The Establishment puts this crap out:

Vitamin D Likely Doesn’t Prevent COVID-19, Studies Find


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And no one ever said it did. They're mendacious monsters.

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Early on, a study found that half of severe COVID cases involved vitamin D deficiency. No one ever suggested it prevents COVID. It’s just low risk insurance against a bad outcome.

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Yeah, I suppose even much of the Establishment admits that much.

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I watched the interview on Brighteon.

First off the aggregate amount of the fines is a joke. Any court should dismiss the highly toxic govt lawsuit as unrealistic.

But then we see what the brain clot govt law departments try to do to Alex Jones and others.

Secondly, since when is promotingactual vitamins and minerals 'illegal'. Even under the warped interpretation of the govt legal zealots this cannot be considered serious and should be dismissed as a nuciance law suit.

Tom Renz will make short work of that im sure.

Third, the chiroptactor should be awarded a countersuit and reimbursement of a billion dollars.

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It looks like the goal is”to crush people” , our governments are at war with the people

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Agree with that. Comply or be crushed.

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Yep, look no further than this and the absurdity that is the Alex Jones case. Clear precedents are being set as a warning against dissent of any kind going forward.

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...add "Dark Brandon" saying MAGA are terrorists. I feel like he is the terrorist to be honest. This is 1933 Germany on steroids and the only way out is to go to Africa and hide under the trees. No decent nation seems to exist, at least not one with any power to help humanity.

The War on Humans is real.

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I hope Neptune wins and is compensated.

I've taken both Zinc and D3 regularly and have had only a sniffle in 3 years.

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Since the beginning of March 2020 there have been in excess of 300 letters to BMJ Rapid Responses about Vitamin D, mostly urging its administration against Covid and many of these are from distinguished scientists and doctors - it is not an unusual view that Vitamin D levels are important in bolstering general immunity though some have disputed the effectiveness of supplementation like Adrian Martineau (the author of meta studies on the subject). Remarkably, at one point I seem to recall that UK Department of Health did embark on a programme of modest supplementation for people of darker skin colour who were thought to be more at risk of Vitamin D deficiency.

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Vitamin D recommendations might have also prevented some of the racial disparities in covid outcomes. Instead, Gov. Whitmer blamed it on "unconscious bias" in the health care system, and wasted money on anti-racism training for all HCWs. The money could have been better spent on distributing Vitamin D supplements.

"Vitamin D and African Americans"

Susan S Harris. J Nutr. 2006 Apr.

"Vitamin D insufficiency is more prevalent among African Americans (blacks) than other Americans..."


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I think one of the most blatant pitfalls of the entire thing is that its now acceptable for pols to give out medical advice yet actual medical practitioners & scientists who cite actual SCIENCE, cannot. geez, just witness our president as "Pharma Salesmen In Chief". ugh

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I love Eric

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Next they will be arresting Grandma for recommending chicken soup to treat a cold.

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here’s your One Stop Site for all things Vitamin D


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In other words, the state says: “Obey, peasant OR ELSE”. #communism

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500 billion? Is that all?

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Wow. I got some of that Free zinc and vitamin D from Dr Eric.. I knew what I was doing, and I wasn't following what just he was saying, but what medical science had been saying and what they knew about all those getting it with low vitamin D. This case is 100% abuse of power and just trying to set an example to shut people up that go against the regime.

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This is truly remarkable there is still one good person (although I know there are many more) willing to literally put everything on the line to bring the FTC into a courtroom. This action just may possibly mark a series of events demonstrating how completely and utterly out of control the IN YOUR FACE STATE (no longer deep state) is in 2022.

As a practical matter, I understand how distracting it is to have a legal action running in the background of your life. I pray peace and strength for you all. Bravo to the Dr and his legal team!

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Might be a good idea to add a couple years supply of d3 before it gets prohibited or at least regulated.

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Keep it in the freezer, and under inert gas if you can.

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'Blood on the sword'.

For your health.

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