Again they are always looking for a drug rather than fight to stop pesticides, vaccine adjutants, GMO's, and other pollutants that are the main drivers of this disease and most others.
Thank you for sharing this! How do think about purported reductions in symptoms, and your own willingness to take this drug, based on the ongoing and more recent data sowing doubt about the direct role of amyloid as a causative agent in AD?
I think that age-old debate is baloney. Amyloid is part aluminum. That's been known since 1985.
Knowing how nerve transmission functions, the diseases etiology of brain amyloid is clear. And now this study shows that debate was a colossal waste of precious time.
So you believe amyloid is a causative agent, then? Thank you for pointing out that amyloid is part aluminum, I wasn’t aware of that. Adds to my vigilance regarding aluminum, and verifies that our consistent use of silica in our mineral(ized) water is, hopefully, going to be helpful in the long run.
Possibly better than nothing, but I bet throwing some random nutraceuticals would work better. Bredesen has published case series of diet and supplements working. If I am not mistaken, other drugs to clear plaque have all failed, which makes one wonder if this benefit is real. Infection is the cause that rings most true to me.
David - the data are nevertheless impressive, and I of course would welcome on-par studies with nutraceuticals, mushroom-derived compounds, lifestyle changes, etc. But I would be more excited about synergistic studies of all interventions that show promise, rather than either/or. All of the positive findings to date have to be replicated.
I've definitely seen a handful of good results combining supplements with chemo/radiation. I can believe in possible synergy or even salvaging a bad drug and making it work by protecting from toxicity. My whole research vision is to build a clinical trial org that does many interventions at once for all sorts of chronic disease.
I would need to see documentation that a true placebo was used. A true placebo is an inert substance not known to cause side effects but drug companies have started using other reactive substances as "placebos". This, it would seem to me, makes any such trial inaccurate. Also, with such a high incidence of adverse effects including BRAIN BLEEDS....I would pass.
Understood and respect that choice! For me, AD is permanent and awful, I would not want my mind to deteriorate. Watching a loved one now. I would rather have the risk - for the study period, the side effects were transient and resolved in 81% within a few months. That's a 1.3% risk of of longer-term side effects 0.07*(1-0.81). That's worth it to me if it delays the progression as much as they measured.
I am always concerned about the integrity of their trials, and data. They always lie, the trialing businesses lie and slop, are compromised by their financial interests - because pharma doesn't reward integrity. If you could get the raw data...
Big Pharma to the rescue again. Are you kiddin me. Haven’t we seen enuf manipulation by Pharma the past few years?
Besides why do we believe plaque is damaging instead of realizing plaque is put in the arteries or organs to “protect” an area. So the question you should be asking instead is “What are we doing wrong that is causing all the problems that plaque deposition is trying to protect?”
Using a monoclonal treatment to remove the protective plaque layer is like removing the guards in a high security prison.
Fix your diet and lifestyle and perhaps the body will do a better job of fixing itself.
I feel the same way, but why not BOTH? There is no trust left in this mind for Big Pharma. BUT the study, nevertheless, might point to a future of integrative care. it's not either/or for me, but the regulatory manipulations would likely prevent a combined-used protocol from emerging. Let's hope not. I am in the position to help w/integrative and wholistic studies.
Why remove plaque if it is actually stabilizing the vessel?
Plaque is not the bad guy. The adaptive process that puts the plaque down due to diet/lifestyle issues is the culprit. Root cause is not the plaque, nor the process. Root cause is the dysfunctional lifestyle we live, especially with diet/nutrition. Fix it at the root and Big Pharma is not necessary.
Actually, it appears the anti-clotting meds caused the blood vessel to burst. They should have been more proactive with low-dose anti-clotting at the onset. So low-dose, not strong, and outpatient just-in-case doses might have saved her life.
