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Sep 21, 2022
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I live on Vashon Island. The local “Be Prepared” group has the majority of the island wrapped around it’s fearful fingers.....the local paper ONLY publishes what this group approves (I now co-own a second paper on the island and we’re focused on broadening scope of content).....the local community radio station created a Vax Pass Policy in February 2022 limiting studio recording access to ONLY those who have had the *original* injections (no boosters required) & while they told all producers that the policy was being reviewed regularly, the President just told me (in an email) that the policy would not be changed EVER.....meaning, after eight years of producing, I am effectively Covid Banished.....the island is desperate for the new Covid/Flu injections, snapping them up as fast as they arrive....anyone who speaks up is aggressively opposed (with a prominent advertiser in our Resurrected Local Paper receiving calls from high standing members of the community, complaining that he’s advertising in a paper that I (yes, the complaints are about ME, not our paper’s content -- which is awesome!!) am connected with.....I know this, because he called to tell me.....EVERYONE who has a business and didn’t get injected is absolutely MUM on the topic (terrified of being publicly attacked, shamed, ostracized and destroyed (as you can see, the powerful bullies on our island are trying to do to me)....and the local “Be Prepared” group just ratcheted up THE FEAR again, by announcing that one (1) islander died IN AUGUST -- of or with -- Covid, shared some powerful medical figure’s “this is unacceptable!” essay (displaying the extreme level of entitlement in my wealth enclave community).....so, when I get home in two days, I can only IMAGINE the number of self-righteous people who will be wearing “I got my flu/Covid shot” stickers and glaring as the maskless from above their double-masked faces. IS THE PANDEMIC OVER? Sigh.....after traveling for a month, among the sane & the lucid, the free and the logical, the jam-packed together without a worry masses of the United Kingdom with nary a mask in sight....I am returning to the well-coiffed land of the mind-controlled, fear-driven, mob with a gross number of bullies who create, spread and feed intolerance, religious thinking and bigotry with their every waking breath. Yes. I’m tired of the persecution. But, at least it’s blatant -- they won’t be able to lie & pretend it didn’t happen later...

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I went into the Bedford New Hampshire Whole Foods Market yesterday and saw very few masked faces.

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the Whole Foods that I go to (in NW Indiana) is running at about a third of the shoppers wearing masks. but my BFF in far northern Michigan, says that masks have been RARE anywhere up there, for well over a year now.

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I live in the South which is very big on hugging friends and acquaintances when you see them. There's lots of hugging going on again!

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the pandemic is not over in woke MD suburbs of DC in certain locations: health food stores, woke book stores, certain woke communities that support green policies and are sanctuary cities; Asian food markets, small music venues that require tickets, medical offices, colleges and universities, public transportation, the office I work in which still has the plastic shields up.

The pandemic IS over in bars and restaurants, street festivals, farmers markets and in private homes where friends gather.

The % of mask wearers has shot up to 90% or more in the first group, and down to nearly nil in the second group. It's polarized, is what I'm saying.

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Mask wearers might as well be wearing Hillary 2024 buttons. It is ridiculous.

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well, you have a point. They are very easy to identify, now.

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Not really. I'm a lifelong Democrat and have never bought into any of the pandemic crap. There's many of us. You really can't generalize and stereotype people. It doesn't help the issues, and it doesn't help humanity.

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Guess you're not paying attention then.

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Personal attacks don't help humanity either. If the Republican stance wouldn't be so horrendous toward immigrants, I would switch parties. But there are more issues than just the pandemic. It's unfortunate that there really isn't anyone acceptable to vote for now, from either party. I don't think this forum is designed to bash people. Aren't we all learning here?

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There was no personal attack. Just because you are a lifelong Dem who doesn't wear a mask is not evidence that most of the people remaining wearing mask are not Dems. By wide margins Democrats were vastly misinformed throughout the Plandemonium. With polls proving they are on the whole much more Covid afraid. So whats insane is Democrats , not paying attention, managing the messaging around public health for political gain at the expense of everyone!

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To us here in Michigan, there are no other issues. Which party wants to stick a needle with poison into our veins against our will? Which party demands I mask up so I can't breathe? Which demanded to close businesses,and say what we can & can't buy or do? We can't help immigrants or the environment or stop wars if we are dead, sick, or in a camp.

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A lifelong Dem in CA here. And feel the same. I can't stand when Republicans espouse cruelty toward immigrants, LGBTQ, or anybody. It's anti-human. But the jab mandates are far worse.. Without life, and a healthy body there's nothing I can do to help the people I care about. Desantis will likely get my vote for President.

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I'm a lifelong Dem myself, my first vote being for Jimmy Carter. But the modern Dems seem to have lost interest in class interests, like the rights of working people so I won't be voting for them again.

