Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022

You hit the nail on the head with this one Dr Jack! Thank you for all your efforts to enlighten and bring forth the TRUTH. Good to see Dr McDonald's helping too!

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.....I have just TWO names for you, Jamie - PASTEUR and FLEXNER - which ultimately allowed for effective neutralization of HIGHLY-popular, well-RESPECTED naturopathic approaches to health.....was anyone ELSE aware that the Rockers QUICKLY paid a mere $130K to CONTROL all content as regards World War II following its exceedingly-DUBIOUS conclusion? Me NEITHER; just found out as much LAST night - but, NO coincidence, THAT transaction.....

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Correction offered: No one in their right mind should entrust their lives to for-profit medicine unless under true capitalism, anarcho-capitalism.

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Right. At the risk of employing the overused term, we have the merger of "for profit" medicine with government. It is mediated through government mandates applied to health insurers. So that is fascism.

Lasik eye surgery is "for profit," but mostly not covered by insurance. The result is low cost treatment, and high quality results.

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Under anarcho-capitalism the situation would be better, but we would still have a problem if stocks in hospitals are publicly traded on the market. Investors are in the business only to make money. Medical professionals are in the business to provide quality health while also making good money. Investors can lobby the CEO to cut corners for profit, then sell their stock and walk away before the consequences of the reduced quality hit. At a non-profit hospital there are no investors; only medical professionals making good pay, providing good services. And they can't walk away so easily from the consequences of their actions. Investment is parasitic. If a hospital needs cash, it should get a loan. A banker won't tell you what standard of care you have to provide.

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Valid point about publicly traded companies. I am not an expert but I believe many of the large hospital systems have for profit and not for profit arms. I think those NFP affiliates may be under the same control and negative influences.

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A banker WILL tell you what standard of care you receive, if they can get away with it!!! And, they're doing their damnedest to do so...

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The treacherous crafts of the Bigg Harm”us” quackcene “industry” are the leading cause of death -

Thank you for your powerful insight, Dr JLW!

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What about ObamaCare? Without that and it’s regulations there would be no way for Fauci to accrue so much power. So strike down the ACA. Bring competition back.

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Please read the exhaustive research being done by Katherine Watt at bailiwicknews.substack.com to understand how “medicine” has been weaponized “legally” throughout the decades to bring us to this moment.

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The beginnings "Rockefeller Medicine Men" before it became such a profitable business at the expense of patients.

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Thanks - Great post. You write: "medicolegalindustrio cabal who seized control of our country starting in January of 2020." Precisely. It has descended all around us to the point I'm not sure we have anything else to do other than make it more than clear to these cretins that we're not plying along. Woke corporations are already experiencing protests and more from customers. Non-woke corporations are quick to pick up the slack. Prospective medical conglomerate patients are voting with their feet. But a large political statement announcing our divorce from those at the root of this is hopefully in the works.

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COVID was just the icing on the cake for me in regards to knowing what a sham the healthcare industry is. I want no part of an industry that has a financial incentive to do a bad job. Complications? More money. Bad diagnoses? More money. Medical "mistakes" More money.

I've been very interested in health science for quite awhile now. Until these charlatans understand something as basic as insulin resistance being a disease state I want nothing to do with them.

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Fauci has been murdering people for decades. Now he has Bill Gates, another eugenicist, funding these depopulation programs. Just say no!

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What do we do? End debt-backed currency issued by the Federal Reserve private banks. Return to US Treasury Greenbacks (fiat money) that can be created ONLY to fund public infrastructure, like health care facilities and research. Those facilities should be run as local cooperatives, offering services to the public for reasonable fees and free care after some deductible amount based on income. No tax support would be needed with Greenback funding. This strategy would eliminate the need for for-profit health insurance too. Also end the practice of issuing medical patents. Add charity hospitals to the mix too for diversity. That should do it.

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deletedAug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022
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Yes... And, so is the US Postal Service, Dept. of Transportation, Dept. of Education, etc. Some of these things are needed as part of a functioning society - but, how these things are funded, decided, etc., need to be re-examined, and perhaps many functions should be on the State level. Oh, and the DOEd needs gone, ASAP.

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deletedAug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022
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Wow... you read volumes & volumes into what little I said... And, decided I'd said all sorts of thing I didn't... Do you do that often??? Maybe you need to examine HOW you read things...

