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Oct 12, 2022
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Negative efficacy is far from "isn't 100% perfect".

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An emotionally unhinged pediatrician resorting to personal attacks rather than using reason and actual data is truly pathetic (and extremely unprofessional).

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When it comes to mandating something, it had better be at least 100% necessary, which these mRNA experiments clearly are not.

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"Anthony Fauci in May 2021 said in a CBS interview that vaccinated people are ‘dead ends’ for COVID-19, suggesting they cannot transmit the virus."

But he was singing a different tune in the Annals of Internal Medicine in May 2021:


"Administration of parenterally administered vaccines alone typically does not result in potent mucosal immunity that might interrupt infection or transmission"

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He’s a lying liar who lies.

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That's the difference between hype & truth - the problem is that the authorities & major media-outlets etc., start only believing in the hype....

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Hmm. It does appear the Globalists preferred way of murder has failed.

So, whats next kids?

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Don't worry, there are 101 ways to skin a cat.

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Live with it, we screwed you and be happy we’re there to inform you loud and clear now

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Where’s the lawsuits?

Everyone who went out and visited their parents because they thought they were safe, should sue.

Every single person fired from their jobs should sue.

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I just commented similar at The Vigilant Fox's substack post: "Smoking Gun – The Death Jab Failed":

"It was not a RCT because, based on my understanding, subjects with natural immunity were excluded from the trials. On this alone, the trials should have been found to be insufficient for the FDA to have authorized it.

On top of that, for search for efficacy (Phase 2) had been unethically prioritized over safety (Phase 1).

I hope everyone realizes that this is a lot larger than covid and vaccines because there's a slew of drugs and treatments that will follow this exact same method.

It was stated in the literature that much was unknown. It was stated very early on that it doesn't reduce transmission. It was the government at many levels, the media, and influencers (who were influenced) that kept repeating "safe and effective", "protect yourself and others" and "do your part. do the right thing". I'm not saying the drug companies had no role either. They did. They witnessed it all.

Another question is who redacted much of the Pfizer documents? Regardless of whether it was the FDA or Pfizer, the FDA should be held responsible for authorizing something that should not have been whether the information was redacted ahead of time or if the FDA redacted it. Hidden information is only hidden for a reason."

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Oct 12, 2022
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Ooh! A troll finally discovered Substack! 🙄🙄

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Extremely well written…Thank you!

Sharing it all is my pledge!

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Isn’t it true that these products could never have prevented transmission because they do not help in any way, shape, or form to provide mucosal immunity? With respiratory viruses, they hit your nasal and throat mucosa and IgA gets triggered. But with an injection into a muscle, no IgA… just IgM and IgG primarily and triggering antibodies that are not and never were a very good correlate of protection. Is this correct? So, through my own readings early on in mid-2020, I figured these products they were working on would never prevent infection and hence, never prevent transmission. And everyone is all a’flutter with this story. Many months late and many billions short- for the people.

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Dr. Fauci even said that...eventually

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That’s right.

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Same here, Mel -- and I don't even have a degree in microbiology or chemistry or anything -- BUT -- I can read.😊

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Re: request to upgrade to paid.

I suspect there are a great many of us who would like to do a paid subscription to several worthy substacks, but simply can't afford such a monthly bill. Personally I have to limit myself to 3 or 4 paid subscriptions, which I try to direct to those who seemingly do not have much income (like me). My own substack is free, nor do I ask for donations. Don't know what else to say. What we do here is not entertainment, or at least that is not the primary aim. Could a system of complimentary subs be devised? Could SubStack itself offer some kind of universal payment for universal subscription? I am surely not trying to limit the possibility for others to generate some income from what is not an easy profession, if writing is it. Maybe the problem is something deeper.


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Thank you for your thought, I don't expect everyone to be able or willing to upgrade to paid. Those who do have paid subscriptions are keeping all of this content coming and free for everyone.

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Now comes the wrath of parents and grandparents. Now comes the finger pointing and recriminations. Now come the lawsuits and loss of licenses...this will cascade. Fraud on the part of Pfizer will be proven, as the US government acted on behalf of Pfizer as agent of purchase and distributor for the jabs. Provable fraud by a private company with the collusion of interlocking directorates of the Federal Government. Fraud vitiates all contracts.

Doctors will be sued for not adhering to their oath of Primum Non Nocere (First Do No Harm). Remember, EUA only grant protection to the manufacturer. Even if it is extended to institutions, fraud applies throughout the chain of responsibility. Violations of Human Rights will be exposed (all Hospital Systems and Businesses) for "requiring" the jabs. The data were there for anyone to inspect and analyze. Electrons and ink were spilled in copious amounts pointing out to the gaping holes in data and to the publicly available public health reports.

We will be dealing with the end effects for decades. Following orders as defense did not work in the past. Maybe this time it will sink if we arrest and convict those responsible in the private sector, too.

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I listened to the Pfizer rep in the MEP's clip. She didn't say what was in the headline quote by the Epoch Times and the MEP. What she actually said was "Did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market? No." I don't know what that means, if anything, but I think we've all been taken for a ride by the MEP.

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It was also my understanding from day one that these vaccines would not stop transmission (I even wrote to my MP about it) - and I'm only a lay person... I reasoned that an intramuscular injectable wouldn't provide the 'mucosal immunity' necessary to stop transmission... Also, what little trial information was available at the time, indicated that prevention of transmission was not a goal... Various early articles & letters published in the BMJ also highlighted this...

Vaccine mandates were never finalised in England, because the Establishment cares more about virtue signalling to 'ethnic minorities' than to the general population - and it was reasoned that the former would be penalised the most (not the kind of image the Establishment wants to project)...

When record cases shot up in the vaccinated - it became pretty clear that these novel vaccines were not stopping transmission - if anything, they were increasing cases & possibly causing further mutation...

Even The Telegraph newspaper made the case against covid passes etc. due to the high case numbers...

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