Just another day at the office for Gorski

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Actually, he seems completely unnerved.

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That's a change. He's usually so obnoxious that I have rarely been able to finish an article. Maybe he's wearing down

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He not only thinks everyone else is stupid, but he doesn't know that he himself is stupid. As Geert VB said, he is "an ignorant little shit."

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Clowns will clown even when no one wants a clown

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I've been rolling my eyes at Gorski for years and wonder how many mega-corps are paying him... (like all the ones paying Dr. Plotkin, as he was forced to admit when deposed years ago. I hope this same attorney, Aaron Siri, gets the chance to depose Gorski someday. Take a listen to the Plotkin deposition sometime, when you have nine hours to spare. It's absolutely delicious, hearing one of these industry shills being forced to reveal what's really going on behind the big green curtain we know as vaccine "science." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFTsd042M3o&t=8340s

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Worth watching multiple times.

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Thanks Dr. Jack. Oh my goodness... Gorski Gorski Gorski, whatever shall we do with you? I had an exchange with the principal of my daughter's elementary school when he arranged for Covid experimental mRNA gene therapy shots to be given in a clinic on school grounds during school hours. Obviously, as a caring and informed parent I let him know what a tragic mistake he was making and told him that my daughter would not be there on that day. I also sent him an article by Megan Redshaw detailing the death of a child after the "vax". His pitiful response was that she must not understand how VAERS works and he sent two links to a Gorski response to that article. But laughably one credited Gorski as the author and the other ORAC and he didn't even realize they are the same person and it was the same article. And of course Gorski played it exactly how he always does, name calling, ad hominem attacks, overblown usage of slurs like, "Conspiracy theorist" and Anti-vaxxer" formed the bulk of his unhinged, decontextualized harangue.

By the way I like the transposition of the A and the C in your reference to ORAC, whether it was intentional or a typo, makes no difference to me!

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I had the displeasure of reading his blog when I heard about Mark's censored article. I was floored by the room temperature IQ analysis and the fact-lacking bloviation. Being the glutton for punishment, I went ahead and read Ivo Vegter's rant praising the decision to retract the paper (https://dailyfriend.co.za/2023/04/18/infamous-peer-reviewed-antivax-paper-retracted/). It was some what worth it, as his own readership pulled him up short in the comments section and the editors at BizNews had to backpedal a bit to soften the backlash.

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In my opinion it would be a mistake to underestimate the influence Gorski & the Science Based Medicine/Skeptics/Quackwatch/Randi networks have. It extends to other skeptics networks in other countries & their followers have been responsible for reporting alt health practitioners to medical boards & other government agencies responsible for regulating health services, & petitioning colleges/universities to shut down alt health courses. As well as targeting organizations that question vaccines, gmos, radiation & other issues.

I would hope their influence is on the wane, but it may be necessary to make people more aware of what they do. Articles like this help. Thank you.

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Gorski must be an arrogant and unbearable bully with his patients. Just a guess.

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