The question is will enough people, learn of this, and accept it as fact. Or will their pride or dissonance prevent them from believing this is not only possible but true.

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Unfortunately the GOVERNMENTS of all “WEF PENETRATED” countries are PLANNING NEW ROUNDS OF VACCINE MANDATES for the NEXT PANDEMIC! The grossly inflated covid death numbers are due to the unforgivably egregious conflation of the deaths from ALL upper respiratory diseases and ALL deaths due to ANYTHING ELSE THAT IS COINCIDENT WITH COVID infection...NOT ILLNESS, simply ANYTHING ELSE. The deaths from SEASONAL INFLUENZA were running at approximately the SAME RATE As the COVID DEATHS which obliterated the influenza death statistics! They weren’t IN THE KNOW (read being told what to do and say before they were on the take) PAID FOR THE BOGUS DIAGNOSES AND TREATMENTS!!

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not for nothing but if you can hunt down the alleged history of the first cases in the state of Washington, and read enough of the details of those stories, it certainly sounds like they suffered from but survived secondary nosocomial infection, probably because there was no protocol with which to kill them yet by then

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A study of pre vs post protocol mortality would be enlightening...

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I Am Liking This Covid-19 Bio Injection.

Now That We Know That We Can

Get These Morons To Do Anything That We Want

And They Will Beg For More

What Else Can We Get Them To Do For Us?

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Imagine the billions of dollars that people injured by the spikeshots will spend trying to get well. Docs and drug makers and the whole medical-industrial complex will flourish. . .well, except for the docs, nurses, et al. who took the spikeshots themselves.

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Income stream -- PLANNED

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In March 2020, I was shouting from the rooftops to my friends in NYC to NOT stay inside - to get up and outside, walk, get the blood pumping, get those immune cells traveling through the system, AND to get out of the buildings with such poor ventilation! While we were at our NH house, our NYC co-op, finished in 1970, has basement to roof air ducts linking every apartment’s bathroom and kitchen with 8”x10” openings. If you have a down vent smoker, your apartment will literally get a haze. I chose to block our vents and crack windows. Air ventilation is such a historic issue that the tenement building steam radiators were purposely required to OVER heat apartments, forcing residents to crack windows in winter for fresh air. Today, elderly in my over-heated building walk around in summer house dresses or shorts and sandals in January and keep their windows closed in their 78 degree NYC apartments. It’s all so unhealthy! Remember how SARS 1 spread in Hong Kong hotels and that Toronto hospital? Air vents from floor to floor, room to room. It was all such bad advice on so many levels.

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The tests have been and still remain problematic.

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Just like with the Spanish Flu?

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A high death count was the point. How can you create global fear of a plandemic if no one dies? And, yes, we are being "governed" by psychopaths.

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Sadly I believe this too. Power was the point and “health” was the means.

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Everything possible was done to permanently destroy natural immunity forever, prolonging the debacle. In that, and only that regard, the “experts” were a huge success.

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And oh BOY did they inflate their numbers!! The grossly inflated covid death numbers are due to the unforgivably egregious conflation of the deaths from ALL upper respiratory diseases and ALL deaths due to ANYTHING ELSE THAT IS COINCIDENT WITH COVID infection...NOT ILLNESS, simply ANYTHING ELSE. The deaths from SEASONAL INFLUENZA were running at approximately the SAME RATE As the COVID DEATHS which obliterated the influenza death statistics! They weren’t IN THE KNOW (read being told what to do and say before they were on the take) PAID FOR THE BOGUS DIAGNOSES AND TREATMENTS!!

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The ventilation model was wrong from the start anyway. Regardless of any underlying, overlooked infections. If the cells can’t absorb O2 then forcing it into the lungs isn’t going to help, it’s going to kill.

I was screaming to anyone who would listen, stop letting them ventilate people!

This intentional negligence has made me fear going near a hospital for any reason.

I was once an OR scrub nurse, I once trusted mainstream medicine implicitly, now I want nothing to do with any of it.

Over time I had lost confidence as I developed autoimmune diseases (yes plural) from a bunch of injections they claimed I was behind on, and over time became disabled from all the meds they kept adding to the regimen so I had already woken up to the big pharma/med school scheme and turned to holistic methods, ditched the meds, focused on diet, and improved on my own. I stopped listening to drs, just letting them do their tests, make their recommendations, and then seeking my own homeopathic remedies.

When I saw this plandemic come about, I gave them the benefit of the doubt for a couple of weeks even though I immediately questioned masking and lockdowns but I thought maybe there’s really something here. After a few weeks I realized my initial instincts were correct.

From that point it was just shock at what they were doing, what I was observing across the country and the masses of unnecessary deaths. Now, I trust none of them.

Any dr who didn’t use their own knowledge and experience and just blindly followed the “protocol” is complicit in crimes against humanity. A country full of Dr. Death clones.

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"A country full of Dr. Death clones." Yup.

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VAP isn’t something that they ever considered. The NAME was “COVID pneumonia”-When asked what the difference was between COVID pneumonia and REGULAR OLD PNEUMONIA, the doctor blathered incomprehensibly for a moment and then HUNG UP. I am CONVINCED they did more damage after they intubated.

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Of course this is the reason for the inflated numbers of coronavirus during the pandemic

, purposely lacking treatments preventing of therapeutics other doctors where successfully using that’s why the numbers of death were exorbitantly high……

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The grossly inflated covid death numbers are due to the unforgivably egregious conflation of the deaths from ALL upper respiratory diseases and ALL deaths due to ANYTHING ELSE THAT IS COINCIDENT WITH COVID infection...NOT ILLNESS, simply ANYTHING ELSE. The deaths from SEASONAL INFLUENZA were running at approximately the SAME RATE As the COVID DEATHS which obliterated the influenza death statistics! They weren’t IN THE KNOW (read being told what to do and say before they were on the take) PAID FOR THE BOGUS DIAGNOSES AND TREATMENTS!!

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How did the NIH get caught doing legitimate research?

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Did Fauci do ANYTHING right?

Seems that he got almost everything wrong throughout the ordeal.... that takes real talent to get everything wrong and still get everyone to believe.

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It’s a real talent alright...for heinous nefariousness and genocidal ideation!

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Zev Zelenko was right to include azithromycin in his COVID treatment protocol for high risk patients. He said it was to prevent secondary bacteria infection, but azithromycin has antiviral effects as well as antibiotic effects. In any case, isn't it a well-known fact that bacterial pneumonia often "piggybacks" on respiratory viruses? Doesn't every doctor-in-training learn this during their internship, if not before?

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Every high school student in my generation knew this because of the wild contagion of a new spate of ubiquitous diseases with promiscuous milieux and sexual transmissibility

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The grossly inflated covid death numbers are due to the unforgivably egregious conflation of the deaths from ALL upper respiratory diseases and ALL deaths due to ANYTHING ELSE THAT IS COINCIDENT WITH COVID infection...NOT ILLNESS, simply ANYTHING ELSE. The deaths from SEASONAL INFLUENZA were running at approximately the SAME RATE As the COVID DEATHS which obliterated the influenza death statistics! They weren’t IN THE KNOW (read being told what to do and say before they were on the take) PAID FOR THE BOGUS DIAGNOSES AND TREATMENTS!!

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Hospitals got roughly $40 grand for ventilating a patient. Remdesivir, Fauci's killer cure, brought in something like $4K. $13K for a ''covid'' diagnosis. Plus all the other residuals for a hospital stay. ''Covid'' was a scam from it's inception. Remember this....Covid was ''invented'' for the quackcine, NOT the other way around!

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