So far Geert has been right... we shall see how these variants continue to evolve..?? and of course what nasty variants Big Brother will release...

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Several years ago, I published Geert’s work to my FB page. It was of course widely ignored by the majority but virulently attacked by others (none of whom actually bothere to read it). I am not going to repost this outstanding article to my FB page because my “friends” could not possibly deal with the cognitive dissonance it would produce.

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Same situation for me. Sad and yet not surprising anymore.

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Dr. J, I hope you can clarify something for us.

I know that a normal virus will mutate and evolve to become more virulent and transmissible, yet less deadly to its host. That is the evolutionary path that makes sense to the survival of the virus.

Yet Geert believes that the SARS coV-2 virus is mutating to become more deadly. Why? Is it just because of the world’s response in over-vaccinating everyone, leading to ‘immune refocusing’? Or is there also something unique to this (most probably) bioengineered, lab-created virus that allows it to follow this abnormal evolutionary path? What is it that is making Geert so certain he is right - just the data he is seeing, or combined with some theory that I’m not fully comprehending?

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Yes. He said so in recent interviews. Since people have no immunity left, the virus isn’t “pressured” on transmissibility, so it can turn “deadlier.” Look up his convos with Dr. Paul Alexander

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yeah if someone drops some stuff in a bat market will help this theory too ... boston university just published some study to make the virus 80% deadlier ... yet people dont get it ... yeah well.

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The more I think about it, the more plausible his ideas seem. The virus doesn’t ‘intend’ to become deadlier - that wouldn’t be in its own self-interest, since if the host dies, the virus dies. But the immune refocusing alters *options* to a point where becoming deadlier is a more viable evolutionary pathway.

And it fits into the mindset of the modern pharmaceutical industry. They always use a sledgehammer when a small tap would do, right? They think in terms of ‘forcing’ the body to do something, instead of ‘working with’ the body’s natural mechanisms. Well, it may backfire big time on them now!

But I’d still like to hear an expert like Dr. J clue us in on aspects that may be unknown to us...

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Oct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022

Bossche theory is based on the presumption that vaccines work, and by vaxxing large number of population it will push the virus to a corner where it mutates ...

this theory might had some followers two years ago, when none had any clues about these mRNA vaccines, except trump (Covfefe) ... but now ??? we all know, these vaccines do not work and do not stop transmissions ... these vaccines can do plenty of damage to our bodies but do nothing to push the virus to mutate ... as pfizer admitted they dont stop transmission (as half of the world already knows) ... case closed.

on the other hand if someone is planning to release another thing in some bat market, well gert's theory comes handy i suppose ... can blame it on success of vaccines and not dr. baric et al ...

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People have no immune system left, so they aren’t part of “herd immunity”

That’s his theory

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Oct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022

i have heard him many times. what i said above is his main thesis, together with "do not vaccinate in middle of pandemic". as i said earlier on he was sort of convincing with that mutation theory and some new virus worse will emerge as a result of virus being cornered by this vaccination campaign.

lots of red flags on him ... never talks about spike protein. that is a big one for an expert. second, run gates programs in africa ... before we had no clue, but now everyone is aware of gates' "great work" and his expertise ... you dont get a job like that if you are not totally an insider.

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Fair enough.

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I think about this frequently... I'm wondering where Omicron came from. If I understand it correctly, Omicron is not a direct descendent of SARS-COV2 like alpha and delta. It's like it was earlier than the original SARS-COV2. Were the original, alpha and delta wiped out due to herd immunity b4 the vaccines started. Now with the Vax immune systems are shot/weak so we get infected with the Omicron or did someone release it?

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Are you sure you have the theory correct?

If the inoculations produce a particular antibody with non-neutralizing effects, the contemporary variants of the virus can bind with those antibodies and use them to enter various cells within the immune system, such as macrophages using Fc-gamma . Being bound/cleaved but non-neutralized, the virus can also utilize other parts of its binding domains to then enter other systems, such as neuropilin-1. Spike is like a Swiss Army Knife with many tools for findings ways to bind with receptors, before and after cleaving.

