deletedNov 21, 2021Liked by James Lyons-Weiler
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Wow super impressive work. Thank you for the framework of assessment. I can spot the mainstream narrative but I am constantly trying to figure out if the counter narrative is fake or meant to discredit the opposition. It can be hard to spot the controlled opposition. Why are the comments not enabled on the article?

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The origin of the weaponization of the term is the CIA, in its document "Countering Criticism of The Warren Report" https://archive.org/details/COUNTERINGCRITICISMOFTHEWARRENREPORT/page/n7/mode/2up

"From the day of President Kennedy's assassination on, there has been speculation about the responsibility for his murder... In most cases the critics have speculated as to the existence of some kind of conspiracy and often they have implied that the Commission itself was involved... This trend of opinion is a matter of concern to the U.S. government... Conspiracy theories have frequently thrown suspicion on our organization... The aim of this dispatch is to provide material for countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims... We do not recommend that discussion of the assassination question be initiated where it is not already taking place. Where discussion is active, however, addresses are requested:

To discuss the publicity problem with liaison and friendly elite contacts (especially politicians and editors) pointing out... that the charges of the critics are without serious foundation and that further speculative discussion only plays into the hands of the opposition. Point out also that parts of the conspiracy talk appear to be deliberately generated by Communist propagandists...

To employ propaganda assets to answer and refute the attacks of the critics... Our play should point out as applicable that the critics are (i) wedded to theories adopted before the evidence was in (ii) politically interested (iii) financially interested (iv) hasty and inaccurate in their research or (v) infatuated with their own theories.

In private or media discussion not directed at any particular writer or in attacking publications which may be yet forthcoming the following arguments should be useful. A. No significant new evidence has emerged which the Commission did not consider... B. Critics usually overvalue particular items and ignore others... C. CONSPIRACY ON THE LARGE SCALE OFTEN SUGGESTED WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE TO CONCEAL IN THE UNITED STATES... D. Critics have often been enticed by a form of intellectual pride..."

The document goes on to cite many more rhetorical methods, logical fallacies, false accusations, and disinformation techniques to disparage truth seekers and bury the facts.

"Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation" http://www.whale.to/m/disin.html

"Logical Fallacies, An Encyclopedia of Errors of Reasoning" https://www.logicalfallacies.info/

Logical Fallacies with Dr Michael Labossiere https://youtu.be/h9_XuSCI6Ps

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James, you are so sharp. Your work is brilliant. I am blow away by your essays - the Biden administration, FDA, CDC, AICP, ACOG, AMA, WHO, ACP, and almost every major hospital organization in america (and many others) continue to show complete disregard for true scientific principles and put Americans lives at risk from their reckless mandates.

I read your post “ ACIP, FDA, CDC Have No Data, But Approve Boosters For All The Public” with shock and awe. How could the AICP Vote to approve the booster with no safety data at all? What kind of people could do such a thing? Certainly no true doctor would do such a thing. These AICP members do NOT deserve to be called doctors or scientists. They must be called out for who they are: malicious, corrupt, greedy, unscientific, incompetent persons who do not deserve to be called “doctors”. We must demand they resign their medical licenses immediately for their blatant disrespect for human life. A doctors first oath is to “do no harm”. For the AICP to approve the booster for all Americans with literally NO SAFETY DATA proves they could care less who will be hurt by their feckless behavior.

Do you have the names of the people on the AICP committee at the meeting who voted to approve the booster with NO SAFETY DATA?

Please publish a list of their names on your substack.

Social media needs to know the names of EVERY AICP member. We must contact our state Governors with their names of these dangerous people. We must demand they be held accountable for the numerous vaccines injuries that will soon occur from this outrageously irresponsible behavior.

In fact, we should sue each member of the committee personally and hold them personally responsible for vaccine booster induced manslaughter.

We can NOT take this lying down.

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