How do we get them to do it?

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It makes you wonder why they don’t want to do it.

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Pressure, exposure, complaints, peaceful demonstrations at Pfizer, the FDA, local governments. In other words, if they won't do it, and they obviously won't, we the people must do it.

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I don't understand why it took them almost 3 years to publish this mandatory reporting. Very few doctors are going to cull through their patient records and retroactively report patient reported adverse reactions. The FDA is trying to cover it's tracks now.

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They didn't want it exposed that they were fudging the figures to make it appear very few people suffered harm and death from the vaccines, or that causation was something else, when in fact, millions were, and still are, suffering lifelong disabilities and death. Every age group has been targeted, from babies to youth to pregnant females to seniors. Frankly, it's murder.

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Why wasn’t miscarriage included on the Serious adverse events list?

I know of so many miscarriages!

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Maybe their doctors have diagnosed their miscarriages were something other than from the vaccines, either deliberately or from misinformation or no information at all.

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Climate and gas stoves. Please follow the science

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LOL - the last time we did that many people died. There are commercial attachments to gas stoves that limit the toxins to a degree where if everyone used them, 300 million people would not come close to what the industries are releasing. And there is no "global warming" by the way. But I'm not going to indulge you in an argument.

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We could chat about it but I’m currently defacing treasured art as a protest. How dare you steal my childhood!!!!

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Someone needs to push the button on "willful misconduct" as mentioned in the PREP act. "In general, the liability immunity applies to entities and individuals involved in the development, manufacture, testing, distribution, administration, and use of medical countermeasures described in a Declaration. The only statutory exception to this immunity is for actions or failures to act that constitute willful misconduct." https://www.phe.gov/Preparedness/legal/prepact/Pages/prepqa.aspx

We have reached willful misconduct on many levels that go beyond the legal requirement to report adverse reactions. They are injecting product that admittedly is causing more harm than good.

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I see a couple of issues with this "mandatory reporting":

First, it is likely that pharmacists are administering a good portion of the shots. What happens when your injury isn't apparent until a day or more later? The vaccine provider, i.e. the pharmacist, is out of the picture. The healthcare provider you see about the injury did not administer the shot and is technically not required to report. Ethically/morally required to report is another issue...

Second, "events" must also be reported to Pfizer, who must also report to the FDA. 😹😹😹 Can we really trust this is even happening?

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Not a vaccine. Poor word choice. If we can’t free ourselves from fascists’ language, we will never be free again.

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For the millions of vaccines that were administered in stadiums, universities, big box stores, grocery store pharmacies, local clinics, etc, who is responsible for following up with the patient, collecting the information on the adverse events, and making sure whoever administered HAS the info to report ?

The pharmacist in charge of the pharmacy that administered the shot? The nurses who were contracted to go to the stadiums and clinics? The volunteers? WHO? What if nobody told them that there WAS an adverse event hours or days later?

So then who? Med Express? The Telemed doctor who thought it was just anxiety? The ER staff who saw the patient hours, days, or weeks later? But what if they never asked if or when the patient was vaccinated? How would they know that this was a reportable adverse event?

What about patients who just suffered home alone because all the news organizations reported that feeling like absolute HELL for several days after the vaccine is "normal" and means "the vaccine is working?"

Is it even up to the patient? What if they are unconscious, or worse, dead? What if their family doesn't even know they got the vaccine? Who reports the adverse event to whoever administered the vaccine when the patient can't talk and nobody even knows who administered the vaccine, let alone whether the patient HAD a vaccine?

And notice that it says "Vaccination providers enrolled in the federal COVID-19 Vaccination Program must report..." on page 2, but it doesn't say WHERE to report until ... wait for it ... page 42.

It's certainly fair to ask: is this massive incompetence, or was this designed to fail?

Which is worse?

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The janitorial staff at Chuck E Cheese is more than qualified to administer these life saving miracles. Nothing to see here

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File all that under “Ain’t Happening”

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Is this required of all the "vaccines" or just Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent?

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Does it still take a lot of time for each report?

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