PANDEMIC with sick & dying, & we are not sharing the ingredients, nor are we offering the formula to other countries? (Remember when Elon said he did not create a patent for his electric cars & welcomed continued innovation? Magnanimous of so few.).

The American way is Profit over health. How many billionaires a day were created during covid?

I waited & waited, not wanting to get the covid vaccine, while friends & family members all lined up & insisted it was the only responsible thing to do. I was hyper aware, seeing too many red flags—the coercing, the propanganda non-stop with all media.

And the “incentives,” ie bribes to get a jab: “Get a covid shot & get a free gun.” Really? You want to save a life by offering an instrument that it’s very mission is to take away life?

“Get a free beer, money, ….” these & more you will receive ~ if you inject a covid vaccine into your bloodstream.

Meanwhile in my ear, my friend & her high ranking scientist brother kept after me, repeating over & over & over again, that it was safe & so so so very necessary to preserve life. As if I was on a bridge readying to jump & end my life, my friend was PLEADING with me to “save my life” & get the covid shot.

Despite all the red flags & having just sold my house & needing to move, the shot was required for me in order to travel in an airplane. I then, succumbed to those “smarter than me.”

The logic was that because a biolab created this virus, we must fight fire with fire & a vax was the antedote (Never mind that I never received answers as to why therapeutics were never researched & that when our Prez Trump & other heads of nations got sick with covid, they were not fitted with intubators, but received drugs, not availabe to the public...).

I also did not receive an answer to “natural immunity,” as I had already had actual covid. It was thought that there was no such thing with a Frankenstein lab created killer, already unnatural, that “natural immunity” would protect.

The one & only I shot I received had me bed-bound with a fever…Big bumps, like mumps broke out on my head & then crusted over with clumps of my hair falling out. My BP, always low, went up & stayed up. My legs suddenly could not climb hills…(the short list of my near death, “side effects”).

After months, I finally became homo erectus, but my health has def gotten knocked down a peg or 2. I will NEVER again go against my inner voice & logic.

Later, arguing with a family member about the “miracle” vax, I began looking up VAERS cases. I copied & saved too many hospital cases where the vaccine was noted & death thereafter was recorded. Some deaths within hours, weeks, months.

But be it known, that the the goal posts were changed re tracking with who died, as it relates to the covid vaccine. (During the Panadamn, they gave up tracking the “break-through” cases. Imagine, a govt agency put in charge of human health, who stops counting & tracking important health criteria during a Pandemic?$$$).

The goal posts to assign blame to the vaccine changed in a few ways. It was deemed that the vaccine had to be within a 12 or 15 day (?) window of time of death. -AND- if the patient was not “up to date” with ALL of their shots, the requisite 2 shots + the boo-boo-boo boosted ones, within the required timing, 1 jab, then 2 wks later a 2nd, the boosters also w/in required timing, then the death would not count as one related to the vaccine.

EUA liability protection, definition of how many vaccines received, timing of injection, timing of death to the injection & “co-morbities”...all remove blame from the game. The deaths quite possibly related to the vaccine are continuing to grow, yet so far out from the actual prick date, they will not count & there will be no culpability. #SayNoToPricks

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@Zara: A reformulated, "Warp Speed, vaccine." gave U.S. & the world the 500 million kill [so-called] "Spanish Flu" that was discovered in a warp speed-jabbed/ patient zero, Albert Gitchell, an army cook at Camp Funston in Fort Riley Kansas, I.e. patient zero for the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic! So why the mendacious, "Spanish Flu" jive? Why not call it the jab-induced, Fort Riley flu? Because our 50 billion in fraud fines,& leader in cause of death medicine I.e. big pharma wouldn't like it!

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Great comment. But I do disagree that an inanimate object, (knife, gun, car, etc.) standing alone, is capable of having a "mission." In a murderer's hands, even a tie can take on the "mission" of its holder, and be used to strangle another person. In another person's hands, a gun can be used to feed one's family, and defend one's children from the guy with a tie, knife, gun, or whatever.

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Yes indeed!

