The lack of long-term effectiveness of mRNA vaccines is a feature, not a bug. It’s much more profitable for Big Pharma to have a never ending stream of required boosters instead of a vaccine that is effective in the long-term.

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How long until there's a subscription offer from big pharma for their interventions?

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Mandated experimental synthetic genetic needle injection (therapy?!) Failure. To say the least.

Also, and again, No covid infected Unvaccinated's LLPC were tested for comparison. Only two of their other M.O. injections were compared.

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LLPC could also be used to describe the real problem here - Long Lived Political Corruption. This alternate LLPC is the explanation for our lack of knowledge about the issues/shortcomings of the mRNA shots. Big pharma wanted to make a fortune and paid politicians handsomely for pushing the “vaccines” on an uninformed public. Fauci and his cronies should be incarcerated after being financially impoverished.

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Jack will you do an updated immunology video with Dr Steven Pelech he is now working on publishing the results of his nearly three year clinical trial.


So people who have natural immunity .....

its unlikely they will get sick again so that immunity protects them as you go out in the environment and the virus is there your constantly being boosted naturally against the virus. That enhances the level of antibodies your producing to protect you while that virus is in the environment. Thats called immune memory memory B Cells and T Cells, the B Cells produce the antibodies, the T Cells attack cells that are infected with the virus

The good news is that these antibodies can last for decades these antibody producing B Cells and T Cells you can have immune protection for probably the rest of your life.




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Except I did get sick again. (Had Omicron and JN.1, in addition to that originally circulating in February 2020.) The long Covid headache just wouldn't go away, not for long even using ivermectin. Bromelain (from fresh pineapple) seems to have provided more enduring relief. The mechanism for short-lived, or very narrow (such as to rapidly-mutating spike protein), immunity appears to be distinct from the ψmRNA "vaccine". Something specific to spikes? Disappointing this article didn't address possible mechanisms.

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It can harbour in your gut for years, reactivate later, it can hide inside bacteria like a Trojan horse. People sometimes think they have covid again but it can be reactivation of what’s in the body. See Dr Carlo Brogna work and videos. He has published a book years ago. Dr Philip Mc Millian and Dr Chetty, Joachim Gerlach have been covering this for years, interviews with Dr Carlo Brogna also. He has two substacks on on long covid. Viral persistence.

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Sure why not.

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Vaccines, all of them, need to be banned. No need for any at all.

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The initial success was pure Deception. That shit was intended to harm and kill from day one.

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But doesn't the quick mutation of the corona virus make even the best LLPC's a moot point? The same is true for flu, I assume. I have not, nor ever will, get shots for either.

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Based on my reading, most of the heavy lifting is done by the mucosal immune system anyway which does not get antigen specific but rather better at general pattern recognition. While some antibodies are created against viral particles that enter the bloodstream, these are mostly for viral cleanup and directed at finctionally-constrainef proteins which stay relatively consistent across similar viruses (eg coronaviruses)

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This is in direct contrast to natural immunity following infection that does produce LLPC. (I read a study on it in early 2021 that talked extensively about the results meaning natural immunity lasted at least 5 years)

Do you think people who took the vaccine will ever develop the ability to have longer term immunity, or is there immune response forever altered by the vaccine? (I have natural immunity and accepted isolation and discrimination rather than taking the vaccine)

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IgG4 CSR we see after about 3 doses of engineered mRNA is also more associated with SLPCs rather than long lived.

I need to do a walkthrough of this excellent review, this covers a lot of ground:

Short- and Long-Lived Autoantibody-Secreting Cells in Autoimmune Neurological Disorders (2021)


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What is the status of LLPCs in unvaccinated people who have been infected? After reading this article, it's unclear to me if LLPCs are just abscent with this virus in general or if it's specific to the vaccinated.

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Well I can’t say I’m much surprised knowing the marketed mindset of corporate greed just like everything else made nowadays washing machine parts furnaces appliances nothing is made good anymore so from the standpoint of a marketable sell if something doesn’t last long you gotta keep on buying and getting a vaccine, remember that comical clip ran on YouTube about Dr. Peter Hotez saying it was always a two dose vaccine first then 3 shot then 4 shot five shot and on , now says a yearly covid vaccine is now is needed , money maker not about health always about money off of a dire situation……

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Thank you for this excellent post and update on the science.

"Fauci and friends told the world that we would have to wait until the vaccines were used on hundreds of thousands of people to determine if they induced durable immunity. That was false." The REGULATORS are so beyond captured.

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We should take a step back. We have known for a 100+ years that we should not inject ANY alien protein. It is impossible to manufacture protein-free vaccines. So ALL injected vaccines are unavoidably unsafe. I predicted and warned the FDA BEFORE EUA that mRNA vaccines will cause de novo asthma due to aeroallergen contamination.


Now proven:


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A few weeks back here in NZ they reported a 40% rise in asthma and lung diseases in the latest study period 2020-2022. Why they took all of 2023 and the bulk of 2024 before reporting on that study I guess is something for the misinformation super-spreaders to speculate upon ;-)

The report, in a PDF is here:


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Can someone help me understand something about this please? It showed jabbed + infected still didn't have the LLPCs. Was there any distinction made about if the most recent event was jabbed or infected? I ask because if those who were infected after their last jab still did not produce LLPCs, that's seriously scary.

But even if they were jabbed after being infected, did the study explain how the jabs knock out those LLPCs?

Also, did they look at anyone infected but never jabbed, just to rule out something about the virus itself that still doesn't produce many LLPCs?

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