Wish more physicians could speak up. In your opinion, is there a real threat to medical licenses if they do? My physician follows the FLCCC (etc) protocols and has been pretty outspoken, but I know there are those who would have him destroyed.
Wish more physicians could speak up. In your opinion, is there a real threat to medical licenses if they do? My physician follows the FLCCC (etc) protocols and has been pretty outspoken, but I know there are those who would have him destroyed.
Yes doctors can suffer reprisals, seems to depend on the state where you practice. I unfortunately practice on the west coast; I googled ivermectin prescriptions and my state’s medical commission has publicly stated it will investigate complaints it receives regarding doctors prescribing ivermectin, and pharmacies have been threatened also so many will not fill prescriptions of ivermectin. This is deeply disturbing to me, and I think Dr. McCullough is spot on in nearly everything he says ( although I haven’t viewed the JRE episode yet). Nevertheless I am resolved to be honest with my patients. I like the FLCCC protocols too; sounds like you have a caring physician who thinks for him/herself.
I’m so sorry your hands are tied. I am so very grateful for my physician. I tell him often. We all need to keep making noise. People are waking up. Best of luck to you.
Agree on the “making noise”. However, even though my patients may not be able to fill a prescription for ivermectin or HCQ that I have written, I think there are many other things that can be done. I tell every patient I have vaccinated or no, to get tested and get treatment with the monoclonal antibodies if they test positive. These really work. I read the trials and I also read the emergency use authorizations. Did you know that the first EUA was issued in November 2020? Here’s another example of the incredible malfeasance of our healthcare experts: I could not find a single recommendation by Fauci for anyone to get monoclonal antibody treatment until August 2021, after the governor of Florida Stood up his monoclonal antibody treatment centers. Thus, people died because of this. You don’t even have to mention IVM or HCQ, you can just use this example. I recommend people adhere to the whole protocol that either FLCCC, Dr. Zelenko, or other of the leading providers of our world recommend for self treatment of Covid. Also, it is possible to get ivermectin from naturopaths. I have a patient who did this. Thank you for your interest and support. We need this!
Wish more physicians could speak up. In your opinion, is there a real threat to medical licenses if they do? My physician follows the FLCCC (etc) protocols and has been pretty outspoken, but I know there are those who would have him destroyed.
Yes doctors can suffer reprisals, seems to depend on the state where you practice. I unfortunately practice on the west coast; I googled ivermectin prescriptions and my state’s medical commission has publicly stated it will investigate complaints it receives regarding doctors prescribing ivermectin, and pharmacies have been threatened also so many will not fill prescriptions of ivermectin. This is deeply disturbing to me, and I think Dr. McCullough is spot on in nearly everything he says ( although I haven’t viewed the JRE episode yet). Nevertheless I am resolved to be honest with my patients. I like the FLCCC protocols too; sounds like you have a caring physician who thinks for him/herself.
I’m so sorry your hands are tied. I am so very grateful for my physician. I tell him often. We all need to keep making noise. People are waking up. Best of luck to you.
Agree on the “making noise”. However, even though my patients may not be able to fill a prescription for ivermectin or HCQ that I have written, I think there are many other things that can be done. I tell every patient I have vaccinated or no, to get tested and get treatment with the monoclonal antibodies if they test positive. These really work. I read the trials and I also read the emergency use authorizations. Did you know that the first EUA was issued in November 2020? Here’s another example of the incredible malfeasance of our healthcare experts: I could not find a single recommendation by Fauci for anyone to get monoclonal antibody treatment until August 2021, after the governor of Florida Stood up his monoclonal antibody treatment centers. Thus, people died because of this. You don’t even have to mention IVM or HCQ, you can just use this example. I recommend people adhere to the whole protocol that either FLCCC, Dr. Zelenko, or other of the leading providers of our world recommend for self treatment of Covid. Also, it is possible to get ivermectin from naturopaths. I have a patient who did this. Thank you for your interest and support. We need this!
Could...speak...up....? They are obliged to, and abrogating that is grounds for legal action.