Yup. I keep wondering cynically how long this Golden Age of Substack will last. Because, once the government gave itself that power to censor and suppress, and got a taste for it, you know they won't just stand there and let Substackers keep doing what none of the other platforms were allowed to keep doing.

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I think of Princess Leia’s response from long, long ago: “The more you tighten your grasp, the more we’ll slip through your fingers.”

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Learn alternatives. Instead of skype, use tox. Instead of discord, use IRC/tox. Tighter-knit communities can communicate with email lists. You don't even need an email 'provider' for that.

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Dr. Lee Merritt got effectively demonetized already, due to a third party (payment processor).

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Facebook had a direct communications portal for the government ~ wrap your head around that. Wonder what Twitter's "arrangement" is, if Elon is aware of it, and if Elon will disable it. 🤔

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Interesting thing in that text message, the word "prebunking". I know we all had a feeling that was going on. Here's the proof.

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I sure hope you are feeling appreciated too. Speaking for myself, I know I appreciate you . Thanks for all the information you share! 🙏😌

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I keep submitting appeals to Twitter as well and nothing so far...

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

Sorry, but The Intercept and Sucker Carlson are reporting OLD NEWS about DHS et al. This story broke 2 years ago (2020) by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai in his historic federal lawsuit against the State of MA & Twitter. Go to www.winbackfreedom.com to get the WHOLE STORY (not these grifters' diluted version of the facts).

FYI, The Intercept's founder (Pierre Omidyar) is part of the cabal that helped to create the censorship network that Dr. Shiva exposed in his lawsuit. You can't make this stuff up! Want solutions? Go to www.truthfreedomandhealth.com.

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