This is the best news I’ve heard in a long time!

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You know, whoever designed that survey was brilliant. Of course you feel strongly about EWG’s work if you are going to take the time to fill out the (short) survey, and a $10 is such a small ask. I gave $10 and I suspect lots of others will too. It adds up! Thanks for making this so easy.

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I grew my own garden this year. No pesticides of any kind. I had to set out a Japanese beetle trap, and some of my kale has little holes in it.

All heirloom seeds too.

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Hooray!!! Isn’t it in the jabs too?

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Hasn't roundup been around forever? Are there known alternatives that are effective enough to get the job done? And how long will it take for the damage already done to dissipate?

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Is there a link to the actual EWG release?

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Roundup is not a pesticide but a herbicide.

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Shared it everywhere! Reddit and telegram should generate some traffic!


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Roundup doesn't work very well anymore anyway. Back in the 1980's, you could just touch a plant with a wick wetted by glyphosate solution and get a sure kill. Now, more and more has to be sprayed, and a number of species of weeds have developed complete resistance.

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Finally for God's sake!!!

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

Any info regarding increased vertebral fractures after vacci nation?

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