US corporate media is little more than deceitful politicized trash worthy of nothing more than disdain and the New York Times is among the worst of the detritus composing that repulsive collective. I feel sorry for any adult who hasn't managed to figure that out, along with those dependent on their "judgement".
That’s because they’re “New York Times” not interested in journalism or reporting on the truth their pure functionality is to push the narrative that their backers such as food & big Pharma tell them too they’re only interest is in profits. If they start questioning the hand that feeds them. They’d be out of business.
as they should be because they’re not journalists, they are propagandist!!!
At this point, it seems almost superfluous to dissect the myriad of ways by which publications such as the NYT seek to deceive their readers (no matter of how competently this particular critique was conducted). After all, an overwhelming majority of the population now recognize these propagandists as the establishment stenographers they are, their dwindling readership only clinging on in order to legitimize opinions they have a psychological and emotional need to uphold.
James, Thank you for doing this important work!! I know it must be tiring and irritating, but the NYT has incredible influence. We need to counteract it.
Excellent article, but you're perhaps too kind to the vaccine industry and vaccine-loving public health orthodoxy. You state "many childhood vaccines were never tested in long-term, inert placebo-controlled trials" but I think this is true certainly for MOST and perhaps ALL childhood vaccines, with possibly 1 or 2 exceptions. The lack of honest and methodologically sound evaluation of safety and efficacy of vaccines is all RFK Jr. needs to say to support his position, which is simply to ask the right questions and seek truth and transparency with each and every one of the vaccines that are effectively forced on our kids.
This Mandavilli is the same reporter who published lie after lie throughout covid. I quit following the NYT entirely when she wrote some new screed again discrediting HCQ, and referenced the infamous Surgisphere/Lancet study to "prove" that HCQ is worthless or even dangerous. This, despite the fact that her own newspaper had, some six months earlier, run a big story about the Surgisphere scandal and the paper's head-spinning retraction after only 10 days when the massive fraud was exposed. If reporters can't even be bothered to check their own paper's recent archives, how can we expect them to lift a finger to do any proper research at all? It would seem that facts don't matter to them.
ugh, I just can't anymore with this pharma whore corporate media. they are jumping in the grave they already dug for themselves and good riddance.
I know you are tired, Dr Jack. we all are tired but since we got a foot in the door (finally!) we certainly have no intention of sitting back down. thanks for all your efforts, sir! ((hugs))
Moderna's Covid-19 virus formula Patented 2013 - #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG
.The US Supreme Court 2013 ruled that only cDNA (Synthetic DNA) is patentable. Isolated, natural DNA is not patentable, but in a nutshell, biotechnology companies can own living things if said things are genetically-modified and not naturally occurring - that means that The Department Of Defense (and others) can literally own a human being if this synthetic code is taken up into your Genome, which a Swedish Company observed to occur within 6 hours from Covid-19 Gene Therapy "vaccines" Injections.
Dr Madej wrote The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your "genetic code" making you genetically modified, but Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that 1) The shots change your genetic code. 2) The shots do not stop the spread of Covid-19. 3) Tal Zaks says the Moderna shot is "hacking the software of life" and that Carbon Particles and Viral Vectors do the same thing. A vaccinated person is now legally, a "Trans Human".
A Trans Human is a new species which never existed before and by Law, they have Zero Human rights, because they are no longer Human and thus, because no Rights have ever been written into Law for them, they now have Zero rights - but much like the American Slaves up to 1865, when President Lincoln wrote into Law, Rights for them.
Gene Therapy is not reversable, but now described as a forced medical treatment, which Biontech/Pfizer said "should have been licensed as a Gene Therapy Injection (2015)" and which "Targets the Dentric Cells in the Lymph Nodes (2023)" - but why?
Thomas Renz, Lawyer, identified the vaccines as being ModRNA and not mRNA
Dr Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated Law Professor who drafted the Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act of 1989, provided an Affidavit that Covid-19 mRNA injections are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Dr Boyle stated that the Covid-19 injections violate Biological Weapons 18 USC 175 and Weapons and Firearms 790.166 Fla. Stat (2023).