I wouldn’t try it based on this. I haven’t clicked through to read it all but given how much we see all the vaccine trials manipulated I start off from a position of scepticism. I thought the recent publicity was about how amyloid as a cause was fraud, which some realised already as no previous anti amyloid drug ever worked. Aricept doesn’t prolong life either. I am following the advice of Dr Dale Bredesen ( The End of Alzheimer’s) who has actually reversed symptoms in some patients and grown brain areas back on MRI. I have seen one in-law die from this over 15 years, my mother has it (1-2 yrs from needing residential care), my father has it ( I can tell, but he doesn’t know it yet. He point blank refused to engage in any of Dr Bredesen’s protocols for my mother and only someone with dementia would be unable to appreciate how incapacitated she is) and since having 5 covid vaccines my mother-in-law is now also getting lost in my house. I am finally resigned to not being allowed to help my parents by their own actions, but my husband and I are doing everything ( and I mean everything) to make sure we don’t go the same way!
Great Highwire interview with Dr. Christopher Exley, PhD, FRSB (AKA “Mr. Aluminum”), chemist and expert in the field of aluminum. He discusses his incredible discoveries on the devastating health effects of exposure to worlds’ most abundant metal, and how academia is trying to shut his research down.
On a different note, I fear that we may have a repeat of what happened in the COVID "plan(scam)demic" but on a much, much smaller scale. I would wait for the results of the long-term studies before drawing any conclusions in order to see if they are actually performed AND properly performed (unlike with COVID). As has been shown many times in the history of medicine, the cure may be worse than the disease. Also it matters who performs the studies AND who pays for them. That is the reason why we need to get the profits out of medicine AND to have long-term studies performed by independent (NOT drug-company-funded/influenced) organizations. Since I am not a medical professional, I am sure that there are additional and/or perhaps better safeguards that should be put in place.
Well, at least this research group is using a control! However, "Side effects included brain bleeds (17% of participants) and brain swelling (13%)" for, "moderately less decline on measures of cognition and function than placebo at 18 months but was associated with adverse events."
More generalisation and unpredictability that may be fatal ... for what exactly? Hasn't something been learned by taking a mRNA/LNP platformed cocktail and generalising?
So where is 'precision' medicine in this? That's seems a more productive avenue to pursue.
I thought you were joking about taking that. I know Alzheimers is terrible, and I've seen family go down with it, but that drug has so many severe events. I had just heard about Bredesen Protocol through the Midwestern Doctor substack. It looks very involved and thorough, but at least everything it involves is obviously good for you. I just do not like the idea of rolling my dice on a drug which is clearly not inherently good for you. I am a regular person speaking for myself from my perspective, and the highest authority when it comes to my own life.
When my dementia started - I went on the Keto diet - very low carb high good fats & oils and that straightened out my symptoms. When my sweets & starches start creeping up and fats start going down, I find my forgetfulness symptoms come back, and again, when I go back to the regimen, forgetfulness and disorientation vanishes.It's not Altzheimers, but if anyone has such age-related dementia symptoms, I recommend doing that before taking any drug
I wouldn't take it, too dangerous for a high predisposition.
AD doesn't run in my family. I have a bit of a phobia about it, nonetheless, having heard from people in the memory centers about patients having nightmares while awake because of it., and they can' recognize anyone, and... OMG.
Meanwhile, Gingo Biloba (liquid extract is best), and its effects are cumulative, and LOTS of guaifenesin. Helps dissolves accumulated junk, flushes the lymph system and keeps the brain's drainage system moving.
Guaifenesin can have a profound effect on lymphoma and leukemia. My husband employed it for his infertility patients, and none of them had to go on to the specialist clinics.
Perhaps nattokinase too, as it digests plaques and clots of fibrinogen and blood products, big ones to micros.
Again they are always looking for a drug rather than fight to stop pesticides, vaccine adjutants, GMO's, and other pollutants that are the main drivers of this disease and most others.
For those w/amyloid plaques, it's too late. But you're right, we need to stop the madness!
Thank you for sharing this! How do think about purported reductions in symptoms, and your own willingness to take this drug, based on the ongoing and more recent data sowing doubt about the direct role of amyloid as a causative agent in AD?