There are lots of us but it seems easier for some people to characterize us as "right-wing" rather than dealing with the substance of what we're saying.

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Oh, I agree--the modern Dems are terrifying. I mean, they were never that great if you dig down deep enough (especially with attacking other countries, both financially and militarily). But the Republicans are terrifying too! I can't imagine voting for either Trump or Biden, but both are just covers for the oligarchy really running the country. Having us line up as Dem or Rep and then fight each other just plays into their hands. I honestly don't know what to do, except improve my personal life--buy from organic local farms (kudos to you, btw!), call out individual organizations that practice medical discrimination, share my resources, live with kindness, spread awareness, etc. I'm open to suggestions, but I don't think the answers will come from either the Reps or the Dems--or their toe-the-line followers.

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At this point, I'll consider Reps on a case-by-case basis, which is something I never would have considered before. But having lived in the UK during the first 18 months of the insanity, I have no illusions about conservative governments being any better at protecting our freedoms than the left.

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I'm with you! I guess that's what I'll do too--with special attention to the medical mandates, for all they represent. We really need a new party, completely divested from corporate/wealthy interests. When I talk to individuals, most are compassionate and want peace and equality, but as soon as Politics gets thrown in the picture, people go insane! Thank you for your gentle and wise comments!

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right there with you. all pols are suspect, as far as I'm concerned.

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Agree. I was a Democrat too and have other Dem friends who are now conservative Repubs because of Kovid Kraziness

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we have a large population of Hispanic here in NW Indiana and many of them are still masking small children. ugh.

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There was never a pandemic, there was never a virus or ANY virus! Actually virology is a scam, and so are ALL the vaccines in history! We live in a clown world when 7 billion people spend 3 years with face diapers crapping in their pants in fear of the flue, which they have been getting and self recoverd from all their effing lives. The difference is, this time the media told them to get scared 24x7, and they have been trained to TRUST the media; especially if ALL the media are in lockstep.

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And yet here in NYC the "pandemic" stumbles on, trampling all rational and sane New Yorkers and exhaling its toxic fumes of fear into our faces every day. A recent vote in my building (at least we've progressed to the point of voting) came down firmly for continuing to mandate masks (properly worn to maximally inhibit breathing) in all common areas, meaning that even if you go out for a minute to dump trash in the compactor room, you should put on at least one muzzle. The tiny minority of us who are refusing deal with nasty comments and await the threatening letter from management. Unjabbed people are still losing their jobs and unable to go to school, many events and venues still require masks and even jabs. A friend said yesterday that as much as he hates to be a pessimist, he considers New York a lost cause, unsalvageable. I'm giving it until after the election, but will not face another abysmal winter like last year and may feel forced to leave the city I've loved for years.

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that is so sad. pretty sure things are not anywhere near that bad in Chicago proper. but I couldn't say for sure as I rarely venture into the downtown area anymore

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Spent a few weeks in East TN. Life is decent here. People are kind, friendly, and there is little residue of the unhinged safetyism that NY is still obsessed with. You'll probably never look back. I have to go back to NY tomorrow and am not looking forward to it.

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That's even worse than Canada - at least we never went as far as requiring kids to get vaxxed for school.

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Well, aside from the 72 shots kids have to get by the time they are 18 to go to school (with no exemptions here in NY), NYC hasn't been able to push through a covid jab mandate for elementary and secondary schools--yet--much as Adams and Hochul want to, but in the state the vast majority of colleges and universities, public and private, do require it, and many (probably the majority) require boosters. Why parents think a college degree is worth sacrificing their children's health or even lives is a mystery to me.

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The unfortunate thing is kids in college are adults and can make the choice to get the shots. I tried to warn my daughter but she went and got the shots anyways. Didn’t think she would do it. In hindsite, I wish I would have threatened to withheld funding her education. Actually I would have, but my husband just went along with her being an adult and letting her choose even though he warned her if possible harms also. She is okay as far as we know so far, I just pray she got faulty shots.🙏

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For older kids, several universities are requiring proof of "vaccination" or "booster". If you are concerned, you can join Students Against Mandates campaign, on their website.

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The thing is that the only “pandemic” that we had was a pandemic of the brainwashed. We did however have a quasi-successful uptake of an evil depop bioweapon, mostly through fake “mandates” voluntarily through ignorant masses.

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It never started for me and my family, ignored all the fearmongering, clotshots, testing and masking but for a few times i wore a provided mask at the hospital when visiting daughter and newborn grandson.

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medical facilities are literally the ONLY place still requiring masks and the few that I have had to enter (as I don't 'do' allopathic medicine), it seems like it is 'for show' more than for any function. I will be going to the dentist shortly and will have to walk in with one on, but as soon as I am in back, it won't go back on. receptionists are wearing them on their chins... cuz that's REAL functional, lol.