The Expose, back in 2019 published that DARPA Scientists were bragging on Twitter that they had made the Covid-19 virus with Moderna - which Moderna went on to Patent in 2013: From that patent for Moderna's Covid-19 virus: #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG
May 17 2024 (Reuters) - Moderna (MRNA.O) said on Friday the European Patent Office had upheld the validity of one of the company's key patents #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG , a win in an ongoing COVID-19 vaccine dispute with Pfizer (PFE.N) and BioNTech (22UAy.DE)
The company has been locked in a legal battle with Pfizer-BioNTech over their COVID shot Comirnaty after suing them in 2022 for allegedly copying its mRNA technology, but presumably #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG.
Pfizer and BioNTech have countersued, alleging that Moderna's patent is invalid, after the companies' rival vaccines generated billions in revenues during the pandemic.
Pfizer said it was disappointed and would consider all legal options and may appeal the decision.
"Irrespective of the outcome of this legal matter, we will continue to manufacture and supply the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine," Pfizer said in a statement to Reuters.
BioNTech said the patent office's decision to maintain Moderna's European patent #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG "does not change our unwavering and unequivocal stance that this patent is invalid."
Could Moderna have created their vaccine, or Biontech for Pfizer their vaccines, without the Moderna Key Patent #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG Covid-19 virus, Moderna patented in 2013, the same year that The US Supreme Court 2013 ruled that only cDNA (Synthetic DNA) is patentable?
Ugur Sahin Co-founder and CEO of BioNTech refuses to take the mRNA Covid vaccine because he says, “we need to ensure functionality of our whole company”
Ugur Sahin refuses to take the jab because he says he must ensure he stays "functional," in other words, he knows that the clot shot renders humans functionless, incapacitated, and seriously injured where they cannot do their job, take care of themselves, or function for their children anymore - or kill them.
Mandatory vaccination is illegal under Australian Law and would be subject to Legal Proceedings under Common Law against Section 51 of the Legal Code.
The Constitution prohibits any form of compulsion, which would subject citizens to medical or pharmaceutical services, including manadatory vaccination. They should remain free to decide whether they wish to receive certain medical treatments, including vaccination and they should not be disadvantaged by any government on the ground of their own voluntary decisions. - as an example of what should be standard everywhere.
"If" natural mRNA DNA is natural to all things and opens the door to Heaven - what door does the Laboratory created and patented cDNA (Synthetic DNA) #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG open instead, after you die - because never before has anyone been "Genetically Modified" with deliberate "Gene Therapy Injections" and made into a Legally 2013, Trans Human, with Zero Human Rights - a genetically-modified and not naturally occurring, GMO "Trans Human Being".
My point of reference - Steve Kirsch's "Substack" and his Million US Dollar Competition for you to prove that vaccines work - his contention is they don't and he can prove it.
No, I am not cDNA #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG vaccinated and I remain Human with my natural DNA mRNA - the above from articles I copied from "Steve Kirsch's Substack" where they and many others, were recorded.
Thank you Dr James for an excellent article exposing more lies by the NYT, which has become nothing but a cheap tabloid pandering to the narrative of it's corrupt big pharma sponsors and presents itself as an ethical media outlet. Like most corrupt medical boards, the NYT keeps harping on the fact that RKJ is not a doctor. What these captured fools do not want to admit is that RKJ knows more about vaccine adverse effects than the majority of the world's doctors because he has researched the topic over many years. If RKJs research is not reliable, why didn't Dr Fauci, "I am the science" not sue RKJ on the many claims against Fauci in the book to save what little name he has amongst the democrat cronies. The NYT and the medical boards must be informed that you don't have to be a doctor to question the danger or inefficacy of a drug. When patients of mine come in to tell me that a certain treatment doesn't work or is giving them side effects, I cannot tell them that they are wrong because they are not doctors, I have to believe them. RKJ, as an astute lawyer, uses a team of highly qualified people to analyse the data and do the research before he questions anything or makes a claim. If the NYT is as popular and as prestigious as it makes itself to be then they wouldn't be selling it's subscriptions at rock bottom rates. There are too many outstanding ethical alternative channels to source the truth than to waste one's time reading the trash printed in the once famous NYT. They are given far too much credit than they deserve.
Thanks for this substack. It has all the deliciousness of the girl scout cookies, now containing mercury, lead and aluminum. Did some say "depopulation?" Or did they say $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
US corporate media is little more than deceitful politicized trash worthy of nothing more than disdain and the New York Times is among the worst of the detritus composing that repulsive collective. I feel sorry for any adult who hasn't managed to figure that out, along with those dependent on their "judgement".
