Very thorough on your part - thank you!

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.....ahhhh, well - CLOWNS jes' gotta CLOWN.....the effects of BOTH mercury-derived additives and aluminum nanoparticulate compounds (ESPECIALLY in conjunction with stainless-steel needles) consequent OBLITERATION of microtubules has since been WELL documented formally; peer-reviewed - so, Tappy is then a NON-useful, to ANYone now [scientifically-ILliterate] IDIOT.

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What a pathetic shill. Tapper was censored himself from running a jab critical story and he was outraged. It was the first time in his career that he had been censored. He decided he liked his paycheck better than the general populations well being and never looked back. Pfuck him

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Tapper is filth

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love it!! Thank you!

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Can't be a very large club of people who value Tapper's opinion.

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Has there been a study explaining why some kids developed autism and others don't ? They are all getting same amount of mercury through vaccines.

Someone needs to put some lipstick on that Tapper prostitute

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Genetic or other influence altering response?

Make vaccines safer (antigens only?), and use them only (and rarely) when warranted for egregious threats.

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A good place to start is Dr. Lyons-Weiler's own book, "The Environmental and Genetic Causes of Autism" 2016 Skyhorse Publishing. It's excellent!

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So can I assume there is not an answer to my question ?

If mercury is the culprit.

Seems like a question that would have been answered.

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There has been some independent science done, Incl. Dr Lyons-Weiler's book, exploring that question. I'm a linguist and organic farmer--nothing near expert on any of these issues. But I'm science literate, and have read everything I can find on this for the past 30 years. I do have a child who suffered regression following his one and only childhood shot. It was the last one we ever had in our house for any of our children. It presented with the common picture of seizures, instant loss of eye contact, raging fever, gut dysfunction (such as that studied by Dr. Wakefield), marked reduction in communication, etc. A tale too often told by too many distraught parents who did what they were told...

We caught the injury early, and with the help of our brilliant MD homeopath and our chiropractor who corroborated what I as a tuned-in mother perceived, we detoxed our son immediately (cilantro smoothies, acupuncture, stopping gluten and other possible irritants, and other therapies. Our son recovered completely. It took a while, but we got him back without a trace that anything had happened. Few families are this fortunate, but it can be done. One of the Qs explored: are some kids less able to flush toxins from their bodies, due either to a genetic pre-disposition such as MTHFR mutation or prior overload of toxins and "toxicants"--(I say this in deference to the following post! ) So, what I've read is that there are two parts to the cases of vaccine induced injury, including autism: some pre-disposing factor(s) that some children do not have, and the assault to the vulnerable child, in the form of an injection or other harmful exposure.

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exactly this ^^ and so much more!

my middle son has autism, dx by age 3.

older (by 10 yrs) half sibling, 100% healthy.

youngest son had numerous symptoms of vax injury as an infant, stopped vaxing at 12 months, symptoms all cleared up by age 3. (time between 2nd & 3rd son was 18 months)

I was 42 when I had my middle son and had severe Crohn's (autoimmune GI disease). I also had a mouthful of mercury amalgam fillings. I've since come to surmise (after over 15 yrs in the autism community and massive amounts of scientific learning,) that my middle son likely 'pulled' the mercury out of my body. (baby detoxing metals/toxins out of mom is an established medical phenomenon AND I have labs proving my asd son's metal toxin load)

Guess what? after having my 2nd son, I never (and I do mean NEVER) had another GI disease symptom! mercury from my body + vax = severe regressive autism in my middle son (he just turned 19 yrs old).

no (or very little) metals from my body + vax = temporary symptoms in son #3; he was able to heal and rebound, because I stopped the toxic onslaught.

soon after my son was dx with autism, I took all three of my boys' vax records and laid them side by side. my youngest, at 12 months, had received MORE vax than my oldest (born in '93) had in his ENTIRE childhood.

vax played a role? damn straight. was it the ONLY factor? no way.

the father of my 2 younger sons is bipolar and adult ADD. I have a nephew (my sister's son, who's a ligit genius) who meets the criteria for Asperger's. I have a niece (1st cousin of my boys on their father's side,) with a 5 yr old daughter, non-verbal autism and microencephaly, who received not a single vax, but she (mom) was on a psych med (not sure which one) and took tons of Tylenol while pregnant.


