How many people would have gotten the shots if they had realized they would, at best, reduce their chances of getting sick from slightly over 1% to slightly under 1%?

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I'm going to go out on a limb and say slightly under 1%.

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90% chance of 0% interest would have occurred 100% of the time.

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I dunno... There was a dead guy elected to office with 86% support. And he'd been dead for 30 days!!!

I'm guessing that people would have bought into the media and government mandates because the hospitals were making bank on it along the way. While the uptake is low now, look at how many people are taking it still. And that it's being added into flu vaccines as well...

I believe this is a bioweapon for depopulation, and as such, there will be an effort to kill people - even those using their noggin. Bill Gates is looking at aerosolizing it, but since it doesn't do well in sunlight, will it affect us while we sleep? Or on our food or in our water?

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And our DOD using sprayed chemicals in the atmosphere-those aren’t clouds folks. Geoengineering watch .com (take out the spaces)

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Wonder how long before they say the word GENOCIDE in Parliament.

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John is good. Boy we need to think of something to give him to help him retain his proper demeanor (like he was before he came to . . . conclusions . . . hmm like an energy drink and some calming tea coadministered. He's gotta stay on. He has done a marvelous job.

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John who? I hope you don't mean Campbell? The fully jabbed jab pusher? There must be thousands not alive to see his miraculous transformation. He often looks very worried now, and so he should. Still doesn't like to upset YT though, does he. The only man still not censored. Wonder why...

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I think that a lot of people are being rather unfair to John Campbell, in a fashion similar to Vinay Prasad, Mrs. H.

These "middle of the road" types have the salutary effect of being a "gateway drug" (if you'll forgive the expression,) to the actual text of the research. They provoke curiosity in a way that feels "safe" for many that avoid the rather terrifying conclusions drawn on alternative media sites. Best to approach the subject gently with mainstream audiences.

Campbell has worked exclusively with publicly available information and, cautiously but relentlessly, convinced many who accepted The Narrative to pause and reflect on the most glaringly obvious of the inherent contradictions therein.

Every so often, I pause and reflect on how many small discrepancies started stacking up, right from the beginning of the fear campaign. You might agree that it's grown to a rather towering height. Ordinary folks that initially accepted the narrative will often begin to question one detail that has stuck in their minds because "something doesn't sound quite right." Introducing them to conclusions only reachable by those with a broad and deep awareness of the full stack will be seen as "a bridge too far," and they withdraw back into the safety of groupthink.

Campbell fills a crucial niche, as does Prasad. The Narrative relies on painting all who question it, as extremist conspiracy theorists. That is the primary means of discrediting apostates and heretics. The cautious ones like Campbell are the voices steadily convincing ever-increasing numbers of government figures to examine the matter more deeply.

As far as censorship goes, he's had at least one video removed, and I'm guessing he may believe that he can do no good for anyone if his entire channel taken is taken down. Moving to Rumble is always an option, but he would lose most of his mainstream audience potential.

I say; may he carry on as usual. Once he's demonstrated to a viewer that there really IS "something not quite right," they may find the courage to investigate more deeply. "Mildly" is the most effective first approach.

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"Unfair"? Ask the dead and injured. The sleeping are still swooning over nursie. Ego and TV doctors seem to go hand in hand.

I could change my mind if he published a video about how sorry he is for misleading the hundreds of thousands of people hanging on his every word.

Get your 1st jab, get your 2nd jab, get your booster, 2nd booster...

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He sincerely believed, like a lot of health care workers, that was the way to protect people at the time. Unlike most, he's able to take in new information that contradicts his strongly held views. Unlike the regulatory agencies, he did not have access to the real data till much later -- which is when he began questioning.

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"he did not have access to the real data" - he used and believed the government data!

I had access to the real data by about May/June 2020 when Hancock was murdering old people in "care" homes. By August 2020 RFKJr was standing before 2.5million people in Berlin telling the world what was happening. Did nursie sincerely believe that flu disappeared for a season or that "vaccines" could be okayed in 6 months or that 4 jabs was normal for a head cold? His ego got the better of him - adulation is an aphrodisiac. How many people died on his sincerely held beliefs. He's not a doctor but he used his platform to push poison. People died. Let me know when he apologises...

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I get what you're saying. And I can also tell that you were already not a true believer in May/June 2020. He was. Imagine for a moment that you were a dedicated nurse who believed and trusted the public health authorities, and that much of your life's work had depended on doing so, from schooling to professional career. It's going to take more to reach people like that.

I'd compare it to a spouse slowly coming to the realization that their beloved husband or wife is cheating. Everyone else knows. They don't. They can't, sometimes for a long time.