That’s because they’re “New York Times” not interested in journalism or reporting on the truth their pure functionality is to push the narrative that their backers such as food & big Pharma tell them too they’re only interest is in profits. If they start questioning the hand that feeds them. They’d be out of business.
as they should be because they’re not journalists, they are propagandist!!!
At this point, it seems almost superfluous to dissect the myriad of ways by which publications such as the NYT seek to deceive their readers (no matter of how competently this particular critique was conducted). After all, an overwhelming majority of the population now recognize these propagandists as the establishment stenographers they are, their dwindling readership only clinging on in order to legitimize opinions they have a psychological and emotional need to uphold.
James, Thank you for doing this important work!! I know it must be tiring and irritating, but the NYT has incredible influence. We need to counteract it.
Excellent article, but you're perhaps too kind to the vaccine industry and vaccine-loving public health orthodoxy. You state "many childhood vaccines were never tested in long-term, inert placebo-controlled trials" but I think this is true certainly for MOST and perhaps ALL childhood vaccines, with possibly 1 or 2 exceptions. The lack of honest and methodologically sound evaluation of safety and efficacy of vaccines is all RFK Jr. needs to say to support his position, which is simply to ask the right questions and seek truth and transparency with each and every one of the vaccines that are effectively forced on our kids.
What a psyops we are living in , thank you for popular rationalism !
This Mandavilli is the same reporter who published lie after lie throughout covid. I quit following the NYT entirely when she wrote some new screed again discrediting HCQ, and referenced the infamous Surgisphere/Lancet study to "prove" that HCQ is worthless or even dangerous. This, despite the fact that her own newspaper had, some six months earlier, run a big story about the Surgisphere scandal and the paper's head-spinning retraction after only 10 days when the massive fraud was exposed. If reporters can't even be bothered to check their own paper's recent archives, how can we expect them to lift a finger to do any proper research at all? It would seem that facts don't matter to them.
ugh, I just can't anymore with this pharma whore corporate media. they are jumping in the grave they already dug for themselves and good riddance.
I know you are tired, Dr Jack. we all are tired but since we got a foot in the door (finally!) we certainly have no intention of sitting back down. thanks for all your efforts, sir! ((hugs))
Moderna's Covid-19 virus formula Patented 2013 - #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG
.The US Supreme Court 2013 ruled that only cDNA (Synthetic DNA) is patentable. Isolated, natural DNA is not patentable, but in a nutshell, biotechnology companies can own living things if said things are genetically-modified and not naturally occurring - that means that The Department Of Defense (and others) can literally own a human being if this synthetic code is taken up into your Genome, which a Swedish Company observed to occur within 6 hours from Covid-19 Gene Therapy "vaccines" Injections.
Dr Madej wrote The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your "genetic code" making you genetically modified, but Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that 1) The shots change your genetic code. 2) The shots do not stop the spread of Covid-19. 3) Tal Zaks says the Moderna shot is "hacking the software of life" and that Carbon Particles and Viral Vectors do the same thing. A vaccinated person is now legally, a "Trans Human".
A Trans Human is a new species which never existed before and by Law, they have Zero Human rights, because they are no longer Human and thus, because no Rights have ever been written into Law for them, they now have Zero rights - but much like the American Slaves up to 1865, when President Lincoln wrote into Law, Rights for them.
Gene Therapy is not reversable, but now described as a forced medical treatment, which Biontech/Pfizer said "should have been licensed as a Gene Therapy Injection (2015)" and which "Targets the Dentric Cells in the Lymph Nodes (2023)" - but why?
Thomas Renz, Lawyer, identified the vaccines as being ModRNA and not mRNA
Dr Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated Law Professor who drafted the Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act of 1989, provided an Affidavit that Covid-19 mRNA injections are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Dr Boyle stated that the Covid-19 injections violate Biological Weapons 18 USC 175 and Weapons and Firearms 790.166 Fla. Stat (2023).
