Oh goody. Another virus gold-mine for Big Pharma and bioweapon for the U.S. military to use against U.S. citizens (not to mention for the "Elite Globalists" to use against the entire world population excluding themselves). Is there any doubt that monkeypox has been/is being "enhanced" in labs to make it serve its evil purposes better?

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Aug 22Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

I Just Finished Writing A Book.

It’s Called:

“Vaccines For Dummies”

That’s As Far As I Got.

I Figured I ‘Nailed It With The Title.

My Publisher Agreed.

I Made So Much Money From It That I Am Going To Publish The Sequel For Free:

“Vaccines For Dead People”

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It seems that cdc, and all their croneys are bargaining for auto lockdown when contracting the pox due to stigmatization. Like being a leper. Perfect for lockdowns. Fear makes the earth all flat again. That is what the designers of fear are hoping for. And why is it all of a sudden so widely spreading? Tampered with, or is it because the long covid due to tampered sarscov2 as well as treatment made us all sooooo much more vulnerable for many pathogens and viruses, mediocre and serious.

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Yes, that is the policy of the FDA, Not surprised at all. The list looks formidable and the Bad effects not listed as usual. That's because the experimentation has yet to see outcomes.

There is a laundry list of antivirals that are natural therapeutics, inexpensive and effective. These include homeopathic remedies. herbal remedies, nutritional remedies of all varieties from propolis to colloidal silver and amino acids. The problem is an old one with the FDA officially stating to only promote pharmaceuticals and maintain a policy to stop any competition that interferes with pharmaceutical sales.

Right now, grandfathered in homeopathic remedies under the FDA are attacked as well as alternative therapeutics. Even Informed Consent, a Rule of Law, is being officially denied by the FDA in pharmaceutical trials.


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CDC owns the patents on 57 different vaccines, while the NIH own patents on over 200!

That is just the organisation's, as individuals, within the organisations, also own patents!

The patent holder is paid, each time a patent is used.

They do not have to publicly declare this.

Why do these publicly financed organisations own patents and why do the patents not belong to the public?

Considering who recommends which vaccines are used, this is clearly a conflict of interest.

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Bingo! A very informative and important comment.

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