I think that age-old debate is baloney. Amyloid is part aluminum. That's been known since 1985.
Knowing how nerve transmission functions, the diseases etiology of brain amyloid is clear. And now this study shows that debate was a colossal waste of precious time.
So you believe amyloid is a causative agent, then? Thank you for pointing out that amyloid is part aluminum, I wasn’t aware of that. Adds to my vigilance regarding aluminum, and verifies that our consistent use of silica in our mineral(ized) water is, hopefully, going to be helpful in the long run.
Dr Exley has some obsverations on this subject..
Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom: Discussions With Mr. Aluminum Hardcover – November 24, 2020 by Christopher Exley PhD FRSB (Author)
Possibly better than nothing, but I bet throwing some random nutraceuticals would work better. Bredesen has published case series of diet and supplements working. If I am not mistaken, other drugs to clear plaque have all failed, which makes one wonder if this benefit is real. Infection is the cause that rings most true to me.
David - the data are nevertheless impressive, and I of course would welcome on-par studies with nutraceuticals, mushroom-derived compounds, lifestyle changes, etc. But I would be more excited about synergistic studies of all interventions that show promise, rather than either/or. All of the positive findings to date have to be replicated.
I've definitely seen a handful of good results combining supplements with chemo/radiation. I can believe in possible synergy or even salvaging a bad drug and making it work by protecting from toxicity. My whole research vision is to build a clinical trial org that does many interventions at once for all sorts of chronic disease.
I would need to see documentation that a true placebo was used. A true placebo is an inert substance not known to cause side effects but drug companies have started using other reactive substances as "placebos". This, it would seem to me, makes any such trial inaccurate. Also, with such a high incidence of adverse effects including BRAIN BLEEDS....I would pass.
Understood and respect that choice! For me, AD is permanent and awful, I would not want my mind to deteriorate. Watching a loved one now. I would rather have the risk - for the study period, the side effects were transient and resolved in 81% within a few months. That's a 1.3% risk of of longer-term side effects 0.07*(1-0.81). That's worth it to me if it delays the progression as much as they measured.
I am always concerned about the integrity of their trials, and data. They always lie, the trialing businesses lie and slop, are compromised by their financial interests - because pharma doesn't reward integrity. If you could get the raw data...
As long as you are fully informed (something that doesn't seem to be happening with new meds or drugs or shots) then it's your choice to make.
Big Pharma to the rescue again. Are you kiddin me. Haven’t we seen enuf manipulation by Pharma the past few years?
Besides why do we believe plaque is damaging instead of realizing plaque is put in the arteries or organs to “protect” an area. So the question you should be asking instead is “What are we doing wrong that is causing all the problems that plaque deposition is trying to protect?”
Using a monoclonal treatment to remove the protective plaque layer is like removing the guards in a high security prison.
Fix your diet and lifestyle and perhaps the body will do a better job of fixing itself.
I feel the same way, but why not BOTH? There is no trust left in this mind for Big Pharma. BUT the study, nevertheless, might point to a future of integrative care. it's not either/or for me, but the regulatory manipulations would likely prevent a combined-used protocol from emerging. Let's hope not. I am in the position to help w/integrative and wholistic studies.
Thanks for the dialogue.
Why remove plaque if it is actually stabilizing the vessel?
Plaque is not the bad guy. The adaptive process that puts the plaque down due to diet/lifestyle issues is the culprit. Root cause is not the plaque, nor the process. Root cause is the dysfunctional lifestyle we live, especially with diet/nutrition. Fix it at the root and Big Pharma is not necessary.
I saw this article just today by coincidence.
Ouch! I would be nice if they gave the patients anti-clotting meds in case of sign of stroke.
Actually, it appears the anti-clotting meds caused the blood vessel to burst. They should have been more proactive with low-dose anti-clotting at the onset. So low-dose, not strong, and outpatient just-in-case doses might have saved her life.
Still, ouch!
