Mercury is an endocrine disrupter. When you get enough of it in you, it keeps you from being able to detox other stuff properly. And it "interferes, in a profound, biochemical way, with our ability to be happy." (Andy Cutler in "The Mercury Detoxification Manual")

The cohort of young people who are currently importuning everybody with this trans gender ideology crap got plenty of mercury when they were kids. And they don't look very happy to me.

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Very interesting!!! I will check out the book you mentioned- I find the comments section on Substack articles many times lead me to great information, thanks again

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Well good luck with your court case! I can tell from just looking at the length and complexity of your articles that you need to chelate out that mercury. You don't mention trying to do this so I am guessing you are not familiar with the work of Andy Cutler, PhD. My website is www.amybeitsmercury.com. The free Facebook support group is https://www.facebook.com/groups/acfanatics. All the information on how to chelate without injuring yourself is in the files over there,

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Thanks. I’m hoping for the best.

The articles aren’t really that complex if you use your own full/complete blood count as an example to help understand it. The big challenge really is to help people understand that they’ve been poisoned with mercury. Once they’ve established that, my information will help them make their doctors treat them. Many are slowly dying because their doctors are failing to diagnose and treat them properly. My information will oblige doctors to treat them and then hopefully they’ll chelate the mercury out of their bodies and truly heal. If you want to help identify people with mercury poisoning then it would be a good idea to help get the word out about the haematological signs I’ve identified.

People told me years ago that my health problems were probably caused by mercury poisoning from dental amalgam but there was no proof that it was and I didn’t think it was worth the risk spending thousands of pounds to remove the amalgam without being sure it would be worthwhile. My information helps give people that proof.

I certainly do plan on getting all of the mercury out of my body but I’m going to try Boyd Hailey’s OSR I think it’s called. The Cutler technique just seems to onerous to me. I’m just not well enough to be able to follow it.

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Cutler said that using OSR was like Russian roulette. (Just saying. I cowrote the book with him so I am biased.) I personally think it is insane to take chelators off their half life and that is what the OSR people tell you to do.

We evaluate for mercury by looking for mineral transport derangement on hair tests. In Amalgam Illness, Cutler lists anomalies you can look for on standard lab tests. He may mention what you have noticed, there. But mercury is hard to test for as it affects people so differently.

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Russian Roulette? How so?

“I personally think it is insane to take chelators off their half life and that is what the OSR people tell you to do.”

I don’t understand what you mean by this. I’ve not heard anything at all about half lives with OSR so far.

I suspect it’s unlikely that Cutler describes what I discuss since doctors themselves have been failing to understand the basics of haematology. They’ve been failing to diagnose huge numbers of people with hypoxia when it’s supposed to be a straightforward diagnosis taught in every undergraduate haeamatology textbook. Since you’re familiar with his work, perhaps you could tell me if he does or not? I don’t really have the energy to read up on it unfortunately.

I have some theories about why mercury is difficult to test for based on my new understanding of haematology, metabolism, physiology, etc., which should help us understand where the mercury has gone and why. I’ll be updating my articles about it soon I hope.

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I cant comment because of the paywall

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Okay. problem fixed. You have to dose chelators on their half life. Otherwise the metal will redistribute and possibly wind up someplace worse.

Cutler was a Chemistry PhD. He did his graduate work in chemical kinetics.

I don't know anything about haematology.

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Emeramide isn't radioactive.

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Seems a bit coy to call N1,N3-Bis(2-sulfanylethyl)benzene-1,3-dicarboxamide; N,N′-bis(2-mercaptoethyl)isophthalamide); IUPAC Name : N1,N3-bis(2-sulfanylethyl)benzene-1,3-dicarboxamide "OSR".

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All these fancy molecules get coy names.

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Ah yes, gaslighting the sheep with yet another re-definition. She then heckled the audience, throwing her arms in the air and asking, "can I get an amen?"

On a related aside can we have a new term for that magical two week period after being injected with a Covid 'vaccine' when one in still unvaccinated? Statistical limbo? Evidentiary tampering? Satanic ritual? Regulatory capture. Fudge factor? Obvious lawsuit time?

How about a term for people who lost a spouse on day two, and still insist all their grandkids ignore the Nuremberg lessons? Irretrievable? Diminished to irrelevance? Googled out.

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I like Google out.

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Climate change is a distraction from the real issues: poisons in our environment/body!!!!

I swear these chemical companies provide monies to make climate change the focus vs them.

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Another lie for CNN. So here's the question: when does one stop reading anything and everything published by CNN? A perjured witness, right?

And there is the Gellman effect too. People know CNN lies repeated about areas where those people have some of their own expertise. YET... they still believe CNN in areas where they do not.

I get it, I understand that it's not exactly practical to stop paying any attention to CNN. But exactly what is to be gained by paying attention? Will one be tetter informed? It's way past time to stop paying attention to any news media involved in serial lying.

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It seems that Andrea Gore is incapable of counting past zero, thus the confusion about how much evidence exists.

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Where do these people get off telling US citizens what they can and cannot or should/shouldn’t say? There’s a first amendment for a reason. You an say whatever you like. So sick of this.

