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Sep 27, 2022
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It's just "kidnapping". I would have called the police and informed them of my location and how people were keeping me against my will. And I would press charges.

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Sep 27, 2022
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Apparently there are hospitals where medical kidnapping is standard practice, like Children's Mercy in Kansas City MO. There is a 10 year old girl who's been removed from her family because the parents wanted to take her to a different hospital after Children's Mercy forced the use of a novel drug which gave her encephalopathy. When a reporter went to investigate, he found out there are hundreds of affected families and a state legislator even tried to take action against this hospital. More here: https://www.rebelnews.com/tags/evelyn_young .

Beginning the Horowitz interview now! Thank you.

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Wow, truly awful. Reminded me very much of this interview with a nurse who documented some of the same things, including with some secretly recorded video / audio: https://off-guardian.org/2020/06/11/watch-perspectives-on-the-pandemic-9/ .

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I was falsely detained by store security at a major sporting goods store. I had the receipt in my pocket, but set the alarm off when I exited. Apparently the checkout girl was confused and told security that I didn’t pay for the item when they asked her. They couldn’t be bothered to check my receipt for some reason, and left me detained in handcuffs.

They didn’t get kidnapping, but they got assault charges, and my fourth amendment rights were violated, so I received a nice check from the company.

Apparently there’s a difference between kidnapping and unlawful detainment.

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Good grief! Has everyone turned into idiots?

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They *definitely* wish more people were afraid. The spell has burned out.

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None of this is likely to get my family to forgive me for refusing to bend to their will over the last few years.

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You're a strong person. Give them time. Sadly, everyone will learn the truth eventually.

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I'll make a bit of a broad assumption here, given my experience with this most similar matter. You don't need their f##@ing forgiveness. They need yours for behaving like authoritarian lemmings.

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Agreed and that’s the direction I’ve gone, but it doesn’t heal the inner hurt from people I love (loved?) who couldn’t be bothered to talk rationally with me about my vax choice but who had no problem getting behind mandates that would see me fired from my job and kicked out of society.

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Thousands of stories like this. That means there's a lot of new family bonds up for grabs. Start looking now for Thanksgiving guests.

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I am sorry Jason. My family knows my views on the vaccine and that I was forced to keep my job. They consider me a crazy antivaxer from the beginning and are unwilling to look at all the “breakthrough “ covid in the fully vaxed ( like my husband). They just say he would have DIED if he had not been fully vaxed!!

I just hope we don’t develop any serious vaccine injuries over time. I won’t ever get another one.

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Sorry to hear that. I personally ally experience cognitive dissonance for a decade as I realized vax issues were real, but I also though our saviors (the CDC and FDA) would make the shots safe if they weren’t already. Yep, I was an idiot. Eventually I forced myself to start doing research and realized how corrupt our health care system is, and also realized that acknowledging the truth would lead me down a path that would separate me from most of my lifelong friends and family.

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I almost wonder if Neil Ferguson's BS model was a target.

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Maybe there has been a downturn in office visits and that scares the medical societies.

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I think there have been. All the medical providers in my area have been inundating us with billboards, radio ads, TV ads, print ads, mailings, emails, and phone calls; practically begging us to make appointments & get tests. Oh, and emphasizing no insurance copays for telemedicine visits! No, thanks.

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Community immunity because "herd immunity" is a right-wing talking point the Republicans just made up. So my mom (an educated woman!) told me in the summer of 2020. I was speechless.

I predict this new guidance will just be ignored at many hospitals and the mask mandates in health facilities will largely continue. As of a couple months ago, our local hospital (blue town) still had a rule that patients can have only 1 visitor per day and only 2 designated visitors total, over the whole of their stay. Doesn't matter if the patient is dying, either. People that cruel and psychotic aren't going to let the masks go.

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I know A LOT of people who work in hospitals. They tell me that they - and their colleagues - have been not masking at work since July 2021.

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That seems incredible to me but I'm happy to hear it. When I mentioned "a couple months ago" that was when a 47-year-old mom of my acquaintance died suddenly after a 5 day illness, which they said must have been sepsis. (At least 3, maybe 4x vaxxed.) They would not allow both her husband and her son in the room so her son was not with her when she was dying. We have 100% mask compliance here as well in offices and when I recently got blood drawn at the lab. I can't even pick up a prescription from my vet without donning a mask. But I know I live in a blue bubble. Glad to hear there's more sanity out there in the world.

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The CDC has been wearing a mask since its inception decades ago.

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Finally! Had a couple of recent occasions to visit my PCP and a clinic for some blood tests. They are all still masked up, although I noticed my doctor didn’t have it all the way over her nose, as you’re apparently supposed to. I am so used to not wearing them that I am immediately resentful that I still have to wear one there. The clinics and hospitals in my area have apparently not gotten the memo.

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Lol. COVID’s old news, people are fed up and midterms are here. Time to switch to a wartime footing.

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They gonna cheat like no tomorrow for those midterm wins!

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I think we have natural herd immunity now most likely but if the boosters keep be taken up in material numbers the virus will once again be challenged and evolve around the booster and just maybe natural immunity.

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I clicked on the link re: CDC update. Can’t they write in plain language? Talk about a word salad! This is all I want to know: does an unjabbed RN working in a hospital still have to wear a mask all the time, or not? It has been, for some time, required for unjabbed nurses, but not for jabbed nurses. Can anyone else unravel all this mishmash?

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probably doesn't matter for covid vaccination. They'll just say those who aren't flu-vaccinated have to mask.

It'll never make sense.

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I know a few non-medical hospital employees (zero contact with patients) that were forced to mask for declining flu jab, BEFORE covid insanity. its just crazy town

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I have new numbers for working age (15-64 y.o.) mortality for 2021 over 2020 based on the https://deadorkicking.com/death-statistics/us/2021/ website (for 2021; you can figure out how to navigate to get the 2020 numbers) and my calculations.

Working age mortality for 2019 was 707,271

Working age mortality for 2020 was 776,289 (roughly a 10% increase over 2019)

Working age mortality for 2021 was 913,780 (roughly an 18% increase over 2020)

By contrast, the 85+ y.o. mortality _decreased_ 14% in 2021 (because of excessive mortality the previous year in this age group)

Please check my work.

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Funny thing is not much has changed in number of cases. At this stage how people don't still see this whole response was an absolute unscientific shit show is beyond me.

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No honesty, no trust , no scruples 😖

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I can’t find the part about healthcare professionals not having to mask anymore. Can anyone else find it and direct me to it?

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Thank you for your insightful post! I checked out your IPAK-EDU and found a number of good courses and at reasonable prices. I hope people take advantage of the opportunity to learn more! BTW, it would be good to offer courses in genetics. What our genes carry within us, is what often what is the cause of an underlying disease and I think right now is why so many young people are having myocarditis. Something to think about.

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