It did, indeed! Some very good essays came through loud and clear Thank you and my best wishes for a prosperous 2025 that may bring peace to Ukraine, Russia, America and the world. I am hopeful that a modicum of common sense and independent thinking will return to society at large.
Absolutely!!! Even though I was almost overwhelmed with Precinct Captain activities, the network that got 160,000 signatures to put voter ID on the Nevada ballot (that won), and an email network of News Not in the News to thousands, I loved Popular Rationalism. I promise to respond more in 2025.
It did, indeed! Some very good essays came through loud and clear Thank you and my best wishes for a prosperous 2025 that may bring peace to Ukraine, Russia, America and the world. I am hopeful that a modicum of common sense and independent thinking will return to society at large.
Rational acceptance of lock downs.
Rational consent to wear masks, keep 6 ft distance.
Rationalization of depopulation,
Rational permission to get vaccinated.
Definitely a good read, even in New Zealand. Bring on more in 2025.
Absolutely!!! Even though I was almost overwhelmed with Precinct Captain activities, the network that got 160,000 signatures to put voter ID on the Nevada ballot (that won), and an email network of News Not in the News to thousands, I loved Popular Rationalism. I promise to respond more in 2025.