The Pfizer safety study was court ordered to be released in 2022. What was found is the mRNA vaccines induced SARS COV 1 & 2, MERS, RSV, Pneumonia, Influenza, and 9 pages of side effects including several sexually transmitted diseases as well. They were court ordered again in 2024 to release the rest of the results and even more corruption was revealed.

In 2018 Emergex White Paper on Influenza vaccines showed that these Influenza vaccines block the CD8+ T-cell response. Causing infection in the vaccinated

DoD also released their Cellular Interference from the Influenza vaccine study showing that the vaccine caused cellular interference especially in the young and elderly causing death. So what does the FDA/CDC do? They increase the active ingredient for the elderly. Now Emergex and The DoD removed their studies. DoD claiming they removed the study because it did not show cellular interference. So why remove the study if this was what it showed?

Then in 2017-2020 the new ingredient in the HEP B vaccine prior to approval showed an increase in Myocardial infarction. Yet the vaccine review board approved this vaccine in less than 10 sec all votes were yes. Then the FDA makes a statement COVID 19 is causing heart attacks especially in the elderly.

To me these vaccine Bioweapons are used for a killing season to blame it on the flu.

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So are you saying this is all a deportation med op?

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My granddaughter went to the hospital with a rash, and not feeling well, they never tested her, they told her it was bed bug bites and gave her a steroid shot, and sent her home. She got worse, her mother took her to a different hospital, they did a bunch of tests, and she had influenza A. My daughter is now refusing to pay the first hospital, and we’ve been spending the word.

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Is there a correlation with repeated Covid vaccinations with what I see in Oregon data of ILIs in Long Term Care Facilities? Additionally this population gets the more potent flu vaccines?

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So Dr. JLW you’re proposing a truly” safe & effective” vaccine? Wouldn’t that be wonderful. I won’t hold my breath.

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Thanks for the references!

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Excellent work on this! Thank you.

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So now some are proving what was said by a few at the beginning, that part of the dark "design" of these bioweapons was to reduce a person's immune system after each dose, so that by the time you got to the 2nd or 3rd booster, your immunity (to ANYTHING) would be down to about 25% of what it started out at.

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"The highest percentage of dose-specific BTI reports of total BTI reports was seen following dose 4 (30%), followed by dose 3 (16%) and doses 1 and 2 (4% and 12%, respectively), despite absolute counts of reports per dose being the highest in the cases of doses 3 and 4 (N=11,330, N=31,739, N=14,999, N=10,436, doses 1-4, respectively). "

Something seems to be in error here.

Personally, I am not sure that monotonically increasing PRRs says much to rule out reporting bias. ALso I would want to see a different kind of PRR comparing each individual dose to the other three doses as the control.

Also, would dose 4 by any chance happened around the seasonal flu? THe flu could be diagnosed as covid breakthrough. Or it could be peopel getting flu vaccine suffering deleterious NSE's.

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