Get it and be done with it? Like in the old days? Measles parties, you know?

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I'm sure all of the above will be done in Africa! Give them clean water and decent food! In a healthy child, not malnourished, measles is hardly noticed, let alone a killer disease. I know, I had them as a kid, along with mumps and chicken pox. I've no allergies, no autoimmunity, no tics, tourettes, asperger's, ADHD, autism, or anything else. I'm 70 and on no meds, BMI of 24.

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MMPGA - Make Measles Parties Great Again

When I was a kid, spur of the moment parties and sleepovers were the answer to measles. Give kids the lasting immunity, God’s gift to us, and they will do much better than those getting jabbed.

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Thank you! Sent to my daughter in case her completely unjabbed 5 month old gets measles.

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This is not a reviewed, tested or medically accepted protocol. Please do not recommend that your daughter follow it. This is a real problem.

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You do you Linda. MANY trusted sources have posted the WHO recommended Vit A protocol. I would absolutely do this in the off chance of a measles diagnosis.

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"This is not a reviewed and tested"

Yes it is. From The National Foundation For Infectious Diseases:

"In the US, studies have shown that hospitalized measles patients are frequently vitamin A deficient, with low serum vitamin A levels correlating with the severity of measles disease. One study among US children with measles showed that children with no known prior vitamin A deficiency exhibited a significant decline in their serum retinol levels during the acute phase of measles. This decline in circulating retinol was associated with increased duration of fever, higher hospitalization rates, and decreased antibody titers. In the study, plasma retinol levels returned to normal during the recovery phase.

"Vitamin A has been recommended for decades by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) for hospitalized children with measles. However, recent studies show that vitamin A has not been used appropriately to treat US children with measles—either by not using vitamin A at all or by using insufficiently low doses. The reason for this is unknown."

Back to you, Linda: "or medically accepted protocol."

Medically accepted by the people who are responsible for using disastrous 'vaccines', remdesivir, and ventilators for COVID and by the people who think it's a-ok to give kids 72 vaccines that causes SIDS and an epidemic of chronic diseases in children (which includes the aforementioned National Foundation For Infectious Diseases)?

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Articles in the mainstream media last year (which came down faster than they went up) described the use of the measles virus as a weapon against all types of cancer. This research can be googled and verified. Another article, again, magically "disappeared" from websites, discussed the phenomenon of people who contracted measles as kids experiencing dramatically lower rates of cancers. The question arises: When a vaccine suppresses one disease, does it sometimes boost another? Has the vaccine industry been a trillion dollar game of virus whack-a-mole all along? Let's all find out.

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I love this idea! For all who choose not to vaccinate, it is so important to know what can be done to support the body if you do happen to catch measles (or any of the other diseases for which vaccines are available).

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That's a ton of invasive interventions for a typically mild and self limiting viral infection. Pretty sure most of it is not appropriate for infants whose best defense would be to be nursing. From a nutrition and immunological standpoint, that is a serious omission in your proposed treatment plan. Where would all these measles infected subjects come from? Re: "measles virus significantly depletes beneficial gut flora, leading to prolonged immune suppression and vulnerability to secondary infections​." I have seen this in one paper in the literature and judging by my own experience from childhood, I don't believe it. I think the prolonged immune suppression was made up to frighten the public into getting vaccinated. The big problem with publishing your untested ideas for the lay public is that people will implement them, even with your disclaimer. Already one grandmother in this thread said she is going to send this to her daughter for her 5 month old granddaughter. That's not good.

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