That is very interesting.

I have been avoiding "foods" with preservatives for 2 decades, with the vague idea that - if it prevents microbes from feeding on it, it may as well do that in my gut, and starve them.

Now more suff added to the list... oh wait... I don't buy things where the label looks at a first glance like there are > 5 ingredients anyway, lol. And strongly prefer "whole foods".

Seems ever more like a good idea, eh?

Mike Mutzel / High Intensity Health youtube channel, some weeks ago, presented a bird's eye view study of "who eats a lot, vs. not" of "ultra processed foods" as a broad label, and guess which groop had all sorts of health parameters worse than the other, incl dementia, IIRC.

I wonder whether the routine food (produce) irradiation in the US (so I've been told), that supposedly kills bad germs, whatever they may be, also may not exactly help keep a healthy gut biome.

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And neither will pasteurization.

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Yes, eating _everything_ cooked to death would not seem a good idea.

I do get "live" sauerkraut here and there (and mix it with other stuff, as I don't enjoy sour things much), and things I know to be heat sensitive, e.g. broccoli (sulphuraphane) or bell pepper (vit-c) I throw in after cooking. Something to actually chew on, as long as the teeth support it, probably a good idea.

That reminds me:

There was an interesting podcast of DarkHorse 1...3 years ago, with a guy talking about the bad long-tem effects of giving children braces on the teeth (root problems in adulthood), and why this is even necessary - there seems to be some evidence that it's because of our food habits. Children really should be chomping on fresh hard stuff as early as they can, and not eat the cooked mushy stuff that most civilized people eat. The consequences are different jaw structure.

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And from what I understand they can be added to supplements and other less regulated substances without any labeling. A trip through Whole Foods shows a myriad of unhealthy foods advertised as healthy.

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Thanks for the information. I have started my own journey to fortify my gut with the right microbes. Made my first batch of kefir & kefir yogurt last week. Our gut health is extremely important for whole body health.

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Silicon dioxide is sand. Earth's species have been eating it for billions of years and we are surely well adapted by now. I would have to see an /in vivo/ study before believing this stuff is bad for you. Remember that many toxins are actually necessary in small quantities just as nutrients are toxic in large quantities.

Thats not to say the processed food that they put silicon dioxide into is good for you.

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I've noted soups which once had, before pandemic, sodium contents of 28% to 32%. Now the sodium content of the very same cans of soup is anywhere from 72% to 80% !

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Silicon Dioxide is just sand. People have been accidentally consuming some sand as part of their food for thousands of years.

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Off the top of my head, white salad dressings and a lot of pharmaceuticals and makeup contain TD and SD

Great article ty!

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Titanium oxide is in sunscreens. A good reason to avoid them.

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Good find, thanks!

I suspect that micronized cellulose, rice hulls, etc have the same effects.

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Just eat whole fresh organic foods. Nothing processed.

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It's also in supplements, right? Should that also be avoided? Thx!!

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My melatonin capsules have titanium dioxide, I am screwed up

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