Interesting thanks.

I wonder how many deaths the misinformation has caused?


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spike protien=Chimera of Sars outer shell inserted with HIV and tb virus. A wonderful M&M which the cells of any organism reproduces as disclosed by Memorial Sloan Kettering (Turns off the Dendrite protein . Cancer suppressing protein

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One thing that isn't clear to me - do these papers prove that cell fusion is a problem even for the modified spike produced by vaccination? Those spikes are "locked" so they don't have the same fusion mechanism that the real virus spikes have. I looked at reference 2 to try to figure this out, but it seems that paper references some other papers that looked at this, and it wasn't clear whether they were testing using the original spike sequence or the modified one.

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My common sense along with your findings and that of other scientists and doctors Informed me that I should never inject a toxic spike protein into my body to play Russian roulette with my ACE2 receptors. After actively protecting my health for decades and following and avoiding pharmaceutical breakthroughs, there was no way I would participate in this clinical experiment.

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I love your “play Russian roulette with my ACE2 receptors”. Great comment.

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Excellent article.

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Thank you for sharing this!

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When you inject the vaccines into your body there is a chance the encapsulated mRNA will get into your vascular system.

How likely is it when you contract SARS-CoV-2 (via your lungs) that the virus will get into your vascular system?

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Very likely with a vaccine-damaged immune system and denial of early, appropriate treatments which results in large viral load, viremia.


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Apparently covid itself can also cause vascular damage. But there is abundant evidence that because of several reasons: ablation of the immune system (cf ukcolumn.org and Dr Mike Williams articles) and primarily due to the nanoparticle lipid-encased vehicle, the mRNA encoding for the spike (the toxin) can and does go ANYWHERE in the body. So, whereas SarsCoV2 primarily attacks the lungs and respiratory and occasionally cardio, the things they call mRNA “vaccines” can go anywhere. And when the thusly affected cells express spike, the body attacks itself. According to Dr Alexandra Henrion-caude PhD (speaking in “Planet Lockdown” movie) it does this or can do this primarily in areas of high ACE2 receptors, Testes, Placenta and Intestine is what she said. Dr Mike Yeadon indicated the evidence of clots and thrombocytopenia showing vascular and hematologic damage (several places but he posted a personal message in boriquagato’s substack). Dr Stephanie Seneff (in an Epoch Times health article that was better than most research grade articles I have ever read) showed evidence it can bypass the blood brain barrier causing something akin to prion disease.

I can find the links if you need one.

I am not a biologist. Anyone who wants to correct me, PLEASE do. Dr Mike Williams article called “Stablizing the Code” is one of the best descriptions of how the mRNA was changed to “ablate” or get past the innate immune system. If not horrifying, it would actually be fascinating.

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There may be multiple mechanisms involved. However, increased occurrence following second dose suggests an immune attack.


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"This vaccinated cohort is unique in its racial and ethnic diversity and in receiving care at community hospitals with treatment reflective of real-world practice," the researchers write. "No relationship between COVID-19 mRNA vaccination and postvaccination myocarditis can been established given the observational nature of this study." OBSERVATIONAL NATURE OF THIS STUDY, i.e. Kaiser P is not an unbiased research group.

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Why do people dig deep, ignoring the original issue:

The lipids are the issue that moderna had with multiple doses.

Both pfizer and moderna still use that patent.

No need for pseudo bs virology crap

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I have wondered from the start why the mRNA vaccine developers didn't engineer *out* the furin cleavage site that seems to be responsible for the SARS-CoV-2 "gain of function" and now looks like it's responsible for the formation of syncytia in both lung tissue and heart that allows rapid movement of the viral infection between cells. Anyone know? Why would they leave it in? The furin cleavage site question is different from and independent of the 2-proline stabilization that was engineered *into* the vaccine spike protein to hold it in its otherwise transient ACE2 receptor binding conformation and thereby elicit antibodies to that particular conformation.

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Ah, this question is partially addressed in the Lazebnik article. Apparently the conformational stabilization of the spike protein does actually (accidentally/fortuitously) decrease its "fusogenicity" a bit, resulting in potentially lower levels of syncytia formation than the wild-type protein. Interestingly, the article says the Astrazeneca vaccine, which has the highest level of adverse side effects, uses the wild-type spike protein, whereas Pfizer, Moderna and JNJ/Janssen use the modified, somewhat less fusogenic spike protein. The last couple of pages of this article are worth reading. I'm still left wondering why the furin cleavage site wasn't engineered out.

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I just tonight read info that suggests the spike protein is damaging glutathione production, which certainly seems true with other viral infections.

Supplementation with NAC (n-Acetyl Cysteine) should help therapeutically.

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"Due to the misinformation spread by Reuters and FactCheck.org...": MSM = Main Spreader of Misinformation! ^^

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Always remember, this virus was produced in a lab paid for with US taxpayer dollars provided to a Chinese lab by Anthony Fauci and his cohorts.

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