And, how EXACTLY are our so-called "representatives", who are making all sorts of extremely costly decisions supposedly on OUR behalf, yet never actually seem to suffer any consequences of their decisions, "responsible for their actions"??? They NEVER pay for the consequences of their actions, so HOW are they held responsible for them??? We all know they don't step up and take one on the chin, or show any real ethics or morals and step down...

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If it weren't for that unreasonable requirement Congress put on the Post Office to have pensions in the bank 70 years before they're needed, the Post Office would function off the fees it charges for its services. That's ideal for a government service. We just need to get public oversight on the Post Office to prevent illegal tampering/reading of mail.

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Hey socialism that doesn't tax anyone. That's a neat trick. And if fiat money is only used to build public infrastructure --that returns user fees-- it becomes backed by that asset. Try again.

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Technically, once fiat currency is backed by the infrastructure asset, it's as good as currency that required the state to steal someone's gold first.

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deletedAug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022
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Scott's here to radicalize me. Won't work. :)

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We always have to look at risk/benefit, don't we?

As someone who avoids hospitals and doctors, I have to admit that doctors probably do more benefit than harm in some limited cases--trauma surgeons, certain cancer treatments, setting broken bones, and diagnosis, for example.

I haven't looked at statins carefully, but statins look to be a serious problem caused by allopathic treatment. I suspect that asthma medications also make things worse.

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❤️❤️❤️ People within the deep state (for lack of a better term) have planned and carried out many crimes right in our faces. Think Ruby Ridge, Waco, OKC, et.al., but Sep 11 was the biggest. Some of us saw that out of the gate for what it was -- an "operation". My God, it was so obvious. Its official story was an impossibility -- an absurdity. Despite efforts using material, provable facts, once I saw that the majority in this country believed the official story and tolerated the unpunished criminal negligence it portrayed, that was when I knew that people could be told 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈.

Fast forward to 2020 and the "COV!D" operation was also obvious. This time around I knew the outcome, though. I knew that the vast majority would believe and conduct themselves accordingly -- even if it meant the further destruction of freedom, the rule of law, the Constitution. Just as "Americans" credulity and cowardice had tolerated these destructions after Sep 11.

I remember screaming about the symptoms...What are the symptoms that American medicine -- the system alleged to be the best in the world -- cannot treat? The fetishistic focus on the "novel" virus made my head explode. What difference does the source of the symptoms make?? Do we not know that respiratory symptoms are viral and/or bacterial? And do we not know how to treat them -- early??? What other symptoms crop up in the vulnerable -- and we knew in Feb/Mar who they were -- and what must be done to treat those? Treat being the operative word. Instead, what did the "white coats" do?

This has exposed the "white coats" for what the majority are...A danger. They enabled a fraud. They enabled death. It reminds me of Merlin's response to Arthur in 𝑬𝒙𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒃𝒖𝒓:

"Arthur: Where hides evil in my kingdom, then?

Merlin: Always... where you never expect it. Always."


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Very true, Scott. But that's what we're told...viral infections, bacterial infections. Influenza virus causes the flu...Etc., etc.

Regardless, what were the symptoms of this "new" respiratory infection that the oh-so-special geniuses in the white coats could not treat? We heard only about a "novel" virus. I said back in early 2020 that unless this "novel" virus was in fact a bioweapon, what are the reasons it is untreatable??? No one answered that question -- at least publicly. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko in Monroe, NY figured out how to treat people -- not turning away a single person. Yet the vast, vast majority of the allopathic cabal caved. An absolute disgrace.

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deletedAug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022
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Scorpion and frog. :)

Yes, I figured out a long time ago that the "white coats" were dangerous. I think I could probably count on one hand the number of times I've gone to see one over the last 30 some-odd years. I just stay away...

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Don't need to tell me. My mother was a still-independent 87 yr. old whose doctors finally managed to kill her after the most unspeakable suffering. We did everything within our means to try and stop it; we had a health advocate working with us who couldn't prevent it.

Long as no one dries up my supply of Vitamin C and ginger tea, I think I can manage pretty well on my own.

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Big Pharma has become nothing more than a junkie who has hit the main line (Government funding). Get rid of Single Payer healthcare and the tentacles of Government overreach will fall away.

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Thank you for sharing, I will keep this thought in mind:

"Most Americans won’t remember this, but prior to the 1980’s, the very thought of a medical practice turning massive profits was considered highly unethical."

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