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In Toronto, the number of people wearing masks OUTDOORS is now down to maybe 5%, rather than 90-95% as last winter. Although I have no doubt they'll slap them back on if the media/government ramps up the fear porn again.

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Truly crazy wearing mask/respirator outdoors.

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In a big city like Toronto, wearing a mask that filters smog/exhaust particles actually makes sense but not against aerosolized viruses. It is common in asia.

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Right, Toronto's really not that smoggy though, and I don't think the surgical or cloth masks most people wear would do much against pollution anyway. Definitely there is a much higher percentage of Asians still wearing masks.

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just dropped my 11th grader off at school, because he missed his bus and only saw TWO students with masks on, entering the school. (keep in mind that their mask rule was taken away over a YEAR ago yet MANY students were still wearing them all last school year!) We are in NW Indiana, on the southeast border with Chicago.

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Hugs and kisses abound! 💋

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BUT... my nail salon (with 90% Korean employees, ALL in masks) still has a sign 'masks required' on their door but will not say anything if you walk in without one (as I intentionally did, last time I went). they still however have the plexiglass dividers all over the place. the big box store that I occasionally go to (which is literally on the Chicago border) is averaging about a third of the shoppers in masks, still, though there is no 'requirement'.

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A lot of nail techs around her always wore them. They must inhale a lot of crap from acrylics, etc. all day.

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oh yeah, here too but mostly the more mature ladies and not the young girls. now they all do. (can't say I blame them at all but wondering if the paper surgical masks even filter any of the fumes?? )

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I always figured it was for the filing dust. It's like a snowstorm in some of those salons, lol

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Sorry for interjecting, but I am curious. My understanding is that NYC had a lot of South Korean immigrant nail salon workers. There is even a wikipedia entry about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_nail_salon_workers

Throughout the country, however, about half the nail salons are owned and operated by Vietnamese Americans. See here: https://www.askbeautysalon.com/why-are-most-nail-salons-owned-by-vietnamese/

It could be that a city in the "region" (that part of Indiana close to Chicago) may be more like New York and therefore have South Korean-operated nail salons. Without trying to offend, are you certain that the salon you go to is Korean-operated? Could it be Vietnamese-owned and operated?

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I don't know about Warrior Mom, but I am in Canada, just outside of Toronto. The nail salons around me are Vietnamese owned and operated (that I know of, anyway)

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the mature woman that I make appointments with specifically, told me she was Korean. the majority of the staff appear to be extended family. the ownership was really an assumption on my part, based on that. (quite surprised to hear someone correctly refer to my locale as 'the region'. that's how other Hoosiers refer to us as well; we identify much more closely with Chicago than with the rest of Indiana - we even have a completely different and identifiable accent. so are YOU a 'region' native, Jim Marlowe??)

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I live in Central Indiana and was born in Michigan. I like people from the region. 🙂

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well so glad to hear that you actually like us 'Region Rats', as we are sometimes called. (I think that may have come from the term 'mill rats' - as the steel mills dominate our landscape still.) I know that when my older son when to college in Indy, he was called that a lot, lol. I live in Whiting, right on the lake front and we are sandwiched in between all sorts of heavy industry and Chicago proper. I sometimes call my neighborhood 'the industrial armpit'. but I too have ties in Michigan; my family has owned a summer cottage in SW MI (near Dowagiac) and my bff lives near Manistee. I love Michigan. :)

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The pandemic will be truly over when diagnostic and treatment centers are opened all over the country to deal with the insidious spike proteins injected into the unsuspecting. I truly hope that someone sees the potential for this service.

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Wonderful post! Thank you!

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What sort of treatment works? I saw some talks by Dr.Bruce Patterson about his research treatments for spike and long covid, but idk if those are available in Canada.

an example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5zxVB7gRSc

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😂😂 real world proof...I haven’t seen a mask (except an occasional elderly person) in many, many months. People and friends are shaking hands again as a greeting. No one trembles at the mention of *spooky* covid any longer.

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where are you located? just curious

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west Texas...land of the free!

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The nurses at the nurses' station are talking, laughing, eating and drinking without their masks on for extended periods of time. Even the chastising glares of their virtuous peers have subsided.

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I've noticed a lot of the 'wearing it down on the chins' stuff. so freaking ridiculous and so obvious that its just 'for show'. gemme a break. wondering what the zero science prognostications of a 'surge' in October will bring...

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Yes waiting for regular seasonal symptoms to create again the "need" for masks.

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No longer 'dominates our social lives'. As Tony sees it? Millions have moved on from Tony the Science.

Did anyone read Topol's remarkable opinion piece in the NYT? If you can stomach it.

Unbelievable the platform this guy gets.

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wondering when our 'social lives' became a scientific measure?? it only ever effected our 'social lives' because greedy, power hungry narcissists like Fraudci DICTATED it.

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