Congatulations! Bravo Nobel Prize Laureates 👏.

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Aw, what an interesting discussion with your new friend Has AI-1 got any other friends? Could be a double first for you James...

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Fascinating! Although I thought it was going to be Fermat's last theorem all over again at "network error"!

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I learned in school (back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth) that fractions cannot be classified as odd or even. What am I missing here?

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"eventually reach any positive integer"... not along the way. Not defending the proof, btw, ChatGPT tried to convince me last week that 2 + 1/2 = 3.5 !!!

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Yeah, logical reasoning somewhat uncannily REALLY isn't its strong suit...

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I tested OpenAI with some questions about the covid vaccines. It fails most of them because its data is "official sources" like CDC, FDA & WHO. Here is what I put in. Yes I corrected it and it will be interesting to see if it changes over time.

OpenAI / ChatGPT

If you want to try it out and provide feedback to improve its responses sign up at openai.com and have some fun. Make sure your questions are specific (see below for the ones I asked). Make sure your feedback cites your sources. They put a lot of politically motivated wrappers on their answers which is not helpful. It is laughable how they still pitch masks and distancing.

Q) Do the covid-19 vaccines stop transmission?

Q) Do the covid-19 vaccines stop infection?

Q) Do the covid-19 vaccines stay at the injection site?

Q) Do the covid-19 vaccines lipid nanoparticles last long in the human body?

Q) Do the covid-19 vaccines spike proteins last long in the human body?

Q) What is the infection fatality rate for covid-19?

Q) What masks work to stop transmission of covid-19?

Q) Are the covid-19 vaccines experimental?

Q) Does the covid-19 vaccine cause variants?

Q) Is the covid-19 vaccine a sterilizing vaccine?

# As of 2023-01-17


Q) Do the covid-19 vaccines stop transmission?

A) The COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to be highly effective at preventing severe illness and death caused by the virus. However, it is still unclear to what extent they prevent transmission of the virus. Studies on the vaccine's ability to reduce transmission are ongoing. It is important to note that even if a vaccine can reduce transmission, it is still important to continue practicing preventive measures such as wearing masks and social distancing to limit the spread of the virus.


Q) Do the covid-19 vaccines stop infection?

A) The COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to be highly effective in preventing severe illness, hospitalization, and death caused by the virus. However, it is still possible to get infected with the virus after being vaccinated. The vaccines work by training the immune system to recognize and fight the virus, but they do not provide 100% protection against infection. It is important to continue following public health guidelines, such as wearing masks and practicing social distancing, even after being vaccinated.


# This one is correct. They claimed it stayed at the injection site but it doesn't.

Q) Do the covid-19 vaccines stay at the injection site?

A) No, the COVID-19 vaccines are not designed to stay at the injection site. They are designed to enter the bloodstream and trigger an immune response. The vaccines work by teaching the body's immune system to recognize and fight the virus if it enters the body in the future.


Q) Do the covid-19 vaccines lipid nanoparticles last long in the human body?

A) It is not clear how long the lipid nanoparticles used in the COVID-19 vaccines last in the human body. Studies have shown that the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) have a half-life of around 4-6 hours in the body, meaning that half of the initial amount of mRNA is degraded within this time frame. However, the lipid nanoparticles used to protect the mRNA may have a longer lifespan in the body. Further research is needed to determine the exact duration of these lipid nanoparticles in the body.


# Correct. It stays in circulation for up to 2 weeks but is lodged in organs for months.

Q) Do the covid-19 vaccines spike proteins last long in the human body?

A) The duration of the spike proteins in the human body after vaccination is not well understood. Studies have shown that the spike proteins can persist for several weeks or months after vaccination, but it is not clear how long they may last in the body. The immune response generated by the vaccine, including the presence of antibodies, is thought to be more important for protection against COVID-19 than the presence of spike proteins. It is important to note that the effectiveness of the vaccine is still being studied and more information is needed to understand the duration of spike proteins in the human body.


# Patially correct. The CDC admitted in May of 2020 that the IFR was 0.3%

Q) What is the infection fatality rate for covid-19?

A) The infection fatality rate (IFR) for COVID-19 varies depending on several factors, such as age, underlying health conditions, and the availability of medical care. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the overall IFR for COVID-19 is estimated to be around 1%, but it can range from 0.1% to 10% depending on the population and setting. In older adults and those with underlying health conditions, the IFR is higher, while in younger and healthier individuals, it is lower. It should be noted that the IFR is a constantly evolving metric and may change as more data becomes available.


Q) What masks work to stop transmission of covid-19?

A) The most effective masks for preventing the transmission of COVID-19 are N95 respirators and surgical masks. These masks are designed to fit tightly to the face and filter out at least 95% of airborne particles, including the virus. Cloth masks and other types of face coverings can also help to slow the spread of the virus, but they are not as effective as N95 respirators and surgical masks. It's important to note that mask efficacy can be influenced by how well it's used and how well it's made.


Q) Are the covid-19 vaccines experimental?

A) No, the COVID-19 vaccines that have been authorized for emergency use by regulatory agencies such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) have gone through clinical trials to demonstrate their safety and efficacy. Emergency use authorization is a mechanism to make the vaccine available to the public before the usual regulatory process is complete. These vaccines have been shown to be highly effective in preventing COVID-19 illness and death.


Q) Does the covid-19 vaccine cause variants?

A) No, the COVID-19 vaccine does not cause variants. Variants of the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, can occur naturally as the virus replicates and mutates. The current COVID-19 vaccines work by training the immune system to recognize and fight the virus, and they are still effective against the known variants. However, it is important for scientists to continuously monitor the emergence of new variants and update the vaccines if necessary.


# Horray it gets one correct. But then it lies about fertility which I didn't ask about.

Q) Is the covid-19 vaccine a sterilizing vaccine?

A) No, the COVID-19 vaccine is not a sterilizing vaccine. It is a vaccine that helps to protect against COVID-19 by triggering an immune response in the body to build immunity against the virus. The vaccine does not affect fertility or sterilize individuals. It is important to note that more data needs to be collected on the long-term effects of the vaccine on fertility.


Q) Do the covid-19 vaccines cause heart damage?

A) There have been reports of people experiencing heart problems after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, but it is important to note that these cases are rare and the vaccines have undergone rigorous testing and have been shown to be safe. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have stated that the benefits of the vaccines outweigh the potential risks, and that the vaccines have been shown to be highly effective in preventing severe illness, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19. It is always recommended to consult with your healthcare provider if you have any concerns about the vaccine.

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Your AI friend is brain-washed

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I'm trying to educate him/her/it but I think it'll be a while before they see the light. I do hope it hasn't taken too many shots LOL

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Predictively programmed.

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Non-mathematician here, but I'm fairly certain that's not a proof. But it was a very interesting conversation.

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Whoa! 😳

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Get a room will ya!

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This German math prof also played with ChatGPT ... turn on auto-translation (well, not helpful for the written parts unless when he summarizes them), it shows yuo what that thing is not :)


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and here I was hoping you were getting a gold medal.

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You're interaction with AI-1 is mind blowing, not even considering the mathematical achievement. I'm amazed that I grew up learning DOS and now get to witness the birth of true AI. This is terrifying and amazing. Congratulations to both of you.

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Ok, now ask it for the quickest, cheapest (in terms of lives NOT having to be sacrificed by non-elites), and most effective strategy, including the detailed tactical plans required for such a strategy to succeed, to take out the evil WEF cabal ;p

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By the way I think there is a human sitting next to AI-1 at all times.

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