Of course it is "toxic in any form."

The idiots that sold us on a non-toxic mercury were lying.

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I sent this letter to 4 friends--highly credentialed. One, a biochemist, replied as follows:

I see errors in the attached handout - first that only 0.3% of oral aluminum is absorbed. The real figure is 0.3 or 30%, a difference of 100-fold. 30% of 8 mg a day is 2.4 mg a day. That is 10-fold higher than the highest dose in a vaccine, and its being delivered every day.

The second that really jumped out is the statement that injected Al binds to transferrin. So does oral Al. This is the most common form of Al in the body.

Finally, once again, oral Al is absorbed INTO THE BLOODSTREAM. Once there it acts the same as injected Al. It binds to transferrin, it is filtered out by the kidney, some gets through the BBB, etc. ORAL ALUMINUM IS THE SAME IN THE BODY AS INJECTED ALUMINUM.

All the internet posts you find that say different don't make it so. Read some real science instead of this junk.

=================== MY REPLY ==================================

I hear you. Thanks for your reply. I believe their argument was that injected aluminum is more likely to get into the bloodstream because it doesn't go through the liver and so is less likely to be excreted. The paper they cite states that very little ingested aluminum is absorbed through the intestines. The type of aluminum is also different. Aluminum oxyhydroxide is used as adjuvants in vaccines. Aluminum phosphate and sodium aluminium sulfate GRAS by FDA are commonly found in food.

They don't base their claims of toxicity on journal articles--but on early infant deaths and rising rates of autism and rising rates of chronic health conditions after vaccine schedule exploded starting in 1986 when Reagan gave big pharma immunity from liability. They claim we exchanged lower rates of infection for higher rates of allergies (peanuts!), asthma, ADHD, autism (now 1 in 35 instead of 1 in 10,000), and autoimmune disorders.

In future, I won't burden you with claims of toxicity which apply only to a minority of people. There's a debate going on in the literature and the journals. We shall see how this debate turns out.

I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with my health. It seemed, starting in 1983 when I failed to recover from flu, real science had nothing to offer me--whereas junk explained my problems and offered me cures that seemed to work. Toxins and my problems in methylation definitely play a role.

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"Friend?" His name would definitely be crossed off my Christmas card list.

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Yes, he is a dear friend. He himself was disabled working to develop artificial pig blood substitute in a medical lab. He still remains quite limited in his functioning and unable to work full time--decades after his earlier illness. He is not crossing me off his list. I am not crossing him off mine. Richard Wolff pointed out a difference between Europe and U.S. in our polarization. I think of this often. In Europe you have friends and relatives who belong to many different communities simultaneously. Like you might have an aunt who is a communist (Hate it!) But she also makes cookies for the local community board (Love those cookies). So they are less polarized. But in U.S. your politics places you in a bubble where almost everything you love or hate agrees. So my friend and I don't believe in climate change (he converted me!), love dogs, hate Biden (but I don't love Trump), love movies, love natural history and beautiful photos, love music. OK so he used to love vaccines--but now he no longer is going to get boosted. Neither is his wife. They don't have children. I don't know if I converted him--but he's somewhat distrustful of mRNA vaccines. I'll take that for a win. What do you think? I've won not to lose a friendship, I think. AND I don't care if they think I'm a stupid conspiracy theorist who reads comic books (Dr. Jack's handouts) instead of scientific journals. (They dismiss the references in the articles I cite because they are not from Lancet or NEJ or the most highly valued journals. "But they can't get accepted in these journals due to prejudice," I protest. "No, it's because their articles are JUNK!"

I think they may actually feel good denouncing my information. But it may be having it's effect. I'm sharing a steady drip of reverse propaganda. Today I shared Jessica's article about possible effectiveness of treating Covid with antibiotics. Surely they can't believe it's useless to search for treatments?

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Ok, I'm glad I was wrong... back on the list he goes 😉.

