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Dec 12Edited
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Is that all you 3 have to say?

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Outstanding piece, kudos!

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Great questions. I'd also be curious to know the following:

who instigated this “open letter” in the first place

what role did the Bio-Pharma Complex play in getting these Nobel Laureates on board

assuming the BPC had a role, what criteria they used to target the potential "yes men"

what percentage of these Nobel Laureates are vaxx’d or better yet, double-boosted ("user’s bias")

on the flip side, how many Nobel Laureates in fact approve of RFK, Jr.’s nomination

would you be interested in trying to get answers to these questions?

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The science is settled. The vast majority of scientists agree with whomever is funding them. – Anon

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Thank you for this valiant effort, and brilliant and thorough response to the 77 laureates who are denouncing the RFK Jr for Secretary of HHS. You leave no stones unturned in your questions and the follow up to them. May this article be share far and wide and reach the congress people who can allow Bobby to continue the work he was born for. THANK YOU!

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Apparently Laureate is latin for Imbecile

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Where is the list of recipients and the category of their prize?

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Thank you for the link! It best demonstrates what you get when you mix Godless Leftist Democrat politics with anything! all you'll ever get is death & disharmony as history, 110 million deaths, & enslavenment of a billion people have demonstrated!

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I would like a list of all the religious "experts" who had Jesus Christ torchered and put to death for spreading "misinformation!" Can you see a correlation?

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It’s always been the case that anybody or organization asking questions that threatens another’s authority, stature, or wealth will more often than not be accused of spreading untruths. Those that feel their position can only be maintained by restricting clarity of their offering have no other means to secure their position other than attacking the character of their skeptics rather than challenging their ideas and act out in this way because instinctively they know they will be defeated if they subject themselves to transparency.

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I thought of the similarity as well.

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Read, America’s Broken Health Care: Diagnosis and Prescription by John Abramson! It best explains the [cough] paid for "science"from our [50 billion on fraud fines] pharma medicine cartel! (That also delivers us a leading cause of death industry!) According to the Johns Hopkins iatrogenic study or Dr. Null's book, Death by Medicine! As per these 77 laureates and RFK Jr. it's just Deja Vu history repeating itself! Remember the story when Einstein was shown a German newspaper that claimed "One hundred German physicists claim Einstein's theory of relativity is wrong." Einstein's reply was "If I were wrong, it would only take one!" (He was later proven right, as RFK Jr. will be!) Also reminiscent of the Jewish experts who said Jesus was evil and executed him! Our "health care cartel is to teach us the living that, "Death is the wages of sin." Our "care" industry killing 250,000 to 800,000 annually, year after year (not counting their Coved deaths & murders!) All giving credence to of Romans 6:23's Wages of sin Vs Jesus's gift & promise!

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Excellent reflection on the state of science and the selective curiosity that modern science embraces all around. A cultural revolution is the appropriate response in order to restore science to its pre WWI stature.

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Being a Nobel laureate doesn't necessarily confer any talent or achievement; Obama got the prize for being black

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I assumed Obama's "achievement" was doing exactly what his handlers told him to do.

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If the medical science establishment were this block headed back in the Middle Ages, the blood letting exemplified by Theodoric of York would still be going on!

Steve Martin as Theodoric ➡️ https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=theodoric+of+york&view=detail&mid=8C9B7396817A5B6B1D038C9B7396817A5B6B1D03&FORM=VIRE&PC=EMMX04

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The day in 2009 that Barack Hussein Obama was awarded a Nobel Prize told me that the Nobel was now about as worthless as a Pulitzer or an Emmy. All three have been reduced from recognitions of genius, talent and effort applied to solving humanity's problems, to cheap bits of virtue-signalling by one-worlder elites.

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This is magnificent. A true thing of beauty. Thanks for writing it

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I'm interested but ****provide citations**** or this is basically useless.

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Water poisoning through fluoridation:


Nobel Mason Prize

Alfred Nobel was a Freemason.

Why was Churchill1 given the Nobel Prize of Literature in 1953 for his “speeches”, having produced 1 infamous novel nobody is able to mention? 2 Because he was a mason.3 By the way, that’s how they got the US into the war after scheming Pearl Harbor with mason Roosevelt4.

“Because of the particular position of the new laureate, the Academy gave a flexible interpretation to its rule, always scrupulously respected before, concerning the secrecy of the vote until the final count.”5

Even Churchill recognized he didn’t deserve it but sent his wife to take it and cash it anyway. 6

By the way, his complete speeches were compiled by another mason, Robert Rhodes. 7

Even if it was a political prize, why did nobody object the genocidal past of the laureate, deliberately starving 3 million Indians to death? 8 Mason cover-up: the winner gets to write history.

9 Oct 2009. Why was Barack Hussein Soetoro9 Obama given the Nobel Peace Prize, only 9 months after assuming the presidency (fake presidency, because he wasn’t even born in the USA), after doing nothing for peace10, keeping the illegal Guantanamo torture prison and 2 wars (later adding 6 more, not counting drone attacks)? He was a mason, just like most of the Nobel committee.

