An idea; lets try to get a handle on the actual jabbers. (Injection administrators) The medics They are literally pulling the trigger, with the ever excuse, 'just doing my job' or 'doing what I have been told' Obviously the jabbers are seeing some of the ill effects, and are they speaking up?

Is there any way to appeal to this subset? I mean, besides hoping they too will wake up?

As a first step I am looking at the ads training procedures the CDC uses. Seems like they always need more jabbers. Robbers. Ideas?

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They need to read my “Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling) and watch the “Caring Corrupted: The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich” documentary I share in that piece. We need to wake them up to their own direct complicity in the injury and murder of countless victims and remind them that just obeying orders did not fly at Nuremberg.

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Do you know if they are still using Ivermectin in India?

Supposedly one good thing about Ivermectin is that it neutralizes Spike protein.

Has anyone checked if it neutralizes the Omicron spike protein?

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It prevents viral replication so it should work on Omicron. We'll know for sure based on how hard they smear it in the global corporate media. Yes on the India question. Only one state declined it as early treatment and they had horrible outcomes. https://trialsitenews.com/covid-19-in-india-a-state-declined-to-use-early-treatment-and-the-results-are-appalling/

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Dr Jack, I was seriously surprised to learn of Dr Bryan Ardis yesterday. I watched an interview of him, where he showed that Ivermectin is actually on the NIH’s list of approved meds. I posted about it on my FB…


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Thanks for that, an excellent point. I admire your work very much and have seen several interviews since the Tribunal, CovidCon21, Covid Revealed, etc. I may take a course in immunology. I am a psychologist had had a specialty in psychoneuroimmunology, as well as political psychology, and more. My first piece on Substack, after being thankfully censored on Medium, is on IVM - https://coronawise.substack.com/p/open-letter-and-challenge-for-rachel Bobby Kennedy had it linked on CHD so it did pretty well. I am grateful for Substack for supporting our evolving community. I think we have to collaborate more and up our game. I am now working on truly informed consent for children and trying to get them to halt, dealing with school nurses and pop-up clinics and "informed collusion", and also psych dynamics of domination demystification, framing, etc.

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Fired for Freedom: Doctors, nurses, and attorneys expose civil rights abuses

Livestream will be available here on Tuesday, December 7 at 12pm (noon) ET. 


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Excellent article! I'm so thankful most of my family lives in Montana but that doesn't help those who live in states such as Washington. The hospital/doctor that shall remain nameless recently killed a good friend of ours by denying his request for Ivermectin and not allowing anyone to visit or bring him this medication. I have over 30 elderly/retired friends who have recovered with Ivermectin and vitamins. At the same time they are killing people in the hospitals with Remdesivir and blaming it on *ovid -This is absolutely criminal!

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I have an even better idea: I should be able to go to CVS or Kroger and buy ivermectin OTC.

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Yes. This law however would not only apply to COVID19.

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Fashionable propaganda such as this highlights how easy it is to suppress Ivermectin and facts in general - I mean if you can discount the experimental shot as a possibility as to why you lost your fetus, (there maybe other reasons but you must include the 'shot' as one reason if you are reasonable) you can dismiss any potential truth - https://digg.com/2021/good-advice-column-question-anti-vax-miscarriage?utm_source=digg&utm_medium=email

Should I Listen To My Brother’s Anti-Vax Misinformation After He Openly Blamed My Miscarriage On the COVID Vaccine, And Other Advice Column questions by LV Anderson Dec 5, 2021, updated Dec 6, 2021

Answer from Jenee Desmond-Harris: You’re being way too easy on your brother and the rest of your family. It’s one thing if he wants to believe in misinformation and conspiracy theories, but blaming you for your own miscarriage is taking things to another, unforgivable level. Here’s the plan: No more talking to him—or anyone else who tries to excuse his behavior—until you have the baby. I know that’s hard, but these people do not care about you and your well-being. Fill in the gaps in your life with your husband’s family, your friends, your doctors, and anyone else who lives in reality, has compassion, and knows how to talk to people.

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I consider the smearing of life-saving early treatment protocols one of the most abominable aspects of this mass murder campaign, which is why I analyzed the ivermectin disinformation campaign in “Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded).

I have just gotten to the part of RFK’s book on the anti-ivermectin fraud and am even more appalled than I thought was possible. Dr. Tess Lawrie’s evisceration of BigPharma shill Dr. Andrew Hill during her Zoom meeting with him as well as her subsequent courageous actions is well worth the read alone—as is every other page in this phenomenally revealing book.

Here are a few key lines spoken by Dr. Lawrie during that Zoom call:

“You are causing irreparable harm.”

“Well, all I’m saying is this smacks of corruption and you are being played.”

“[Y]ou seem to be able to bear the burden of many, many deaths, which I cannot do.”

“[Y]ou’ve taken a position right to the other extreme calling for further trials that are going to kill people. So this will come out, and you will be culpable. And I can’t understand why you don’t see that, because the evidence is there and you are not just denying it, but your work’s actually actively obfuscating the truth. And this will come out.”

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Amen and amen and amen.

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I was wondering if you have had people informing you of this issue?

I ordered some helpful medications from India about a month ago. I was told it would take 3-4 weeks. Yesterday I received a phone call from US Customs that told me they had confiscated my package. They asked me to push 1 and talk to them about the "illegal drugs". I hung up because I wasn't sure how to respond. I paid $645 for this order and I'm afraid they have destroyed it or have stolen it. I asked to use a credit card but it ended up going to Paypal so it was deducted from my bank account.

Some of my friends have received their orders and some have gotten letters from the FDA saying that their orders were confiscated also.

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No one has informed me of any specifics so far. Incredible.

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I finally received my box from India. I am wondering if the 2 phone calls I got a couple weeks ago may have been spam? Someone may have been trying to get $ info from me?

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