I was unable to breastfeed my two children for more than a few weeks…didn’t produce enough milk. With all that I’ve learned on the last few years, blame the food industry and our government for allowing the garbage into our foods that even Europeans won’t allow! There’s got to be a connection…

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Aluminum isn't a heavy metal. Its atomic weight is only 27, and its density is 2.7. The only lighter essential nutrient metals are magnesium at 24 amu with a density of 1.7, and sodium. It also isn't chalcophilic. Arsenic isn't even a metal, but is instead a metalloid. Its chemical properties more closely resemble the nonmetal phosphorus.

"Heavy metal" (density at least 5, Wickedpedophilia gives no citation to support; maybe 8 or 10 since newspaper crossword puzzles consider tin, with a density of 7.3, a "light metal") may be fine for metallurgy, but if talking nutrition and physiology, use terms like toxic metals.

Change "protein content" to "nitrogen content", and "mixture of metals and nonmetals" to "intermediate between metals and nonmetals".

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Thank you. I came here to say this.

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That is, I came to say that aluminum is not a heavy metal.

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I wish brand names would have been mentioned. This article would be a lot more helpful if it had.

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What is the plausible deniability reason for the metals to be in there? We know the Globalaists are trying to kill us by any means without out us noticing.

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Do people realize that the infant formula industry is a branch of pharma? That's why the brands found to have heavy metals aren't named and why they get away with poisoning infants. They are protected by our government that is a branch of pharma too.

Wish this pediatrician had pointed out that before commercial formulas, babies fed animal milks had a very high mortality rate and that even after the availability of commercial and home made formulas, the mortality rate of artificially fed babies is significantly higher than breastfed babies.

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Dr. Lyons-Weiler, check out the offerings of Else Nutrition. They have submitted an application to the FDA for a plant-based dairy-free formula, but they already have products available for toddlers to adults.

Their products are Clean Label (contaminant free), dairy-free, soy-free, corn-syrup free, gluten-free, non-GMO, all natural, plant-based, vegan, organic.


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