Why does the Nobel committee need secrecy when discussing the candidates and deciding the awards? Evil needs secrecy. The Nobel Prize is a joke: the literature prize to a beast and the peace prize to a warlord. It all makes sense!

Among too many “scientists”11, some of pedophile Epstein’s Nobel-prized acquaintances, were physicist Murray Gell-Mann, who discovered the quark, and MIT theoretical physicist Frank Wilczek and Caltech theoretical physicist Kip S. Thorne, who attended Epstein’s 2006 conference.12 In 2013, why did the chairman of the Nobel Prize committee receive masons Epstein (and Gates) in Strasbourg13 and was later received by him in NYC14? Was it just mason-buddying pedophilia? or just rigging the next prizes for mason Bill Gates? Both? Fortunately those pedos were all caught and pedo-Gates didn’t get it… yet.

26 May 2023 “the Nobel Prize (Nobel Foundation) joined forces with the US National Academy of Sciences to mount a 3-day Summit targeting the disinformation, lies, fakes, and deep fakes that are flooding the globe.” 15

Contradictory prizes to masons

1906. Theodore Roosevelt, Nobel Prize for Peace despite his role in the 1898 US-Spanish War. 1

1907. Rudyard Kipling 2

1923. Robert Andrews Millikan (physics), prominent eugenicist, to the point that he was removed from all Caltech honors.3

1945. Alexander Fleming for penicillin (he was not the discoverer!) 4

1946. Wendell Meredith Stanley Nobel Prize in Chemistry for… working with the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York.

1953. Churchill, Nobel Prize for Literature!

1970. Norman Borlaug. Nobel Peace Prize for poisoning the world with Rockefeller’s glyphosate “green” revolution / “Round up” of us, the herd, for slo-culling with trace amounts of poison in the food.

1973. Henry Kissinger. Nobel Peace Prize for pushing every single war involving the USA and the CIA.

1993. Nelson Mandela. Nobel Peace Prize for legalizing abortion on demand until 9 months! 5

2006. Muhammad Yunus. Nobel Peace Prize, a WEF carbon climate action global resetter6 with “a vaccine that WILL be declared ‘a global common good’”. How would he know that by 10 Jul 2020?

His microloans target women (80%) to get them out of home and reduce births with “reproductive rights”, but fail miserably to end poverty. 7 Sentenced to 6 months in jail before becoming Prime Minister after a masonic color revolution.8

2007. Al Gore, Nobel Pease Prize for doomsday weather forecasts which never happened, like “Polar ice cap may disappear by 2014”.9

2008. Harald zur Hausen for “proving” that human papillomavirus (HPV) causes cervical cancer… sponsored by AstraZeneca.10

2009. Barack Obama Nobel Prize for Peace!

2016. Nobel prize in Literature to satanist11 satanist singer Bob *Dylan for… song lyrics, handed over by mason Obama!

Nobel Peace prize for Juan Manuel Santos, president of Colombia (2010-2018), for promoting abortion and gender ideology12 and enabling the drug-guerilla FARC warlords to become elected, just as planned by mansons (just as “ex” terrorists were placed in power as planned, in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, etc.).

2019 Medicine Nobel Prize, Johns Hopkins Professor Gregg Semenza, who faked his studies, had to retract his papers and was never asked to return the money. 13

2023 Nobel Prize of Medicine to the developers of the mRNA kill shot, Drew *Weissman and Katalin Karikó, leaving out, the true finder, freedom fighter Robert Malone.14

Nobel Peace Prize to: Yasser Arafat (mason or mercenary?), the European Union (freemason controlled) …

Some well-deserved Nobel prizes

Nobel prizes are typical for masons and their mercenaries, yet there are some exceptions, for example:

1928 Literature, Sigrid Undset 15

1979 Peace, Mother Theresa of Kolkata 16

President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

Who are The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be ?



Weaponization of Justice


Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:


Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:


Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:


Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


Please share, not the articles, but the information! I'm expendable. Saving the free world, is not!

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Thank you Dr. Nazar. The masons are the "deepstate" "wolves in sheep's clothing. And yes, Obamas's birth certificate is fake. He is listed as being African American, a term unheard of in the nineteen sixties, among other things.

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Nobel laureates with few exceptions, have accepted the plaudits of the establishment, and are part of the establishment. As such, they will not go against the establishment.

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This is an excellent article. We need to recognize we let Scientism take over Science.

Scientism is a mix of dogma and magical thinking. Hopefully this is about to change.

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Do nothing until you can’t breathe, then go to the ER so we can vent you at a 90% kill rate, masking toddlers outdoors, destroying business owners, jabbing everyone all at once with no control group using a technology never approved in humans- crickets. Calls for accountability and transparency, and we have a crisis. Screw these cretins.

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