How to be in the control group and not among the controlled!

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Answer: Don't let fraudulent evil pharma-induced fear be your god & guide! Let that guy who died on the cross save you! I.e. let God Jesus & your right to your religious exemption, control & own you!

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This reminds me of something that went on during the Vietnam conflict/war. Land mines were used because each time a soldier stepped on a mine one or two other soldiers were taken off the battlefield at the same time. Injuring severely reduced the opposition numbers faster than shooting to kill. It's looking like the plandemic/vaccine operation is following "keep people busy with chaos and lies and then busy with treating the harmed and injured" for extended periods of time. Pure Evil.

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Godless suckers who get medical advice & jabs from our 50 billion in fraud fines & leader in cause of death, (Killing *12.5 to **40 million in just the last 50 years, according to the *Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study! ** Or Dr. Null's facts & book, Death by Medicine! (All not counting Coved jabs & murders!) I guess Godless [Wages of sin] nations deserve nothing more than mass death, in this short life & the next long one! God help U.S.

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The greatest threat we have I believe is Tedros/Gates and their strategy for control of all human beings on earth. Fauci at this point is in the small fry department.

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Definition of vaccine exposed?

3 to 5 % of American children not vaccinated at all. Where did 99% come from?

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Plus the cdc lies so much I doubt the % of Covid vaccinated is over 75%

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So when they say vaccine exposed, I’m imagining (don’t know for certain but this is my guess) that they include children of vaccinated. My children aren’t vaccinated but I was. Epigentics shows us that the vaccines I and their father received will affect them too. They’re very healthy, healthier than me, but like my oldest has scoliosis and my youngest eczema and my middle child is ultra sensitive to chemicals & the sun. The ramifications are generational.

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When I was a young adult I noticed how much healthier my parents' generation was and how each succeeding generation was both less healthy in general and neurologically/emotionally impaired. That's what started me on this path.

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The data come from self reports of enrollees, not governments or the medical system. Enrollment is open to anyone worldwide regardless of vaccination status.

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The epidemic of gender dysphoria also exploded with the CoVid vaccine. I wish someone would study the pre and post rates and/ or when onset occurred for those who changed pronouns.

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Thank you for your work!!

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This should be great.

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Enough evidence is in. Face reality. The maggots who govern us and regulate our lives want us chronically ill, starving, or infertile, dependent upon them for everything, and preferably dead. Act accordingly.

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I don't remember anything stating the 'death vax' was good for you, they just implied the idea (to avoid lawsuits I'm sure) much like oblama's speeches which never really said much definitively but implied a lot so folks would fill in the blanks themselves. It worked for him and it obviously worked for our government's death squad. A new way of marketing - at its worse.

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,,but wait...Paul Offit just posted this.... it's because we don't have FAITH in the "vaccines", guys! ..but Paul has a plan...

Restoring Faith in Vaccines

A recent op-ed in the New England Journal of Medicine offered a solution that is readily available but unlikely to succeed https://pauloffit.substack.com/p/restoring-faith-in-vaccines

...so I commented this "Faith in vaccines? Why would we need faith in science? That's religion...why are we getting the two things mixed up.... something's not right here...." ...can't wait for the response....

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