This video is so unbelievable it appears staged, I hope not.

If it is true this is what we already knew, in the open.

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The window of opportunity! Capitalism has an evil agenda, as the fable of the glassmaker hiring thugs to destroy windows for repeat business model.

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It's not evil, just the rules of the game. Want to win the game? Need to play by the rules.

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Yeah, but... seems odd to me.

Like the way he keeps saying 'don't tell anyone'. So why is he telling the 'undercover journalist'? What is the history between these people, did they already know each other? If not, why would Anyone in this position say stuff like this to a stranger??

Ah, I dunno, something just seems unsqaure to me.

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It is curious. Either he really hoped to get laid or it’s a set up.

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Too good to be true in a game we have just learned we are playing.

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Wait, how did I miss that they ended the moratorium on Gain-Of-Function research in USA? Egads- 🤬 I can’t even keep up with all the evil they are doing. If it were illegal- I would think we could all call the FBI and local enforcement in Michigan and report them. Would they do anything? Crazy that anyone with authority is allowing them to get away with this. All of us are in danger of these biotech companies!! Call Congress! This has to stop NOW!

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See bailiwicknews.substack.com. It is a countermeasure, not a product.

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Thanks James - for your work and your response to this breaking news. (Or.....not so breaking news as you aptly describe it.) To everyone else who is interested - listen...from last night. I'm still not sure if this is legit - but these folks are slightly more convinced. O'Keefe, Malone and Kheriaty weigh in here: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1mnGeRYpydZJX?s=20

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Good morning. I am very skeptical of the Pfizer “leak” because it makes no sense from a logic standpoint ... why spend millions on mutating a virus when

1) a naturally mutated virus can take on a trillion forms ... there is no way to predict the next form of the virus in the way he describes Pfizer is considering

2) the super exciting thing about mRNA injectables is just how quickly the formula can be modified making prediction less necessary. We e heard the bragging that a new formulation can be in production on mere weeks so why all the expense and risk of live monkey experiments

3) surely finding “most likely” mutations are within the range of AI modeling capabilities??

It makes no sense at all. I think anyone with a rudimentary understanding of viral mutation would pick up on it (that is all I possess. I am a lay person) which makes me think that there is a plant WITHIN project veritas! How else to get such a stupid story past what must be many checks in an organization specialized in clandestine reporting???

I predict this is the end of Project Veritas but that there are many more in the wings to take its place but that the concept of “citizen journalism” will be thoroughly damaged by this and not easily recover lost credibility

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Isn't this what Wuhan was all about: create a virus in order to create a vaccine.

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I hope people realize we're past the clemency (or, lol, amnesty) part of the story.

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People still subscribing to the virus paradigm might actually fall for this pathetic Veritas stunt.

The stunt is obviously a Hail Mary attempt to preserve the phony baloney virus paradigm.

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You trolls are tiresome. Go away!

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Not sharing until it's verified. That dude could be anybody. Smells fishy.

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Is THIS finally enough to pressure our politicians to stop being so cozy with Big Pharma? Is this our Silent Spring moment???

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There was an error. Jordan Trishton Walker is a lie. George Webb called it in real time: "We are watching a journalistic Hindenburg with #ProjectVeritas and #JordonTrishtonWalker." https://twitter.com/RealGeorgeWebb1/status/1618452536817782788 Walker is a teaching assistant at University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas at the Nursing School as of last week.

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BigYou-Name-It - All Guilty

The Project Veritas Video - January 25, 2023

Reactions from the usual suspects seem to be that this is some kind of new and unprecedented evil, but in fact it differs only (a little) in scale - but not in substance - from the deeds of many other international capitalist organizations. Remember BigTobacco? And what about BigPesticide and glyphosate, not to mention the Neonicotinoid and other pesticides and that have led to catastrophic declines in insect numbers, not ony bees? BigPetroleum? BigYou-Name-It? Are not these examples also a threat to world-wide public health and survivability of life on earth?

There is as little moral responsibility for these companies and their enterprises as there now is for BigPharma.

But until we can accept that these companies are just playing by the rules of the game of capitalism, and are willing and capable of attacking the source of the problem, not just its symptoms, we have little chance of guiding the planet into a stable and beneficial-for-all mode.

See my review of Joel Kovel's masterpiece, The Enemy of Nature


Explosive? Sure. But normal for capitalism's rules of the game.


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It is revolting to live in a country where people support empowering governments to tax everyone and then engage in these types of deals with some people including company owners (fascism) or members of The Party or The Union (communism).

Forbid taxation (i.e., theft) to ever have a chance to stop this. Then you simply make it a crime to create new biological weapons.

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