From a toxicological perspective, this is very solid and well referenced evidence of harm.

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This information needs to be shared widely!

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On a completely different topic (and sorry to be off topic), but have you had a chance to read this paper yet on the BLAST of sars-cov 2 and who exactly owns the FCS patent? https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fviro.2022.834808/full

This is mind blowing.

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Posting it to my Children in Families & Communities class (they'll like the beer part...)

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I wonder about geo engineering of our air with nano particles of aluminum by the military all over earth! I have watched as this happens for 5 decades here on the coast of Texas! If it can be inhaled by humans and all animals we are all in trouble! It even is getting into our water, food and plants we eat! It is like everyone is committing suicide by eating, drinking and breathing!

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