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Anyone on here right now, on this Substack, that knows WHO "Rest of America" is as a substack commentor ? Because I'm being followed by this . . . person. Even from as far back as march 22 to today. Who are you Rest of America? Anyone know?

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We can follow people?! Wow.

Sorry you have a fan or a stalker.

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That video is funny. They are now trying to make themselves look better by comparing themselves to really bad, stupidly bad places like ... Canada, New Zealand & China. The rats are fleeing the ship trying to align themselves with some position that won't end at the end of a rope.

Go to the 5:53 second mark

"By no means the worst offender. We're not Canada or New Zealand or China. Places where they think they can exterminate covid by depriving the population of the most basic civil liberties".

ROTFLMAO. Translation: "We don't suck as bad as the canucks, kiwis or chinese ''.

As a Canuck I am deeply offended. You in the UK suck every bit as bad as my prime minister. You're just not a limp wristed "girly man".

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Hopefully they hang that guy.

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Only if Oliver Cromwell 2.0 makes the scene.

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I noticed that, too. I take it as a challenge to his fellow Parliamentarians: If you seek further draconian measures, you're backwards. It was disrespectful and snobbish. But I know many Canadians who would agree that Canada is worse off due to the globalist zealot in power, applauded by Klaus himself.

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ha! I was watching this as your email came in. Thanks for alerting everyone. Too little too late but good nonetheless..

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Parliament is owned by big pharma, just like American congress is.

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I think the conservatives just returned the check.

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Dare we hope?

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“Safe & effective” slogan, mantra, propaganda ...the best would have have been NOT to have gotten the vaxxx.

My 💔 for those who “trusted” the lies upon lies of the govt, the pharmaceutical industry, the main media instead of our God-given, amazing, natural design. I guess we conveniently forgot about that in light of the “experts”, the “gods” of “science” & tyrannical fear-mongering.

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it's pretty astonishing to me that people who don't know the difference between relative and absolute risk reduction can claim that they gave informed consent

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I'm quite mystified by "Unfettered and open, polite debate and rational discourse will now follow."

Nothing of the sort. This is begging bowl stuff. A meeting of a handful of MPs on the back of over 100,000 signature petition, begging for an inquiry to be launched. Not mentioned by nurse "Doctor" Campbell (who is fully jabbed and pushed the injections till a month or so ago), Sir Christopher Chope (in this meeting) has been fighting for compensation for the injured. This meeting ended by refusing to launch an inquiry. So much for polite debate. Too few MPs fighting for the injured does not make it a win.

Hopefully, you will follow UK Column News (ukcolumn.org) who recently interviewed the injured who were given an audience by the same MPs. You may ask why the injured were asked to travel across country for this - they do not deserve the treatment they received. Malhotra didn't help, IMHO.

Video: UK Column Published November 8, 2022:

There are no plans for an inquiry solely on Vaccine Safety.


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If I remember rightly, the petition was narrowly focused on vaccine safety, the meeting was based on the 100,000+ signatures. Sir Christopher Chope has long championed discussions in the commons on compensation for the injured.

The APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group) meeting covered in the UKC video is/was separate from the petition meeting.

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I just read the transcript of the entire parliamentary debate. I guess the petition was asking for an investigation specifically of vaccine injuries. The final bit of the transcript says "The Government have already commissioned a public inquiry into the pandemic, and covid vaccines will be reviewed as part of that inquiry. There are no plans for an inquiry solely on vaccine safety."

Of course it remains to be seen of what value the promised inquiry will be, considering the complacency and parroting of official line of the pro-vaccine speakers.

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That would be the same Danny Kruger who argued that women "don't have an absolute right to bodily autonomy".


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I do not understand the many thousands of comments thanking Dr. Campbell. Isn't he the very trusted medical authority, with worldwide subscribers who encouraged folks to be vaccinated, considering all the "robust" evidence-based data supporting that decision? Was he unaware of Peter Doshi of the British Medical Journal pointing out immediately that there were serious issues concerning the trials? We need to chose our trusted medical authorities very carefully!!

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I don't know about a death knell, but it's so refreshing to watch an intelligent civilized debate. In contrast, hearings in the US Congress are a sheer embarrassment.

Edit to add: another comment or said no inquiry 'solely on vaccine safety' will be forthcoming. I plan to watch the entire debate.

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FYI: Posted this for you on Twitter.



[Couldn't leave this comment on the relevant post because you've only allowed paid subscribers to post there.]

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Taking a leave of absence from Substack. Tucker leaving FOX brought out the hidden leftist support on Substack. The only truth teller exposing leftist sickness in America is gone and for some reason Substack seems to be celebrating.? Strange for a “free press”.

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