So... we even had deaths being counted as Covid, but a real Covid death is now counted as...

Only the fasco-Marxists could come up with this.

It is as Blaise Pascal once noted, once science is divorced from ethics, scientists will use their skills to pursue power, not truth. The late Dr. Michael Chricton wrote, similarly years later, “as Alston Chase put it, ‘when the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power.’

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It is peak perversion, as if the perverts were trying to see what the market will bear.

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The family are clearly idiots, seeking free cash.

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Truth is, as famed reported Sharyl Attkission, former anchor at CBS News, but who left the fasco-Marxist fake news out of intellectual honesty, reported in a Full Measure investigation https://fullmeasure.news/news/cover-story/counting-covid , the U.S., which found that “in some documented cases, news that COVID was the cause of death was greatly exaggerated.” Meanwhile, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has made startling changes in how they track COVID-19 cases, which is muddling the data and making it virtually impossible to track infections among those who have received a COVID-19 injection.

Grand County, Colorado, has a population of just 15,717 people.4 It’s the type of rural area where coroner Brenda Bock is able to keep tabs on each and every death, including those from COVID-19 — of which, she said, there were none in 2020.5 COVID-19 deaths, however, were recorded in the area, highlighting the problems with how such casualties are counted. Bock told Attkisson:

******“I had a homicide-suicide the end of November, and the very next day it showed up on the state website as Covid deaths. And they were gunshot wounds. And I questioned that immediately because I had not even signed off the death certificates yet, and the state was already reporting them as Covid deaths.” ****

The reasoning behind counting the homicide-suicide deaths as COVID-19 casualties was that they were listed in a database of people who had tested positive for COVID-19 within 28 days of their death. According to Full Measure: “Because there had been no Covid deaths within the geographic boundaries of Grand County in 2020, Bock was in a unique position to challenge the state’s accounting. In many cities and counties, the numbers are too big and the coroners would never know about discrepancies.”

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AFAIK, the legal immunity given to doctors was only for CDC approved treatments for Covid and HCQ is not a CDC approved treatment.

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BTW, the waiver for conducting telemedicine also waived HIPAA privacy requirements requiring the Zoom call to be secure.

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I happen to live in Reno and am ashamed that the lawsuit is going after a doc who prescribed HCL. I’m please, however, that another member of our town named Joey Gilbert is a lawyer who aggressively fights for medical freedom, who was the in house counsel for AFDS until he had a spat with the founder and he was the runner up for the Nevada Republican Governor nominee.

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Feb 14, 2023
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@James Lyons Weiler: There is someone impersonating you here. Can you please block him?

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Why don’t they go after chemo doctors?

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"More recently, Reno attorney, election denier and failed governor candidate, Joey Gilbert, is suing the group alleging its CEO used money from the organization to purchase a $3.6 million home in Florida."

This article is nothing but propaganda. "Election denier and jan 6 insurrection".....my god. I am suspect of the initiation of this suit as well as the allegations presented. How did this guy actually die?? The exhibit B isn't attached. Heart attack? Stroke? The ME was probably paid and this is nothing but optics. Isn't it maddening how its ok to kill people in hospitals using KNOWN dangerous drugs? How about injecting millions of people and killing them? this situation is highly concerning and nothing I have witnessed ever. Will the gaslighting ever end? So much for 'follow the science'.

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