James, please understand that asking for testing, or evidence of efficacy is AGAINST SCIENCE.

SCIENCE SAYS just approve everything from Moderna or Pfizer.

SCIENCE also says buy billions of obsolete doses right before starting hysterics about "new variants" and buying new untested doses.

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Fauci = Science

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Yes as in Boy's can be Girls, Killing/ dismembering millions of healthy full term can just be a "Choice."! Debauching the language is Satan's et-al best way to destroy a Creator inspired nation!

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$cience is racist and bigoted anyway, so why bother with it.

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The Coved scam is based on computer modeling [as used in climate hoaxing] the in-vivo [in a petri dish] computer molding] is totally irrelevant to, in-vitro testing, [within the complex, living] I.E something never done in the Coved fear campaign! [Fact!] With in-vivo, [computer molding] it could be like shredding a stack of books, sequence some letters & words and claim, eureka we have a new sequence/ variant, [Just look at the scary picture it just generated!] "All the better to control you with, my dear," But as of yet there is NO FDA approved, scientifically verified, test for Big Pharma's, "Gain of Function"/ Mass death Coved 19 ! (It hasten been sequenced yet!) It's all just conjecture, to panic you into compliance! So as to demonstrate or highlight Big Pharma’s, "Death is the wages of sin” [as apposed] The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” I.E. Not Dr. Fauci! God help us! Steve

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You may have gotten "in vivo" and "in vitro" flipped here. In vivo pertains to inside a living environment, and in vitro pertains to an artificial environment.

If you flip your usage, I would agree.

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Yes you are correct! Fake In vitro computer modeling is the scam!

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@ Igor; When big evil [*Leading cause of death] pharma has the science, they pound the science, otherwise [playing god] they pound their faith based [computer modeled] Religion! [Fact!] *Google the Johns Hopkin's [factual] yet [low-ball] iatrogenic study claiming 260,000 kills' annually, or the well referenced book, Death by Medicine, [free on line] documenting 750,000 iatrogenic [Wages of sin] kills’ annually! (Note Big Pharma "medicine" has killed more Americans the ALL the wars USA has ever been in! [Fact] and suckers & fool look to them for salvation! How psychotic is that? God help US!

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Na. I say just let them roll them out. If doctors are stupid enough to give these shots and people are even stupider to get them then let them. At this point we need to weed out these people from our population. They are only dumbing down the species.

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I am not fond of the solution, but it might be the only one available. If by now the people, and the doctors for that matter, STILL believe the media version, they are probably too dumb to be told it is all a myth. They might not even understand the word myth

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I'm fine with that. Except they impose mandates and scapegoat the unvaccinated and deny them rights.

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The book Dead Doctors Don't Lie" & "Your Doctor Is A Liar" [free on line] best make your point! Check em out!

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My dad, wife & best friend were killed by Big Pharma's iatrogenic "medicine"! (My grandson almost died from a forced MMR jab) I was killing myself with beer & wine! My doctor prescribed Lipitor [for my high cholesterol] I ask "Why Lipitor" he answers stubbornly, "To save your life"! "Your Doctor is a Liar" explains using Lipitor packet insert" Lipitor has no effect on mortality! BUT it can Kill you & mess you up in many ways! The take-away is, "Read all package inserts" they are different than the TV adds! (Not the one from law firms suing fraudulent mass harm & killing from, corrupt government approved, fake tested, toxic hi cost pharma drugs! While punishing & ridiculing real doctors for prescribing God's food for medicine, [like Ivermectin & HQQ] !PS. God sent a cat that bit me, put me in the hospital for 5 days, [saved my life] got me off beer and back to church after a 50 year hiatus, & got all my out of range blood tests back to normal! Thanks to God's crazy cat, (Who is now resting comfortably buried in my back yard! Good luck & good health to you!

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The current EUA “for active immunization for the prevention of COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 in individuals 16 years of age and older." is no longer even valid so why would we expect this new "booster" to not just be accepted with zero testing?

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Isn't this the point of the mRNA injections?

They approve the 'software platform' and any additional 'updates' are de-facto approved?

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The main inventor of R-RNA thinks it's dangerous! But it's a good money maker for Big Pharma, I.E. money needed to buy influence, mandates & politicians! What better to demonstrate the wages of sin evil?

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The only test needed is the amount of $$$. All the rest is superficial.

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very droll....

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Very nice Saul Alinsky ridicule!

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That is my trademark phrase. I first heard it from a finance manager years ago.

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Did you look up old Saul's 5th. commandment in his/ Lib's bible, Rules for radicles?

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Never. I scanned who he was. Yes, I know that in order to defeat an enemy you must know all his conduct, tricks, strengths and weaknesses.

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Did you know he was Hilleary's & Obama's sugar daddy?

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Omicron rearranged spells Moronic lol, just sayin'.

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Do you have a link to the original source of this information. I wasn’t able to find it on the Modena website

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Thank you. That was quick don’t you think? New strain announced on Wednesday and Friday they are already onto it. No actual clinical data was provided yet about this new devilish thing but the experts never sleep I suppose.

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Because it's all mapped out. And from the sounds of it, Omicron is a common cold.

