I just read where the dynamic interplay between arginine and lysine can make a huge positive difference in the citrullnation process to keep it from being excessive and to help mobilize proper immune response. Also, I knew a mother and her daughter who both had RA and after a month or two taking daily doses of mineral toddy (full spectrum trace minerals) all their symptoms disappeared. When they later went off the minerals, their RA symptoms came back!

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Thank you, Ginger, interesting!

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What are the doses for both....very interesting..... 🙏

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Hi Stella, I don't know the dose required for the lysine, as I don't have RA and am only taking extra lysine since reading the article in the Weston A Price Journal. However, it has truly helped reduce herpes outbreaks and has helped me detox better. The mineral toddy is a product by the MLM Youngevity. Here is the link. https://www.amazon.com/Youngevity-Minerals-Multi-Mineral-Colloidal-Servings/dp/B006N9N2DO/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=mineral+toddy&qid=1693688803&sr=8-3

The dose is one ounce a day of this. Youngevity also has a related full spectrum product called Ultra Body Toddy which the mother-daughter pair may also have been taking at the rate of an ounce a day alongside the straight minerals. They may also have been taking a double dose, I have no way of finding out now, so if you decide to try it, muscle test for your correct dose, or titrate up starting with 1 ounce and then moving to 2 etc.

Minerals can be life changing in a positive way if you haven't taken them much. I'm 76 and my hair is still brown!

Best wishes!

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Thank you so much, Ginger....my mom has RA and I am getting lots of muscle aches and pains recently......there is lysine in my vit c powder that I take everyday....I also take arginine daily so that's why I wanted to know if I was taking enough...I will check out the mineral link....much appreciated.... ❤

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After reading about the lysine in the current Weston A Price Journal, I would not recommend taking ANY arginine at all! It seems that arginine is made in our bodies but lysine is not. Arginine will take over the receptor sites for lysine and throw you out of balance in a bad way over time. I'd recommend that you read the article in the journal. The Weston A Price Foundation is at this link, and you can click to choose a free journal to read (hopefully you can choose this latest one!). https://www.westonaprice.org Best wishes

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What disturbs me is the only environmental consideration we give to disease is smoking when our lives are inundated with toxins. www.fragrancefreecoalition.com

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Autoepitopes (22 of 27) in rheumatoid arthritis differ from vaccine antigens by a single amino acid residue, ideal for low affinity self reactive T cell mediated autoimmunity and aluminum adjuvant promotes citrullination of vaccine antigens thus the synthesis of ACPA


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Thank you, Vinu!

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You write:

'and they may (noted) not have undergone the same rigorous clinical trials and regulatory approvals as conventional treatments.'

In 2023 do many really buy into these woefully inaccurate generalisations any more.

Rigorous = as and when it suits.

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