Do you think it is worth complaining? I know if they get enough complaints they make a half-hearted attempt to 'investigate' but it always seems to come out in their favor. They very rarely widely admit to errors.

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This is a sign. They are really worried that he can win the general election.

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The US government is in lockstep with the UK government, so it would not be a stretch for the UK government at the behest the US government to smear Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

I would love to hear a debate with Robert F Kennedy Jr. and his accusers. Not a one of the accusers will come forward and have a public honest debate with RFK Jr.

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The BBC is one of many fake news agencies, and yes they must be exposed until they crumble.

Do not pander to them hoping they might be resonable. They are the fake news just like

The Atlantic, The NYT, Politico, Salon, Rolling Stone... etc

Letting them self destruct like Anh Busch and other woketard companies.

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As of February 2024, VAERS reports for COVID-19 vaccines total significantly higher than all other vaccines combined since 1990, as reported.

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The BBC receives funding from the Bill & Melinda Foundation. Also CNN, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, etc.


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