“Adjusted their behavior to get pregnant after being vaccinated”. Oh sure 🙄

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I would like to see fertility clinic data. Increased visits would indicate that people are actually trying to get pregnant and having increased difficulty.

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my health coach told me this almost two years ago. her practice had seen 2 odd miscarriages and one post menopausal women (69 years old) who's period came back. she said "these shots are messing with women's hormones." they're also messing with men's, but give her credit for being way ahead of the curve

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Famed reporter Alex Newman at New American also discusses the pregnancy and fertility issue, interviewing Dr. Jancy Lindsey, who holds PhDs in biochemistry and molecular director of Toxicology and molecular biology for a toxicology firm, and is an active member of the Society of Toxicologists, and has worked on a Rockefeller-funded research into fertility regulating vaccines in the 1990s; i.e., she is no lightweight. Here’s the interview on Rumble https://rumble.com/v18cs5l-covid-vax-destroying-female-reproductive-systems-and-killing-kids-toxicolog.html

And here https://odysee.com/@Adverse:c/adv179:6?lid=2012d898d4f70a0a5f7ab0b69c2018fe4845e34e is one mother who was forced to take the shot before she was allowed to go into the hospital to give birth. Now, her baby is constantly shaking and suffering in pain. Pfizer must be proud

Alex Berenson added July 7, 2022, in Declining birth rates post-Covid vaccines - is it time to panic? Not yet, but real concern is warranted, that “In the last few weeks, vaccine skeptics have reported data from multiple countries showing a significant drop in birth rates starting in early 2022 - approximately nine months after mass Covid vaccinations began in people of reproductive age in those countries. Here’s the most recent major data dive, from the analyst who calls himself the bad cat. He examines data on Swedish births from the first quarter of 2021 and concludes, at https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/swedish-birth-rate-data-what-does?utm_source=substack&amp%3Butm_campaign=post_embed&amp%3Butm_medium=email&utm_medium=email : i think this makes the case that sweden is just experiencing normal variability look very weak and the the case for a vaccine driven effect look quite strong.that is NOT what i was hoping to find. if this is what it looks like, this is very bad news.

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And it is not just women. A study conducted by Israeli researchers at Shamir Medical Center, Tel Aviv University, Herzliya Medical Center, and Sheba Medical Center, published disturbing findings regarding the possible impact of COVID vaccination on male fertility. The study, peer-reviewed and published in Wiley Online Library, recruited male volunteers for a period of at least six months, testing their sperm parameters at various points prior to and following vaccination. All of the study participants were screened for previous COVID infection and found to be negative. Long story short? Male Fertility Tanks 15.4% After mRNA Injections, per Israeli National News, June, 2022. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/355353

Effects begin 2 months after shot, and had persisted 5 months when the study ended. See also Demographic Winter: Male Fertility Plunges 62% Worldwide And Is Still Accelerating at https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/11/21/study-male-fertility-plummets-62-worldwide-is-accelerating/

or The Times of Israel story here: https://twitter.com/TimesofIsrael/status/1592458670033764355?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1592458670033764355%7Ctwgr%5E67e96a9e168a9b7b5a016a1480361180bed3bb0d%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.technocracy.news%2Fdemographic-winter-male-fertility-plunges-62-worldwide-and-is-still-accelerating%2F

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It gets even better:

"An alarming increase in the occurrence of the most common genital malformation in male babies, hypospadias, is likely due to environmental factors, such as toxicant exposure, which alter epigenetic programming in a forming penis."

Epigenetic programming should be the clue here. https://news.wsu.edu/press-release/2023/01/18/study-indicates-likely-cause-of-common-penis-birth-defect/

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good catch.

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Endocrine researchers published a study in late 2021, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8507356/ documenting seven cases of thyrotoxicosis — excessive thyroid hormonal activity — upon receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. The authors wrote, “After vaccination, [thyroid] symptoms, including neck pain or weakness in the lower extremities, were judged to be caused by the vaccine.”

A month later, another team of scientists published a study https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34753732/ reporting on a case of painful thyroid swelling — called “subacute thyroiditis” — after COVID-19 vaccination. Dr. James Thorp, an extensively published physician board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology and maternal-fetal medicine, who has practiced obstetrics for more than 42 years, told The Epoch Times on April 27 2022: https://www.theepochtimes.com/what-ive-seen-in-the-last-two-years-is-unprecedented-physician-on-covid-vaccine-side-effects-on-pregnant-women_4428291.html “I’ve seen many, many, many complications in pregnant women, in moms and in fetuses, in children, offspring … fetal death, miscarriage, death of the fetus inside the mom. “What I’ve seen in the last two years is unprecedented.”

Thorp was featured on CHD.TV’s June 16 episode of “Doctors & Scientists,” where he shared data at https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Dr-James-Thorp-Jun-15.pdf indicating 1,283 menstrual abnormalities associated with COVID-19 vaccination were reported on VAERS per month, as of February 27. As of May 27, 2022, 14,181 people reported being permanently disabled after receiving COVID-19 shots and s of June 8, 2022, more than 5,000 cases of myocarditis following the injections have been reported. Former Pfizer vice president Michael Yeadon said concerns about the vaccine’s possible impact on fertility were known early on but overlooked. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis runs FRED, a database of economic data that have been tracked since 1991. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=QaRH

One of its categories is the U.S. population, aged 16 years and over, with a disability — a population that remained stable from 2016 to 2020, but jumped sharply in early 2021,2 coinciding with the rollout of COVID-19 injections. Using data from FRED and Our World in Data (OWID), a blogger called el gato malo took it a step further, charting the percentage of population that received a COVID-19 shot in a month, to get an idea of the number of people at risk of vaccine adverse events at any given time. El gato malo did the same for boosters, then plotted it against disability. The resulting graph is below, or at https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/do-vaccine-rollouts-correlate-to :

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Can’t help but think of Bill Gates and his comments about population and vaccination.

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By Jove, why isn't this making all the headlines? All you have to do is ignore the ridiculous interpretation of people adjusting "their behaviour to get vaccinated before becoming pregnant", a line that seems to be put in there only to placate the government censors. If you can manage that, this is explosive, explosive stuff.

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