I wouldn’t try it based on this. I haven’t clicked through to read it all but given how much we see all the vaccine trials manipulated I start off from a position of scepticism. I thought the recent publicity was about how amyloid as a cause was fraud, which some realised already as no previous anti amyloid drug ever worked. Aricept doesn’t prolong life either. I am following the advice of Dr Dale Bredesen ( The End of Alzheimer’s) who has actually reversed symptoms in some patients and grown brain areas back on MRI. I have seen one in-law die from this over 15 years, my mother has it (1-2 yrs from needing residential care), my father has it ( I can tell, but he doesn’t know it yet. He point blank refused to engage in any of Dr Bredesen’s protocols for my mother and only someone with dementia would be unable to appreciate how incapacitated she is) and since having 5 covid vaccines my mother-in-law is now also getting lost in my house. I am finally resigned to not being allowed to help my parents by their own actions, but my husband and I are doing everything ( and I mean everything) to make sure we don’t go the same way!
Great Highwire interview with Dr. Christopher Exley, PhD, FRSB (AKA “Mr. Aluminum”), chemist and expert in the field of aluminum. He discusses his incredible discoveries on the devastating health effects of exposure to worlds’ most abundant metal, and how academia is trying to shut his research down.
In case you didn’t know, Exley has a Substack:
I’m sure there are many new drugs in the pipeline to cure the results of the gene therapy experiment. As you know, I don’t do clinical trials.
On a different note, I fear that we may have a repeat of what happened in the COVID "plan(scam)demic" but on a much, much smaller scale. I would wait for the results of the long-term studies before drawing any conclusions in order to see if they are actually performed AND properly performed (unlike with COVID). As has been shown many times in the history of medicine, the cure may be worse than the disease. Also it matters who performs the studies AND who pays for them. That is the reason why we need to get the profits out of medicine AND to have long-term studies performed by independent (NOT drug-company-funded/influenced) organizations. Since I am not a medical professional, I am sure that there are additional and/or perhaps better safeguards that should be put in place.
Max Lugavere has some good insights into Alzheimers. It’s on JRE.
Well, at least this research group is using a control! However, "Side effects included brain bleeds (17% of participants) and brain swelling (13%)" for, "moderately less decline on measures of cognition and function than placebo at 18 months but was associated with adverse events."
More generalisation and unpredictability that may be fatal ... for what exactly? Hasn't something been learned by taking a mRNA/LNP platformed cocktail and generalising?
So where is 'precision' medicine in this? That's seems a more productive avenue to pursue.
I thought you were joking about taking that. I know Alzheimers is terrible, and I've seen family go down with it, but that drug has so many severe events. I had just heard about Bredesen Protocol through the Midwestern Doctor substack. It looks very involved and thorough, but at least everything it involves is obviously good for you. I just do not like the idea of rolling my dice on a drug which is clearly not inherently good for you. I am a regular person speaking for myself from my perspective, and the highest authority when it comes to my own life.
When my dementia started - I went on the Keto diet - very low carb high good fats & oils and that straightened out my symptoms. When my sweets & starches start creeping up and fats start going down, I find my forgetfulness symptoms come back, and again, when I go back to the regimen, forgetfulness and disorientation vanishes.It's not Altzheimers, but if anyone has such age-related dementia symptoms, I recommend doing that before taking any drug
I wouldn't take it, too dangerous for a high predisposition.
AD doesn't run in my family. I have a bit of a phobia about it, nonetheless, having heard from people in the memory centers about patients having nightmares while awake because of it., and they can' recognize anyone, and... OMG.
Meanwhile, Gingo Biloba (liquid extract is best), and its effects are cumulative, and LOTS of guaifenesin. Helps dissolves accumulated junk, flushes the lymph system and keeps the brain's drainage system moving.
Guaifenesin can have a profound effect on lymphoma and leukemia. My husband employed it for his infertility patients, and none of them had to go on to the specialist clinics.
Perhaps nattokinase too, as it digests plaques and clots of fibrinogen and blood products, big ones to micros.