"Those advocating under this nonsensical construct quip that vaccines are unsafe, but only in DC.
Parent of a vaccine-injured son, Kim Spencer of The Thinking Moms’ Revolution, noted of the vaccine industry, “their claim that vaccines are ‘unavoidably unsafe’ won them liability protection, their claim that ‘vaccines are safe’ won them school and work mandates, but their claim that both are true has won them the distrust and contempt of parents.”
How can anyone get over the fact that big pharma pays 50 billion in fraud fines (I.e. Frauds that kill & harm) (with no jail time for the perps) How nonsensical is that?
Can someone lock up these politicians who make false medical claims and practice medicine without a license or medical degree! They are more dangerous then being tied to a chair and having a two year old running around with a sharp knife! You got to love the DemonRats and RepubTurds!
NO! They are just fined [when caught] If "locked up," the fines & kick-back money would stop! It's about the money stupid! [as the Libs, not me like to say!]
Terrific information for those who are clueless. I would like to ask Elizabeth Warren, "Hey, hey what do you say, how many children did you kill today? And I'd love to send Bernie Sanders a couple of onesies. Thank you, James.
Gee if the, "The Thinking Moms’ Revolution." can smell the fraud [from our 50 billion in fraud fines/ Big Pharma's vaccine industry,] and their silly/fraudulent claim that vaccines are "unavoidably unsafe" to win them fraudulent liability protection, then claim that "vaccines are safe" to win them school and work mandates. but their claim that both are true has won them the distrust!
BUT only [IF] you can Think? I.e. haven't been brainwashed in Godless dumb-down, anti-American schools!
Begging the question, Would YOU buy a used car from a 50 billion in fraud fines industry?
According to the Johns Hopkins iatrogenic study, "Medicine" is a leader in cause of Death! Killing 250,000 annually! (If a JW can refuse "life-saving" blood products, why can't you refuse "unavoidably unsafe" forced at gunpoint MMR jabs? Answer; because we dumper our once "Our Creator" law for a neo-Sodom Gomorrah law, to live in a Godless Satan-inspired nation of fraud and sin!
What a thoroughly enjoyable piece, James! Loved reading it - “unavoidably unsafe on the one hand, and absolutely safe and medically necessary on the other hand.” Well done.
All those high-zoot professional groups that went on record saying that vaccines are unsafe: Where were they in 2019 when poison injections into wht world's arms were being mandated by many governments and government-related groups? I don't recall any outfry from those estimable experts ... maybe they were too busy depositing Pharma payments into their retirement accounts to speak up.
Thank you for sharing this absolutely informative article. Send this to the senators who seem to be clueless!
Tie them down as they seem to be avoiding the real truth. How dare they avoid to seek scientific information . The hearings prove some of these senators are taking many things out of context . It proves their ignorance. They believe many lies during these many years!
Absolutely shocking!
"Those advocating under this nonsensical construct quip that vaccines are unsafe, but only in DC.
Parent of a vaccine-injured son, Kim Spencer of The Thinking Moms’ Revolution, noted of the vaccine industry, “their claim that vaccines are ‘unavoidably unsafe’ won them liability protection, their claim that ‘vaccines are safe’ won them school and work mandates, but their claim that both are true has won them the distrust and contempt of parents.”
How can anyone get over the fact that big pharma pays 50 billion in fraud fines (I.e. Frauds that kill & harm) (with no jail time for the perps) How nonsensical is that?
Can someone lock up these politicians who make false medical claims and practice medicine without a license or medical degree! They are more dangerous then being tied to a chair and having a two year old running around with a sharp knife! You got to love the DemonRats and RepubTurds!
NO! They are just fined [when caught] If "locked up," the fines & kick-back money would stop! It's about the money stupid! [as the Libs, not me like to say!]
Terrific information for those who are clueless. I would like to ask Elizabeth Warren, "Hey, hey what do you say, how many children did you kill today? And I'd love to send Bernie Sanders a couple of onesies. Thank you, James.
Gee if the, "The Thinking Moms’ Revolution." can smell the fraud [from our 50 billion in fraud fines/ Big Pharma's vaccine industry,] and their silly/fraudulent claim that vaccines are "unavoidably unsafe" to win them fraudulent liability protection, then claim that "vaccines are safe" to win them school and work mandates. but their claim that both are true has won them the distrust!
BUT only [IF] you can Think? I.e. haven't been brainwashed in Godless dumb-down, anti-American schools!
Begging the question, Would YOU buy a used car from a 50 billion in fraud fines industry?
According to the Johns Hopkins iatrogenic study, "Medicine" is a leader in cause of Death! Killing 250,000 annually! (If a JW can refuse "life-saving" blood products, why can't you refuse "unavoidably unsafe" forced at gunpoint MMR jabs? Answer; because we dumper our once "Our Creator" law for a neo-Sodom Gomorrah law, to live in a Godless Satan-inspired nation of fraud and sin!
What a thoroughly enjoyable piece, James! Loved reading it - “unavoidably unsafe on the one hand, and absolutely safe and medically necessary on the other hand.” Well done.
All those high-zoot professional groups that went on record saying that vaccines are unsafe: Where were they in 2019 when poison injections into wht world's arms were being mandated by many governments and government-related groups? I don't recall any outfry from those estimable experts ... maybe they were too busy depositing Pharma payments into their retirement accounts to speak up.
Thank you for sharing this absolutely informative article. Send this to the senators who seem to be clueless!
Tie them down as they seem to be avoiding the real truth. How dare they avoid to seek scientific information . The hearings prove some of these senators are taking many things out of context . It proves their ignorance. They believe many lies during these many years!