Great selection of graphs showing negative efficacy. The UK bar plot nails it.

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Thanks for all you hard work and continued truth telling! Here’s another very important video interview to watch and share since it can directly save lives. Please share with Dr Pierre Kory also and widely with others along with this article and many others of yours (popular rationalism) ...this video highlights a great organization for him/us to connect with in Tennessee dispensing the truth on NIH/FDA recommendations on Ivermectin use by request/demand from your provider in hospitals (from their own CDC recommendation which point to page 33 of this NIH document referenced in the video) and what’s transpiring to bribe both schools and hospitals!


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My adult sons got vaxxed. Found out last night the youngest got boosted. He is lean and athletic. I am so scared for him right now.

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Many people were given harmless placebos. I pray this is true for your sons. You can check HowBadisMyBatch.com

NIH Clinical Trials (2021). NCT04368728 https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04368728?term=nct04368728&draw=2&rank=1

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Excellent article! I'm sending it to all our school boards and the State Department of Health.

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A Life Insurance company in Indiana is reporting a 40% or 12 Sigma increase in death rate among 18-65 year olds in 2021. They reported that just a 10% increase happens once in 300 years due to natural causes. They report it has nothing to do with Covid illness ...could vaccines be a contributor?

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