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Here is a link to an important book that explains why fertility rates are decreasing by 1% a year:

Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race Hardcover (2021)

by Shanna H. Swan & Stacey Colino

"The core culprit, she submits, are endocrine disruptors. Drugs, plastics, phthlates, 'forever' chemicals that we've been manufacturing and circulating into our environment and bodies since especially World War II."


Here is a link to a recent excellent, horrifying interview with Shanna Swan:

The #1 Reason Humans Are Suddenly being Born Genderless | Dr. Shanna Swan


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"Our Stolen Future" is a book published in 1996 that describes the endocrine disrupters. I think of it as a classic next to "Silent Spring". They are real and we need to understand how they disrupt our bodies and those of all the animals we share this planet with.

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A few articles proving that RFK Jr is 100% correct, as usual, and CNN is full of it, as usual.

The toxicity of atrazine is well known. The chemical was banned in Europe a long time ago.

Good job calling them out. The question is, where are all the other scientists and knowledgeable citizens?


"Hermaphroditic, demasculinized frogs after exposure to the herbicide atrazine at low ecologically

relevant doses"

Tyrone B. Hayes*, Atif Collins, Melissa Lee, Magdelena Mendoza, Nigel Noriega, A. Ali Stuart, and Aaron Vonk

Laboratory for Integrative Studies in Amphibian Biology, Group in Endocrinology, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Department of Integrative Biology,

University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-3140

Communicated by David B. Wake, University of California, Berkeley, CA, March 1, 2002 (received for review December 20, 2001)



Popular weed killer demasculinizes frogs, disrupts their sexual development, UC Berkeley study shows

04 April 2002



"Pesticide Turns Male Frogs into Females"

By Rachael Rettner published March 01, 2010



"A Common Herbicide Turns Some Male Frogs into Females

One of the mostly widely used weed killers, atrazine, may be disrupting male frogs' sexual development--even reversing it"

By David Biello on March 2, 2010



"Sex-Changing Weed Killer

Widely used herbicide atrazine disrupts frogs' sexual development"

By David Biello on May 1, 2010

"The bountiful fields of the U.S. are awash in atrazine. About 36 million kilograms of the odorless, white powder are applied on farms to control grassy weeds. Every year some 225,000 kilograms of the herbicide become airborne and fall with the rain, up to 1,000 kilometers from the source. All that atrazine may have a sexual effect: turning male frogs female.

As described in the March 1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, biologist Tyrone Hayes of the University of California, Berkeley, and his colleagues exposed 40 African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) to 2.5 parts per billion (ppb) of atrazine continuously for three years—a level below the 3 ppb allowed in drinking water by the Environmental Protection Agency. As a result, 30 of the frogs were chemically castrated, incapable of reproducing, among other consequences. Also, four of the treated frogs actually turned female, going so far as to mate with other males and produce viable eggs despite being genetically male. Only six of the treated frogs resisted atrazine or at least showed normal sexual behavior.

To be sure of their results, the researchers used males bearing only the ZZ sex chromosomes. In previous studies “if we got hermaphrodites, there was no way to know if they were males with ovaries or females with testes,” Hayes says. “By using all ZZ males, we were assured that any hermaphrodites or females were indeed sex-reversed males.” Frogs follow the ZZ (male), ZW (female) sex determination scheme, rather than the more familiar XX (female), XY (male) pattern of humans.

A key culprit in the sex change may be aromatase, a protein that spurs the production of the female hormone estrogen, causing originally male gonads to become ovaries. Atrazine may be boosting the production of aromatase.

Hayes has a long history of studying atrazine, starting in the 1990s with research funded by its maker, now known as Syngenta, which first raised the prospect that the herbicide might be interfering with the natural hormones of animals, including humans. A barrage of studies on such endocrine disruption has followed—some confirming that amphibians such as frogs are suffering from an atrazine onslaught, others finding no effect and others even uncovering evidence of reduced sperm count in men from agricultural regions. Atrazine and other herbicides can be found in 57 percent of U.S. streams, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Hayes’s sex-changing experiment, however, is not without criticism. Biologist Werner Kloas of Humboldt University in Berlin charges that samples may have been contaminated by endocrine disruptors such as bisphenol A (BPA) leaching from plastic containers or being introduced during screening. He also questions the single exposure level and lack of measurement of female hormone levels in the affected frogs. For his part, Kloas in the past reviewed atrazine’s effects for Syn­gen­ta and found no impact on African clawed frogs at concentrations comparable to those investigated by Hayes.

In their native habitats, African clawed frogs do not appear to be suffering from the herbicide. “Atrazine has been used widely in South Africa for the past 45 years, and our studies showed that Xenopus are doing equally fine in agricultural and nonagricultural areas,” says zoologist Louis du Preez of North-West University in South Africa. “If atrazine had these adverse effects on Xenopus in the wild, surely we would have picked it up by now.”

Nevertheless, the European Union has banned atrazine because of its ability to contaminate water. “I personally prefer our European habit to use the precautionary principle concerning environmental chemicals to phase out persistent compounds,” Kloas says.

After declaring the chemical treatment safe in 2006, the EPA announced yet another review of the herbicide last October because of human health concerns. The chemical, after all, affects many species. “Atrazine increases aromatase and/or estrogen production in zebra fish, goldfish, caimans, alligators, turtles, quail and rats,” Hayes points out. “So this is not just a frog problem.” "

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