
Incidentally, I have never been able to see how a vax trial against placebo would be double-blinded. Those that had side-effects from the experimental vax would be more likely to have a placebo effect because they believed the shot to be efficacious whereas those who had saline and experience no side-effects would guess that they hadn’t received anything. I think it may have been Sin Hang Lee who first suggested this problem. I wonder even under less prejudicial circumstances whether fully scientific vax studies are feasible.

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Yes, indeed. Recall many of those in the vaxxed arm unblinded themselves to each other in Facebook groups. Those studies were trainwrecks.

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The entire issue is moot. There is no clinical definition of someone claimed to be ‘infected by Covid’. A mish-mash of observable symptoms - fever, high temp, fatigue etc - is just assumed to indicate Covid infection. But these symptoms can arise from a number of sources. Attribution to something claimed to be Covid is 100% dependent on the results of the fraudulent PCR test. This cannot diagnose ANYTHING. What it counts is conveniently assumed to be the result of Covid… convenient, that is, to those pushing the ludicrous and dangerous ‘vaccination’ strategy (looking at you Big Pharma), but you can get the same results ‘testing’ papaya fruit or any number of objects. Discussions about thresholds are akin to discussing how many angels can dance on a pinhead: irrelevant and meaningless, but conveniently sustaining the dangerous myth that the PCR test would be meaningful if applied properly.

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I am not a doctor or an academic or specialist. My voice is representative of the common man without political connections or power just trying to live my life and make sense of all this.

I just had Covid a month ago, according to a test by my doctor. It was an instantaneous and resounding positive. It lasted a full 14 days. I had not been sick with any kind of flu or infection for decades because I had stopped using all the OTC nonsense and relied solely on guaifenesin and neti pot saline rinses. That kept me healthy all these years. I couldn’t help but notice last month that all my symptoms along with how I felt was identical to every single “sinus infection” I used to suffer from multiple times a year decades ago, and they lasted about two weeks too, knocking me out of commission and feeling miserable every minute of every day. Last month with “Covid” I didn’t have one symptom that wasn’t identical. So it caused me to be confused over why Covid was considered something different.

Decades ago people who got these awful sinus infections had a risk of developing pneumonia or other complications too, as all infections or viruses had, but I don’t remember there being such serious, widespread complications and death like we have now, and that leads me to believe that yes, Covid is real. It’s the origin that concerns me.

We certainly did lose a lot of innocent people worldwide before the vaccines even rolled out, so there was definitely something new. And we call it Covid. But I now wonder if it weren’t purposefully unleashed onto the public. And I wonder of the millions who contracted Covid pre-vaccine who didn’t die if there was as many serious permanent conditions occurring among them that we now attribute to vaccine injury. Were those same kinds of injuries happening prior to the vaccines? Do we have reliable, unadulterated data on that?

One thing was definitely different last month than in the years I used to get sick, and that is how for the first four days my guaifenesin and saline rinses were doing absolutely nothing to curtail and/or lessen my symptoms like they always had before. Not even slightly. The virus raged forward as if I had thrown a sock into a tornado to stop it. So it definitely was something new not seen before. But - Ivermectin did alleviate my symptoms rather quickly, and it was able to curtail the tornado almost instantly.

I don’t think there is any doubt that Covid is real, I think the doubt lies in how it came to be. I have enough doubt about how all of this is being handled and about these efficacy studies to never trust any new medication by big pharma to treat it again. I will always use Ivermectin at the first signs of any illness because for me it was helpful, and it was truly safe to try without putting into my body things that I may never be able to get rid of later or altering my DNA. If I had been an individual that didn’t respond to Ivermectin or the alternate protocols that has helped so many people, I’m not sure I would have felt it was necessary to try anything else other than ride it out. Of course that all depends on whether or not I developed complications requiring intensive care. And there lies my true fear: I don’t trust our hospitals since they are all beholden to one singular narrative across our nation and staunchly implementing one specified treatment for all who come through their doors, primarily dictated by the government and big pharma, not our doctors.

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