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An Open Letter to Robert Kennedy, Jr.

Dear Mr. Kennedy,

I am Dr. Lewis Coleman, a retired anesthesiologist and Chair of Science and Education at the American Institute of Stress in Weatherford, Texas.

You may recall receiving a copy of my book 50 Years Lost in Medical Advance: The Discovery of Hans Selye’s Stress Mechanism via Elizabeth and Dennis Kucinich.1 The book details my discovery of the Mammalian Stress Mechanism (MSM), which explains the common mechanisms of most disease.

From its discovery by the renowned Dr. Selye (1907-1982), Stress Theory has always promised to revolutionize medicine and surgery and introduce a new era of health, longevity, and freedom from the eternal curse of disease and premature death. Today we know that when the MSM is tested and confirmed, it will elevate medicine from an art based on experiment to a science founded on a theory that enables physicians to direct their treatments at the actual cause of disease.

It is my hope that the confirmation of stress theory will restore productive medical and biological research which deciphers the code that describes the “genetic blueprint” and discovers the mechanism that transmits this information from chromosomal DNA to the cell surface to enable embryological development. These achievements may reveal many of the secrets of evolution, with implications that promise to revolutionize our entire approach to medicine.

I am addressing this “open letter” to you because I believe that your important role in the Trump administration will provide a unique opportunity to test and confirm this landmark theory, actions which until now have been politically impossible. Animal and human trials are essential to confirm the ability of stress theory to optimize surgical outcome, provide a set of simple, safe, economical, efficient, and universal treatments that control and cure all forms of disease, promote productive pharmaceutical development, slash health care costs, and refute prevailing falsehoods, beginning with the “novel” coronavirus mRNA “immunizations” that are a worthless and willful form of malpractice.

These favorable circumstances may not last.

The COVID contagion has inadvertently yielded evidence that clarifies chronic illness and explains the white clots found by morticians in the small peripheral arteries of healthy young people who died suddenly after their receiving mRNA injections. I have previously published a paper explaining how the COVID mRNA injections attack blood vessels and release abnormal quantities of von Willebrand Factor and Tissue Factor into circulation, causing chaotic MSM hyperactivity that mimics nearly every known form of disease2 and cripples oxygen transport and delivery.3 This causes either sudden death or chronic cellular oxygen starvation and explains the crippling fatigue, mental fog, muscle weakness, and antibiotic resistant infections that characterize the “Long COVID Syndrome” (syndrome meaning “we don’t know”).

The white clots are surrounded by abnormal blood clots and bathed in amyloid protein. Amyloid protein, together with collagen sclerosis and fibrosis, is invariably found in the afflicted tissues of all chronic illnesses, including atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, and “rheumatoid” diseases, all of which are presently regarded as mysteries. This evidence has enabled me to understand that amyloid protein is a monomer that polymerizes into collagen. This understanding explains the abnormal white clots, as well as the fibrosis, sclerosis, and amyloidosis that characterize “rheumatoid” diseases, which until now have remained inexplicable, and provides a testable explanation of how chronic exposure to pesticides, herbicides, automobile exhaust, chlorinated water, air pollution, and emotional adversity undermine health and longevity, and how it can be neutralized through treatment.

I propose that this revolutionary hypothesis be initially tested using animal models treated with intravenous radioactive fibrinogen to determine whether the radioactivity becomes incorporated into amyloid and collagen in extravascular tissues. The animal model can also be treated with intravenous Tissue Factor to see if this provokes amyloidosis and collagen formation in blood vessels. Human clinical studies too numerous to summarize here can then be used to test the ability of stress theory to cure disease.

