i wish all those depositions could be public.

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Too little, too late. The damage Fauci has wrought will resonate for decades.

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wow...to mis-quote Obi-Wan Kenobi “I felt a great disturbance in the Force. As if a thousand bureaucrats at CDC and FDA suddenly cried out in terror and realized how deeply screwed, they were going to be.”

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vivek murtha too!

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They will plead the 5th, and the media will ignore it--substackers will be outraged but that wont help and Fauci will live happily ever after.

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Yes, Dr. Jack, you could start the questioning beginning from the day he was born

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Oct 24, 2022·edited Oct 24, 2022

Ethical Skeptic is exposing a coverup at the CDC where the CDC is changing death codes to covid.


The implication is that if the CDC can say that covid caused the 2021 working age excess deaths, then it won't have to provide a true explanation--covid vaccines.

But the CDC has a leetle problem--85+ y.o. covid mortality was down hugely (28%) in 2021 from 2020, but working age covid mortality was up hugely (100%) in 2021 from 2020. I don't think that things happen that way. Covid mortality rates for different ages run along the same course, rising and falling about the same amount.

Then, if anyone checks the state death databases, discrepancies in the total from the CDC data might be found.

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