Totally fab smack down and reality check with bullet proof sourcing, big time kudos & thanks! :~)

"Does it use data from the VSD, which in June was used to report zero serious adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination, two days prior to FDA issuing the first warning on myocarditis?

It turns out that the source was a preprint, not peer-reviewed, yet it is listed in Pubmed as part of NIH’s Preprint Pilot program. I suspect the NIH allowed this study into its preprint distribution given its favorable result."

My career had a healthy stint inside the DC Mafia where putting loopholes into America's security blanket and Enron accounting were highly prized skills. Some of the old adages have stayed with me as priceless reminders what the game is on the inside looking out. :~)

"An ounce of facade is worth a pound of substance."

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The pre-print cited in the article Rogan's found during the podcast also over estimated the number of unreported cases of myocarditis due to infection as well as under estimated the overall number of cases of infection. So, this pre-print's myocarditis case rate from infection per number of infections was a completely contrived over guestimate based on being 2 times over in the numerator and probably 3 to 5 times under in the denominator. If that wasn't bad enough, the pre-print used an under estimated number for the myocarditis case rate from vaccinations without any adjustment for unreported cases. Or, in other words, the methodology was complete nonsense as I noted in this blog post: https://beyondspin.wordpress.com/2022/01/17/myocarditis-from-infections-vs-vaccinations/


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What do you of make of 76% of persons showing up in the ER with COVID like symptoms testing negative for COVID on the PCR? https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=244988


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