All such studies must be conducted with strict oversight that eliminates manipulation by commercial interests. I am available to assist in planning, performing, and proctoring these endeavors. I can be reached on 559-740-3520. My email is lewis_coleman@yahoo.com and my website is www.stressmechanism.com


Lewis S. Coleman, MD

Figure 1. Photo of Robert Kennedy Jr. reading my book (Courtesy Elizabeth Kucinich)

Figure 2 Abnormal collagen “white clots” are found in the small peripheral arteries of healthy young victims of COVID injections. Collagen is the most common protein in the body. It binds cells into tissues, structures, and organs. It is the substance of ligaments, tendons, sclerosis, and fibrosis. Bone consists of collagen, calcium, and carbon dioxide. Opportunity to Ask Questions of Embalmer Richard Hirschman and Data Analyst Tom Haviland

laurakasner.substack.com Nov 04, 2024

Figure 3. Fibrinogen is the source of fibrillar blood proteins. It is continuously produced by the liver and released into blood circulation. It cannot escape from blood into extravascular tissues due to its large size, and it has no direct effect on blood coagulation. It consists of three fibrillar submicroscopic amino acid chains called alpha, beta, and gamma that are held together by “disulfide bonds.” Thrombin dissolves the disulfide bonds and releases these tiny protein chains into blood circulation. Thus freed, they are called “soluble fibrin.”

In blood, the factor VIII enzyme adds “cross-links” of fibronectin, vitronectin, plasminogen, and gelsolin to soluble fibrin to form strands of “insoluble fibrin” that exaggerate microvascular flow resistance to regulate blood flow and organ function, inhibit blood turbulence, and bind blood cells together to form viscoelastic clots that regulate tissue repair.

The alpha, beta, and gamma subunits of soluble fibrin do not affect blood coagulability. They are so small that they can escape from blood into extravascular tissues, where enzyme factors VII and X convert them into collagen that enables tissue repair.

Soluble fibrin explains several disease manifestations when it is produced in excess. In eclampsia and other critical illnesses, it causes tissue edema that disrupts organs and damages tissues; it invades and bursts the liver;4 it forms “hyaline” casts in kidney glomeruli that disrupt renal function; it appears in urine as “albuminuria;” it collects in the lungs and disrupts gas exchange; and it promotes harmful amyloidosis, sclerosis, and fibrosis.

https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Giovanni_Settanni/info Courtesy of Dr. Giovanni Setta

Figure 4. Image of a viscoelastic blood clot showing how strands of insoluble fibrin bind blood cells into a viscoelastic clot. In organ tissues, which are rich in autonomic innervation, sympathetic nervous activity releases von Willebrand Factor into blood, which activates factor VIII that adds “cross links” of fibronectin, vitronectin, plasminogen, and gelsolin to fibrillar soluble fibrin to produce monomers of insoluble fibrin. The monomers polymerize into strands of insoluble fibrin that can be visualized with a microscope. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/microgel-particles-boost-blood-clotting

Figure 5 This diagram illustrates how collagen consists of the alpha, beta, and gamma strands of soluble fibrin without cross-links. Collagen is much stronger than insoluble fibrin because it lacks cross links. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Collagentriplehelix.png

1 Coleman, L. S. 50 Years Lost in Medical Advance: The Discovery of Hans Selye’s Stress Mechanism. (The American Institute of Stress Press, 2021) https://www.amazon.com/Years-Lost-Medical-Advance-discovery/dp/0578822601/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3KZQIZDY7TNSO&keywords=lewis+coleman+hans+selye&qid=1638729267&sprefix=Lewis+Coleman%2Caps%2C448&sr=8-1.

2 Coleman, L. S. The Mammalian Stress Mechanism Explains COVID, Long COVID, and Sudden Death. Science Set Journal of Cardiology Research (2023). https://www.mkscienceset.com/articles_file/937-_article1692189623.pdf

3 Coleman, L. S. Oxygen Transport and Delivery, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efi9v86isSw&t=117s.

4 Rath, W., Faridi, A. & Dudenhausen, J. W. HELLP syndrome. J Perinat Med 28, 249-260 (2000). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&dopt=Citation&list_uids=11031696

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If medical autopsies were performed on "sudden death post-vaccination" cases at the start of the so-called pandemic then the claims "safe and effective" would have been revealed as completely false and the "save the World" project would have been abandoned immediately. I believe the universal mandate against performing autopsies was part of the vaccination strategy that was decided by the planners of the "table top" exercises in 2016 at the behest of the pharmaceutical industry lobby.

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