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there is no ONE cause of autism or neurodevelopmental disorders. just like there is no ONE cause of any disease state. same reasons why not all smokers get lung cancer or people who never smoked in their lives, do develop lung cancer.

the causes and contributors are as varied as the individuals themselves.

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Even if the 2004 Institute of Medicine's (IOM) Immunization Safety Review call ethylmercury a known neurotoxin, please correct that. While methyl and dimethyl mercury may be natural, organic products, as far as I'm aware, ethylmercury is not, and the element mercury is a natural product only in the sense supernovae and other stellar processes produced it. Despite C.S. Lewis' misinterpretation of Plato's Republic in "Voyage of the Dawn Treader", stars are not biological organisms. "Toxins" are necessarily natural secretions, in particular if of high molecular weight and high antigenicity. Synthetic poisons are toxicants, but not toxins. (Minor possible exception for synthetic analogs of toxins like GoF spike protein and derivative products like mRNA injections.) The CDC may be correct in stating ethylmercury is not a toxin. (I didn't look for the original publications to see if they really said that.)

And sorry for being a continual, decades-long crank about this misuse of the word "toxin". It continues, hard as I try. Language descriptivism (as opposed to prescriptivism) is a fallacious abuse, tracing at least back to Hilkiah's (Saint Plunder) and his scribes' forgery of much of the Bible.

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It is simply not possible for certain parties to argue in good faith about this. Once you even admit that there is the possibility of an argument here the game is lost

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The "discredited 1998 Lancet study by Dr. Andrew Wakefield" is only discredited by dishonest people who misrepresent what the study was about, how it was carried out, and the types of claims it made, anyhow. Detractors also falsely claim that it is the starting point of the "anti-vax" movement, and the sole reason that "anti-vaxxers" believe that vaccines can cause autism.

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exactly true. seems like everyone who pulls that one out has never bothered to actually READ the study in question. Dr Wakefield NEVER came close to proposing a causal relationship. 'more study needs to be done', was as close as it got. Plus, other study authors had their day 'in court' (in the UK) and were fully exonerated from any/all wrong doing. there was never any fraud nor any claim of causation.

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That sums it up perfectly: there was never any fraud nor any claim of causation.

People who say he falsified data are just repeating what they have heard from others who deliberately lied about the situation.

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Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Can anybody point me to the place in this study which concludes the following: "The IOM's 2004 conclusion was that the evidence was insufficient to support or reject a link between thimerosal in vaccines and autism." Or is this communicated more by omission than outright statement? I assume this is the study? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20669467/

All I see so far is what is stated in the abstract, that no further study on this link is recommended, including this: "The committee concludes that the body of epidemiological evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism. The committee also concludes that the body of epidemiological evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism." I want to send everything possible to people who still believe the "safe and effective" story, but want to make sure what I send doesn't inadvertently buttress their belief. Thanks!

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I can do you one better: the book "Truth Will Prevail: 1200 studies that refute vaccine claims" by Dr Alan Palmer. meticulously researched and compiled. he was recently interviewed on the Ripple Effect podcast

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here's what RFK jr had to say about the entire incident, Jan '22

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As far as I'm concerned the entire field of vaccinology has been ruined/exposed when they pushed intramuscular mRNA shots as a viable medical prevention for a respiratory infection.

There might well be some solid scientific evidence for the application of certain vaccinations for certain pathogens (obviously never without risk and therefore no mandates are ever warranted) but at this point one can simply not trust the system to make that distinction.

The covid debacle blew the lid off.

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