My sister & her family seem to believe if it doesn't air on CNN, it doesn't exist. They lived in CNN's hometown nearly 20 years, and people there revered CNN like it was another ball team. Then they lived closer to me for several years to take care of our parents, but I haven't been able to talk with them about covid nor the shots for 2 years. I've tried telling her the vax probably caused our dad's first ever bout of a-fib & caused his cancer to come back with vengeance. She knows nothing about Remdesevir & can't understand why I think it killed our mom. Now that our parents are gone, my sister & husband have moved back to CNN homeland. They live with my nephew, his wife, and 5 month old girl. I'm scared to death for that baby. She's already had so much poison injected into her, even though my nephew had a severe reaction as an infant and more recently got sick and passed out immediately after the first J&J vax. I'm finally able to go visit them soon, but first I have to figure out how to convince them not to give the baby a cov vax at 6 months. There's so much I want to tell them, but I have recently lost most of the research I had gathered about the vaccines for 2021 & 2022. I'm sorry I'm dumping my life story on you, but it's what's on my mind most days.

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My life story has become Covid vaccines for the last 3 years. I think I'm a little insane. So you are not dumping as far as I'm concerned. You're sharing relevant life history information so that we won't feel so helpless and dismissed! What are humans for, anyway, if not to share ideas and give support?

That said, I think the way to approach your sister is through your shared love for this new baby and your shared love for each other. If you treat her as "the enemy" and try to force her to make the correct decision through overwhelming her with statistics and fear--likelihood is that she will deny the danger (CNN is RIGHT!) and consider you a nut ball or a fruit cake in order to keep her faith in a just (and safe and effective) world.

I would start out by reconnecting, how are you? glad to see you? How is the new baby doing? I love you so much, etc. At some point I would try to see if you can bond over how much you both love this baby and want to keep her safe, happy, and healthy.

You can read the first chapter of "Turtles All the Way Down" for free I believe. This chapter is a scathing critique of the childhood (and later adulthood) vaccine schedules. Ever since 1986 when Reagan authorized freedom from liability, more and more vaccines got added to the childhood vaccination schedule.

Because--why not? You are the one who is going to pay if anything happens to your child. They do not care and are free to pursue as many vaccines to ensure as high a profit as possible. Ever since vaccines were rolled out with more and more frequency the rates of childhood infection went down--but the rates of childhood deaths, allergies (peanuts! asthma!), autoimmune diseases (rheumatism!), sudden infant deaths, neurological problems (autism! ADHD) etc. skyrocketed. The rates of autism used to be 1 in10,000 in the 1950's when there were only 2 or 3 vaccines mandated for children. Now there are over 70 vaccine shots recommended, and the rates of autism have climbed to 1 in 35.

Why? It's because of the toxins like aluminum associated with both autism and Alzheimers and the inflammatory mRNA spike protein associated with heart inflammation, myocarditis, neurological problems, seizures--and so much more!

Even the CDC now admits that Covid mRNA vaccines do not prevent transmission, do not grant immunity--actually are associated with more likelihood of Covid according to the latest information. The risk of Covid for a young child is practically zero. Whey would you threaten a baby's life or health for no benefit and substantial risk? What can you possibly gain?

Then give her a link to a tear jerker interview. Maybe Naomi Wolf. Jessica Rose gets pretty outraged as well.

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Diana, you have absolutely no idea how much your reply means to me! My previous attempts at speaking to family about vaccines have involved presenting basic facts, but I think they were received more as fear tactics which raised walls between us. I dislike watching sad videos of precious babies harmed by poisonous pharmakeia; however, I can recall one or two which may help. I do follow both Naomi and Jessica, and I have looked into the book you reference. Realizing I don't have time to read a while book, I'm very happy you told me most of what I need to know appears in the first chapter. That helps so much. Thank you so very much for your guidance and much needed encouragement!

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Liberty4all Your reply also means a lot to me. I think that when we help each other we empower ourselves. I have felt quite rejected and even outraged that unvaccinated people got blamed for making Covid worse. My therapist even thought that vaccines were the only way to address the pandemic of Covid. He believed that mRNA vaccines were so safe that nobody ever died from these vaccines--because that was what the CDC claimed. He is a good therapist but he refused to talk about vaccines with me. He helped many people discuss their fears of Covid and donated his time to establishing a group to support people in India suffering from the rise of Covid infection after Modi imposed quarantines and WHO started banning Ivermectin which previously was given free to all people with infection. I felt so rejected. There is support if you are frightened of Covid--but no support, just dismissal, if you are frightened of vaccines. It seems so unfair to me. Because it seems so obvious to me that both unvaccinated and vaccinated people share fear of being hurt/damaged and we should have compassion for each other. My hope for you as that you and your sister can both experience your shared love for her baby and she will receive your advice/feedback as an expression of love--not criticism or baseless fear mongering. I wish you the best.

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