If the inoculations have made huge population-wide systemic responses that facilitate viral replication, then "stopping transmission" is irrelevant: the antibodies themselves become vehicles for enhanced infections. And having much greater access to wide cross-sections of demographics, the viruses have even more opportunities to adapt to varieties of lifestyles, more opportunities to build up reservoirs and niches in these groups, and more opportunities to develop further mutations.

It's not about selecting through "stopping" replication, putting pressure on variants that "escape" antibodies. The inoculations work in the sense that they do generate immune responses to a particular Spike variant, and it's through these generated antibodies that the already clever Spike has greater opportunities than it already has to infect more systems within the body.

Do you find this account differs from your understanding?

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GVBOSSCHE has been right this far

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If he’s right or not, it doesn’t hurt to follow the protocols through this winter.

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I guess it comes down to this: does the "normal" rule for viruses (less severe as they evolve, as I understand it) apply to the man-made ones?

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Off topic but . . . Florida Summit on Covid II LIVE Link now rumble.com 10-22-'22 https://rumble.com/v1p7yvy-covid-summit.html

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Pathologists in Germany have now determined definitively that it is the body's massive immune response to the injected spike-protein production machine via the jabs that is killing hundreds of thousands of people. There is now a predicted slow die-off of virtually anyone who was vaccinated by the same mechanisms of cellular destruction. Two of the most recent presentations can be seen here:



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Not all of the covid vaccines are mRNA vaccines. There are 34 different vaccines in use with more in trials.

"his predictions apply only to mRNA vaccines"

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Thank you as always Dr Lyons Weiler! Are Dr Vanden Bosche’s assertions applicable to the products administered in the Eastern Hemisphere? From what I understand they are mostly out of Peter Hotez’s shop and tout “old-school” technology. Are there different measures people coerced into these products should be doing to better their chances of remaining in good health. I worry that our fellow brothers & sisters might get inadvertently left out of the picture when it comes to the expertise you heroic doctors are offering. Again one thousand thank yous to you all!

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I really hope not as my mum , brothers etc have jabbed themselves because they're fkn absolute Muppets.

What makes someone like me , a guy who lost his job 10 years ago due to illness ( post viral fatigue , not long swine flu) and not academically great ( I'm quite good at the 'Chase' to be honest) but could see from a mile off that this was a thing not to be anything near your body .

I was sucked in at the start with a mask and the hand cleaning shit but after a while watching tv I thought, this all bollox . I'm not one of these, there's no covid people. I believe it was leaked intentionally to bring in the hastily made ' vaccines ' (It's not a vaccine) to make a shitload of money and kill lots of people (It might be back to front)

Anyway, I'm drunk and surmising.

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Immune Escape is a Cover for the fact these Variants are coming from the laboratory, at least Omicron did , and the original so called Wuhan strain (IPR no doubt owned by US as seen in Moderna patent) and as we know Super Omicron has already been assembled in Boston using the combined Omicron and Wuhan with funding from NIAID.

People forget Omicron was detected in Botswana in testing of 4 Foreign Nationals who had just entered. Nobody thought to ask the country of origin of these Foreign Nationals

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Does this suggest that the reason is not so much that the variants are themselves super deadly but that anyone jabbed, especially multiple times has ruined their natural innate immune system, rendering them unable to fight off the stronger pathogen? ( sounds like someone having chemo?) and so it becomes deadly because they have a weak immune system?

In a nut shell are there are now populations of immunocompromised due to vaccination who will fall prey to stronger or specific strains that are able to escape the non immune herd and transmit to others who are immune compromised?

Are vax free effectively part of a smaller cohort that already have herd immunity? E.g Amish had Covid go through and this effectively immune from future variants?

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