The Expose, back in 2019 published that DARPA Scientists were bragging on Twitter that they had made the Covid-19 virus with Moderna - which Moderna went on to Patent in 2013: From that patent for Moderna's Covid-19 virus: #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG
May 17 2024 (Reuters) - Moderna (MRNA.O) said on Friday the European Patent Office had upheld the validity of one of the company's key patents #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG , a win in an ongoing COVID-19 vaccine dispute with Pfizer (PFE.N) and BioNTech (22UAy.DE)
The company has been locked in a legal battle with Pfizer-BioNTech over their COVID shot Comirnaty after suing them in 2022 for allegedly copying its mRNA technology, but presumably #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG.
Pfizer and BioNTech have countersued, alleging that Moderna's patent is invalid, after the companies' rival vaccines generated billions in revenues during the pandemic.
Pfizer said it was disappointed and would consider all legal options and may appeal the decision.
"Irrespective of the outcome of this legal matter, we will continue to manufacture and supply the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine," Pfizer said in a statement to Reuters.
BioNTech said the patent office's decision to maintain Moderna's European patent #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG "does not change our unwavering and unequivocal stance that this patent is invalid."
Could Moderna have created their vaccine, or Biontech for Pfizer their vaccines, without the Moderna Key Patent #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG Covid-19 virus, Moderna patented in 2013, the same year that The US Supreme Court 2013 ruled that only cDNA (Synthetic DNA) is patentable?
Ugur Sahin Co-founder and CEO of BioNTech refuses to take the mRNA Covid vaccine because he says, “we need to ensure functionality of our whole company”
Ugur Sahin refuses to take the jab because he says he must ensure he stays "functional," in other words, he knows that the clot shot renders humans functionless, incapacitated, and seriously injured where they cannot do their job, take care of themselves, or function for their children anymore - or kill them.
By S.D. Wells // Jan 08, 2025,,, NewsTarget contributed.
Mandatory vaccination is illegal under Australian Law and would be subject to Legal Proceedings under Common Law against Section 51 of the Legal Code.
The Constitution prohibits any form of compulsion, which would subject citizens to medical or pharmaceutical services, including manadatory vaccination. They should remain free to decide whether they wish to receive certain medical treatments, including vaccination and they should not be disadvantaged by any government on the ground of their own voluntary decisions. - as an example of what should be standard everywhere.
"If" natural mRNA DNA is natural to all things and opens the door to Heaven - what door does the Laboratory created and patented cDNA (Synthetic DNA) #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG open instead, after you die - because never before has anyone been "Genetically Modified" with deliberate "Gene Therapy Injections" and made into a Legally 2013, Trans Human, with Zero Human Rights - a genetically-modified and not naturally occurring, GMO "Trans Human Being".
My point of reference - Steve Kirsch's "Substack" and his Million US Dollar Competition for you to prove that vaccines work - his contention is they don't and he can prove it.
No, I am not cDNA #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG vaccinated and I remain Human with my natural DNA mRNA - the above from articles I copied from "Steve Kirsch's Substack" where they and many others, were recorded.
Thank you Dr James for an excellent article exposing more lies by the NYT, which has become nothing but a cheap tabloid pandering to the narrative of it's corrupt big pharma sponsors and presents itself as an ethical media outlet. Like most corrupt medical boards, the NYT keeps harping on the fact that RKJ is not a doctor. What these captured fools do not want to admit is that RKJ knows more about vaccine adverse effects than the majority of the world's doctors because he has researched the topic over many years. If RKJs research is not reliable, why didn't Dr Fauci, "I am the science" not sue RKJ on the many claims against Fauci in the book to save what little name he has amongst the democrat cronies. The NYT and the medical boards must be informed that you don't have to be a doctor to question the danger or inefficacy of a drug. When patients of mine come in to tell me that a certain treatment doesn't work or is giving them side effects, I cannot tell them that they are wrong because they are not doctors, I have to believe them. RKJ, as an astute lawyer, uses a team of highly qualified people to analyse the data and do the research before he questions anything or makes a claim. If the NYT is as popular and as prestigious as it makes itself to be then they wouldn't be selling it's subscriptions at rock bottom rates. There are too many outstanding ethical alternative channels to source the truth than to waste one's time reading the trash printed in the once famous NYT. They are given far too much credit than they deserve.
NYT is nothing but Deep state Pravda.
Thanks for this substack. It has all the deliciousness of the girl scout cookies, now containing mercury, lead and aluminum. Did some say "depopulation?" Or did they say $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
NYT an elite controlled garbage propaganda organization.
Great post. Thank you.