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The fact that only a few protein structures are used by nature, although countless others would be possible, simply makes sense. Just as our alphabet consists of a certain number of letters that can be combined in countless ways, only those combinations are part of our languages, in the form of words, that are useful for our communication - even if there are countless combinations that are possible but only cause confusion because they have arisen without context, without silent agreement. What sense does it therefore make to produce proteins (spike) for which there is no necessity on the part of life? And what are the consequences of presenting the body with the lie that what is possible in this way is also necessary for life? What sense does it make to form words that no one understands, daz gteeo ethjuistsch fg hjt bbbbbxxklaqqi? Adoutz ffgghh q o nfgschie k k, lapo schusch, ertöö bhgggdfr hj, ghhg bnbvfffg zurtm.

Isn't creating spikes via ''vaccines'' such a way of destroying bio-logical context? A way of sowing cellular misunderstandings for the future?

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The cronyism and corruption in our government and regulatory agencies is mind-blowing. This is what a failing country looks like. People able to see what is really going on and stand their ground, and people who stand up for real science - these are the only principled ways to be in a failing corrupt country. Sometimes the corruption fails suddenly, and the winds shift drastically against it, and we will be there to "build back better." 😄

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Not to mention the 5 billion in fines big pharma's paid out for their death causing crimes!

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Early next year?! They had all this time to plan in advance! But to be fair, Omicron wasn’t originally scheduled for release until May 2022: https://www.bitchute.com/video/cxKuKRssSru0/

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"Can They Just Do That Without New Trials?

Where have you been? Of course!

Actually, those people who choose to be injected are trialing it for them.

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What is the value of a fake trial!

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Fake? Tell that to those who suffered?

Is the greenback fake?

Are the controls fake?

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It’s well known big pharma trials are brimming with conflicts of interests bribes kick-backs & corruption! Save your haughty sympathy for the millions who die because of that! The top 3 big pharma’s medicine pimps have paid out over 5 billion in fines! Fines that cost mass human lives and suffering! I.E. killing/ [iatrogenic] 250,000 to 750,000 each & every year! See the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] study & the book, Death by Medicine, for documentation!

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I am quite aware of the sufferings. I've literally lost sleep over these scams. I also a bit annoyed and surprised at the naivety of some "our" people. And some seem to regard these scams as just another temporary political game.

Whenever I dish out my humour, it is either to balance the morbid and sordid stories with a bit of positivity; or to mock "them".

We have plenty of virtue-signalers already.

One of my pet peeves is that people quote "them" as references, rather than only to be used against them and their supporters. For example, your reference to Johns Hopkins "study", which I would not touch.

Another thing: beware of "studies". People seem to have forgotten that the vax makers did their "studies" before they were injected into people. People also don't remember or know that at least 50% of peer reviewed studies are bogus. Does anyone still remember that "study" on the HCQ in early 2020?

Finally, I can get a study to show that you owed me $10m!

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So you think the Johns Hopkins study & the book Death by Medicine is "Virtue signaling"? I don't get it? So believe that legit vax studies were done I.E the reason for 800,000 severe adverse reactions & how many thousands of death? I.E. killing more than all known vax kills to date! Please explain! Are you anti HQQ & Ivermectin? Steve

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This is my last correspond with you. I don't engage with people who ignorantly or intentionally misconstrued my words; who made illogical extensions. And I don't engage with slogan spouters - anti ....

JH is one of "them"! Obviously, you did not know.

"Virtue signaling" was in reference to your sympathy thing.

"Believe"? Are we talking about "data" and "science" or religion? It is not for me to "believe" what people claim. They have to prove it in order to persuade me. Since I know nothing about these "studies" I rely on others to vet them.

Chat with other people. It is a shame that there is no mute button on Substack.

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Interesting how they didn't jump to make a Delta-Edition-Vaccine, but they have plans for OMICRON ready to go, without knowing anything about its clinical outcomes. Chris Martenson says, without speculating, that the thing about Omicron is can't trace its family tree - seems to have come out of nowhere. . . .

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With the right computer molding your wish can come true! I.E. a [so-called] vaccine in every arm! Oy shut down all fossil fuel industry's! Then out of the ensuing Chaos, can come neo Nazi Klaus Schwab's great reset, that all the Godless Dem's & Leftist's fawn over! Nothing more then Good vs Evil, in the war for Souls! I.E. "Nothing new under the sun."

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Omicron another rearranged lettering but not Moronic, lol, this time.

An oncomir (also oncomiR) is a microRNA (miRNA) that is associated with cancer. MicroRNAs are short RNA molecules about 22 nucleotides in length. Essentially, miRNAs specifically target certain messenger RNAs (mRNAs) to prevent them from coding for a specific protein.

https://academic.microsoft.com › topic

Oncomir | Topic | Microsoft Academic

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Omicron another rearranged lettering but not Moronic, lol, this time.

An oncomir (also oncomiR) is a microRNA (miRNA) that is associated with cancer. MicroRNAs are short RNA molecules about 22 nucleotides in length. Essentially, miRNAs specifically target certain messenger RNAs (mRNAs) to prevent them from coding for a specific protein.

https://academic.microsoft.com › topic

Oncomir | Topic | Microsoft Academic

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Omicron another rearranged lettering but not Moronic, lol, this time.

An oncomir (also oncomiR) is a microRNA (miRNA) that is associated with cancer. MicroRNAs are short RNA molecules about 22 nucleotides in length. Essentially, miRNAs specifically target certain messenger RNAs (mRNAs) to prevent them from coding for a specific protein.

https://academic.microsoft.com › topic

Oncomir | Topic | Microsoft Academic

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